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LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:691 */ struct __darwin_x86_thread_full_state64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_thread_full_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:691 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_inp_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_inp_arg ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_inp_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_lldiv_t_86583852 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:94 */ struct __anonstruct_lldiv_t_86583852 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_lldiv_t_86583852 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:94 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_float_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:714 */ struct __darwin_x86_float_state64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_float_state64 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LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:47 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx32 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:47 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL copy_target LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct copy_target ; /* END STRUCT-DECL copy_target LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx512_32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:56 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx512_32 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx512_32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:56 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL output_buf LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct output_buf ; /* END STRUCT-DECL output_buf LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:39 */ struct __darwin_mcontext32 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:39 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __x86_pagein_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:622 */ struct __x86_pagein_state ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __x86_pagein_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:622 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL tm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:75 */ struct tm ; /* END STRUCT-DECL tm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:75 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_tree LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_tree ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_tree LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_attr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:63 */ struct _opaque_pthread_attr_t ; /* END STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_attr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:63 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL sigstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:367 */ struct sigstack ; /* END STRUCT-DECL sigstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:367 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_exception_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1172 */ struct __darwin_x86_exception_state64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_exception_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1172 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_thread_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:46 */ struct __darwin_i386_thread_state ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_thread_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:46 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL accessx_descriptor LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:132 */ struct accessx_descriptor ; /* END STRUCT-DECL accessx_descriptor LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:132 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_prepared_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_prepared_args ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_prepared_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_w_T_529377834 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ struct __anonstruct_w_T_529377834 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_w_T_529377834 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_debug_state32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:595 */ struct __darwin_x86_debug_state32 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_debug_state32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:595 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL timespec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timespec.h:33 */ struct timespec ; /* END STRUCT-DECL timespec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timespec.h:33 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_ucontext LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ucontext.h:42 */ struct __darwin_ucontext ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_ucontext LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ucontext.h:42 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL transfer_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct transfer_info ; /* END STRUCT-DECL transfer_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:138 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64_full ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:138 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_avx_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:318 */ struct __darwin_i386_avx_state ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_avx_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:318 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __siginfo LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:177 */ struct __siginfo ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __siginfo LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:177 */ /* BEGIN UNION-DECL __anonunion_amd64_imm_buf_34291009 LOC=UNKNOWN */ union __anonunion_amd64_imm_buf_34291009 ; /* END UNION-DECL __anonunion_amd64_imm_buf_34291009 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_once_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:88 */ struct _opaque_pthread_once_t ; /* END STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_once_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:88 */ /* BEGIN UNION-DECL __anonunion_x86_imm_buf_876386805 LOC=UNKNOWN */ union __anonunion_x86_imm_buf_876386805 ; /* END UNION-DECL __anonunion_x86_imm_buf_876386805 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_xmm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:213 */ struct __darwin_xmm_reg ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_xmm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:213 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL fd_set LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_fd_def.h:50 */ struct fd_set ; /* END STRUCT-DECL fd_set LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_fd_def.h:50 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_arg_layout LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_arg_layout ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_arg_layout LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_avx_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:765 */ struct __darwin_x86_avx_state64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_avx_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:765 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_avx512_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:833 */ struct __darwin_x86_avx512_state64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_avx512_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:833 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:97 */ struct __darwin_mcontext64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:97 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_out_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_out_arg ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_out_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN UNION-DECL __sigaction_u LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:269 */ union __sigaction_u ; /* END UNION-DECL __sigaction_u LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:269 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_rmap LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_rmap ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_rmap LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN UNION-DECL _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$node LOC=UNKNOWN */ union _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$node ; /* END UNION-DECL _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$node LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_disasm LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_disasm ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_disasm LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL itimerval LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:91 */ struct itimerval ; /* END STRUCT-DECL itimerval LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:91 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL rusage_info_v4 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:282 */ struct rusage_info_v4 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL rusage_info_v4 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:282 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __sigaction LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:276 */ struct __sigaction ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __sigaction LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:276 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL sigevent LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:168 */ struct sigevent ; /* END STRUCT-DECL sigevent LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:168 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_exception_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:575 */ struct __darwin_i386_exception_state ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_exception_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:575 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_avx512_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:364 */ struct __darwin_i386_avx512_state ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_avx512_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:364 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:113 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:113 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_ldiv_t_748949161 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:88 */ struct __anonstruct_ldiv_t_748949161 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_ldiv_t_748949161 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:88 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_cpmu_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1220 */ struct __darwin_x86_cpmu_state64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_cpmu_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1220 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL timezone LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:129 */ struct timezone ; /* END STRUCT-DECL timezone LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:129 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_arg_layout_location LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_arg_layout_location ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_arg_layout_location LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_pthread_handler_rec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:57 */ struct __darwin_pthread_handler_rec ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_pthread_handler_rec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:57 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_w_S_529377835 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ struct __anonstruct_w_S_529377835 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_w_S_529377835 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_fp_control LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:92 */ struct __darwin_fp_control ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_fp_control LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:92 */ /* BEGIN UNION-DECL wait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ union wait ; /* END UNION-DECL wait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:130 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:130 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_thread_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:633 */ struct __darwin_x86_thread_state64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_thread_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:633 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL rlimit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:365 */ struct rlimit ; /* END STRUCT-DECL rlimit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:365 */ /* BEGIN ENUM-DECL __anonenum_idtype_t_558242672 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:79 */ enum __anonenum_idtype_t_558242672 ; /* END ENUM-DECL __anonenum_idtype_t_558242672 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:79 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __sbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:92 */ struct __sbuf ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __sbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:92 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:93 */ struct _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t ; /* END STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:93 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_zmm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:245 */ struct __darwin_zmm_reg ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_zmm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:245 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_jit_hw_reg_312769258 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct __anonstruct_jit_hw_reg_312769258 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_jit_hw_reg_312769258 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:105 */ struct __darwin_mcontext64_full ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_mcontext64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:105 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __sFILE LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:126 */ struct __sFILE ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __sFILE LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:126 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL rusage LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:152 */ struct rusage ; /* END STRUCT-DECL rusage LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:152 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_func_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_func_info ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_func_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_ymm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:229 */ struct __darwin_ymm_reg ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_ymm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:229 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_allocator_hint LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_allocator_hint ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_allocator_hint LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_sigaltstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_sigaltstack.h:42 */ struct __darwin_sigaltstack ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_sigaltstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_sigaltstack.h:42 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_reg_allocator LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_reg_allocator ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_reg_allocator LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL timeval64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timeval64.h:34 */ struct timeval64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL timeval64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timeval64.h:34 */ /* BEGIN ENUM-DECL jit_inp_type LOC=UNKNOWN */ enum jit_inp_type ; /* END ENUM-DECL jit_inp_type LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN UNION-DECL __anonunion_value_137411616 LOC=UNKNOWN */ union __anonunion_value_137411616 ; /* END UNION-DECL __anonunion_value_137411616 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_debug_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_debug_info ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_debug_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_condattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:73 */ struct _opaque_pthread_condattr_t ; /* END STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_condattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:73 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:98 */ struct _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t ; /* END STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:98 */ /* BEGIN ENUM-DECL __anonenum_788482901 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:130 */ enum __anonenum_788482901 ; /* END ENUM-DECL __anonenum_788482901 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:130 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:83 */ struct _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t ; /* END STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:83 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL sched_param LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:35 */ struct sched_param ; /* END STRUCT-DECL sched_param LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:35 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_float_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:281 */ struct __darwin_i386_float_state ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_i386_float_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:281 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL rusage_info_v1 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:209 */ struct rusage_info_v1 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL rusage_info_v1 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:209 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_mutex_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:78 */ struct _opaque_pthread_mutex_t ; /* END STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_mutex_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:78 */ /* BEGIN UNION-DECL __anonunion_location_773697288 LOC=UNKNOWN */ union __anonunion_location_773697288 ; /* END UNION-DECL __anonunion_location_773697288 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN ENUM-DECL __anonenum_clockid_t_447627989 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:153 */ enum __anonenum_clockid_t_447627989 ; /* END ENUM-DECL __anonenum_clockid_t_447627989 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:153 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_debug_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1192 */ struct __darwin_x86_debug_state64 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __darwin_x86_debug_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1192 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL sigvec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:348 */ struct sigvec ; /* END STRUCT-DECL sigvec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:348 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_div_t_773697287 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:83 */ struct __anonstruct_div_t_773697287 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __anonstruct_div_t_773697287 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:83 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL rusage_info_v0 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:195 */ struct rusage_info_v0 ; /* END STRUCT-DECL rusage_info_v0 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:195 */ /* BEGIN UNION-DECL __anonunion___mbstate_t_250061491 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:76 */ union __anonunion___mbstate_t_250061491 ; /* END UNION-DECL __anonunion___mbstate_t_250061491 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:76 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_exec_mem LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_exec_mem ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_exec_mem LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL sigaction LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:286 */ struct sigaction ; /* END STRUCT-DECL sigaction LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:286 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL jit_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_label ; /* END STRUCT-DECL jit_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_cond_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:68 */ struct _opaque_pthread_cond_t ; /* END STRUCT-DECL _opaque_pthread_cond_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:68 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strchr(char * , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llround LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llround(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llround LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctz LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ctz(unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctz LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mrand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:218 */ extern long mrand48(void) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use arc4random instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mrand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:218 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strncasecmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_strncasecmp(char const * , char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strncasecmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_ssize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:119 */ typedef long __darwin_ssize_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_ssize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:119 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acosf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_acosf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acosf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_cond_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:68 */ struct _opaque_pthread_cond_t { long __sig ; char __opaque[40] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_cond_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:68 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_cond_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:110 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_cond_t __darwin_pthread_cond_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_cond_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:110 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_cond_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_cond_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_cond_t pthread_cond_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_cond_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_cond_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_mutex_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:78 */ struct _opaque_pthread_mutex_t { long __sig ; char __opaque[56] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_mutex_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:78 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_mutex_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:113 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_mutex_t __darwin_pthread_mutex_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_mutex_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:113 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_mutex_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_mutex_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_mutex_t pthread_mutex_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_mutex_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_mutex_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:535 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(pthread_cond_t * , pthread_mutex_t * , struct timespec const * _Nullable ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:535 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF FILE LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:126 */ typedef struct __sFILE FILE; /* END TYPEDEF FILE LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:126 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:171 */ extern int putc(int , FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:171 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_attr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:63 */ struct _opaque_pthread_attr_t { long __sig ; char __opaque[56] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_attr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:63 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_attr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:109 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_attr_t __darwin_pthread_attr_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_attr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:109 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_attr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_attr_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_attr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_attr_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF qos_class_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:130 */ typedef unsigned int qos_class_t; /* END TYPEDEF qos_class_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:130 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_get_qos_class_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:114 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=8.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.10))) pthread_attr_get_qos_class_np(pthread_attr_t * __restrict __attr , qos_class_t * _Nullable __restrict __qos_class , int * _Nullable __restrict __relative_priority ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_get_qos_class_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:114 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_strcmp(char const * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_arg_layout_create LOC=UNKNOWN */ static struct jit_arg_layout *jit_arg_layout_create(struct jit *jit , int arg_cnt ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_arg_layout_create LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __darwin_fd_isset LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline int ( __attribute__((__always_inline__)) __darwin_fd_isset)(int _fd , struct fd_set const *_p ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL __darwin_fd_isset LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmodf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_fmodf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmodf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_exit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:349 */ extern __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) pthread_exit(void * _Nullable ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_exit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:349 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_patch_external_calls LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_patch_external_calls(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_patch_external_calls LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_abort LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_abort(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_abort LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clrsb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_clrsb(int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clrsb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ctermid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_ctermid.h:26 */ extern char *ctermid(char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ctermid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_ctermid.h:26 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_arg LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_va_arg(__builtin_va_list , unsigned long long , void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_arg LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmodf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_fmodf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmodf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmodf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_fmodf16(_Float16 , _Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmodf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random_addrandom LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:265 */ extern void arc4random_addrandom(unsigned char * , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,deprecated=3.0,message="use arc4random_stir"), __availability__(watchos,introduced=1.0), __availability__(tvos,deprecated=10.0,message="use arc4random_stir"), __availability__(tvos,introduced=2.0), __availability__(ios,deprecated=10.0,message="use arc4random_stir"), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macosx,deprecated=10.12,message="use arc4random_stir"), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.0))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random_addrandom LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:265 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fputs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:157 */ extern int fputs(char const * __restrict , FILE * __restrict ) __asm__("_fputs") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fputs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:157 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __int32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:44 */ typedef int __int32_t; /* END TYPEDEF __int32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:44 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_suseconds_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:74 */ typedef __int32_t __darwin_suseconds_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_suseconds_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:74 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_time_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:120 */ typedef long __darwin_time_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_time_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:120 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT timeval LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timeval.h:34 */ struct timeval { __darwin_time_t tv_sec ; __darwin_suseconds_t tv_usec ; }; /* END STRUCT timeval LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timeval.h:34 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT rusage LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:152 */ struct rusage { struct timeval ru_utime ; struct timeval ru_stime ; long ru_maxrss ; long ru_ixrss ; long ru_idrss ; long ru_isrss ; long ru_minflt ; long ru_majflt ; long ru_nswap ; long ru_inblock ; long ru_oublock ; long ru_msgsnd ; long ru_msgrcv ; long ru_nsignals ; long ru_nvcsw ; long ru_nivcsw ; }; /* END STRUCT rusage LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:152 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN funlockfile LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:288 */ extern void funlockfile(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN funlockfile LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:288 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setiopolicy_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:453 */ extern int setiopolicy_np(int , int , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setiopolicy_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:453 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setstackaddr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:284 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setstackaddr(pthread_attr_t * , void * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setstackaddr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:284 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_set_qos_class_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:83 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=8.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.10))) pthread_attr_set_qos_class_np(pthread_attr_t *__attr , qos_class_t __qos_class , int __relative_priority ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_set_qos_class_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:83 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN brk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:540 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) void __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,unavailable), __availability__(tvos,unavailable))) *brk(void const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN brk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:540 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setitimer LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:201 */ extern int setitimer(int , struct itimerval const * __restrict , struct itimerval * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setitimer LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:201 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acos LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_acos(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acos LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL ob_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ static struct output_buf *ob_new(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL ob_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN optreset LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:782 */ extern int optreset ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN optreset LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:782 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_ctanl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF u_int64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_u_int64_t.h:30 */ typedef unsigned long long u_int64_t; /* END TYPEDEF u_int64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_u_int64_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tmpfile LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:182 */ extern FILE *tmpfile(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tmpfile LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:182 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_ctanhf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getloadavg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:296 */ extern int getloadavg(double * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getloadavg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:296 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpass LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:559 */ extern char *getpass(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpass LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:559 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_tree LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef struct jit_tree jit_tree; /* END TYPEDEF jit_tree LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_value LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef long jit_value; /* END TYPEDEF jit_value LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_tree_key LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef jit_value jit_tree_key; /* END TYPEDEF jit_tree_key LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_tree_value LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef void *jit_tree_value; /* END TYPEDEF jit_tree_value LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL node_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *node_new(jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL node_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __uint32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:45 */ typedef unsigned int __uint32_t; /* END TYPEDEF __uint32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:45 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_wctype_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types.h:43 */ typedef __uint32_t __darwin_wctype_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_wctype_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types.h:43 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_arg_pack LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_va_arg_pack(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_arg_pack LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __uint8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:41 */ typedef unsigned char __uint8_t; /* END TYPEDEF __uint8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:41 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_casinh(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_rmap LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_rmap { jit_tree *map ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_rmap LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isfinite LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isfinite(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isfinite LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_arg_layout_create_input LOC=UNKNOWN */ static struct jit_arg_layout *jit_arg_layout_create_input(struct jit *jit , struct jit_func_info *info , int arg_cnt ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_arg_layout_create_input LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rintl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_rintl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rintl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isgreater LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isgreater(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isgreater LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fileno LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:212 */ extern int fileno(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fileno LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:212 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_va_list LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:98 */ typedef __builtin_va_list __darwin_va_list; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_va_list LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:98 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF va_list LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_va_list.h:32 */ typedef __darwin_va_list va_list; /* END TYPEDEF va_list LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_va_list.h:32 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vsprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:192 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vsprintf)(char * __restrict , char const * __restrict , va_list ) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use vsnprintf instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vsprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:192 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:191 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vprintf)(char const * __restrict , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:191 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_gid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:60 */ typedef __uint32_t __darwin_gid_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_gid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:60 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF gid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_gid_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_gid_t gid_t; /* END TYPEDEF gid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_gid_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getgroups LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:456 */ extern int getgroups(int , gid_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getgroups LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:456 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expm1l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_expm1l(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expm1l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtok_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:104 */ extern char *strtok_r(char *__str , char const *__sep , char **__lasts ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtok_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:104 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:118 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_t *__darwin_pthread_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:118 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_t pthread_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_self LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:477 */ extern pthread_t __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) pthread_self(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_self LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:477 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_join_addmul LOC=UNKNOWN */ int jit_optimize_join_addmul(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_join_addmul LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csqrt LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_csqrt(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csqrt LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcasecmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:78 */ extern int strcasecmp(char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcasecmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:78 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_fp_control LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:92 */ struct __darwin_fp_control { unsigned short __invalid : 1 ; unsigned short __denorm : 1 ; unsigned short __zdiv : 1 ; unsigned short __ovrfl : 1 ; unsigned short __undfl : 1 ; unsigned short __precis : 1 ; unsigned short : 2 ; unsigned short __pc : 2 ; unsigned short __rc : 2 ; unsigned short : 1 ; unsigned short : 3 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_fp_control LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:92 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_fp_status LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:150 */ struct __darwin_fp_status { unsigned short __invalid : 1 ; unsigned short __denorm : 1 ; unsigned short __zdiv : 1 ; unsigned short __ovrfl : 1 ; unsigned short __undfl : 1 ; unsigned short __precis : 1 ; unsigned short __stkflt : 1 ; unsigned short __errsumm : 1 ; unsigned short __c0 : 1 ; unsigned short __c1 : 1 ; unsigned short __c2 : 1 ; unsigned short __tos : 3 ; unsigned short __c3 : 1 ; unsigned short __busy : 1 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_fp_status LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:150 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mmst_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:194 */ struct __darwin_mmst_reg { char __mmst_reg[10] ; char __mmst_rsrv[6] ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mmst_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:194 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_xmm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:213 */ struct __darwin_xmm_reg { char __xmm_reg[16] ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_xmm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:213 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __uint16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:43 */ typedef unsigned short __uint16_t; /* END TYPEDEF __uint16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:43 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_i386_avx_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:318 */ struct __darwin_i386_avx_state { int __fpu_reserved[2] ; struct __darwin_fp_control __fpu_fcw ; struct __darwin_fp_status __fpu_fsw ; __uint8_t __fpu_ftw ; __uint8_t __fpu_rsrv1 ; __uint16_t __fpu_fop ; __uint32_t __fpu_ip ; __uint16_t __fpu_cs ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv2 ; __uint32_t __fpu_dp ; __uint16_t __fpu_ds ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv3 ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsr ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsrmask ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm0 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm1 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm2 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm3 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm4 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm5 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm6 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm7 ; char __fpu_rsrv4[224] ; int __fpu_reserved1 ; char __avx_reserved1[64] ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh7 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_i386_avx_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:318 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:72 */ typedef __int32_t __darwin_pid_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:72 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_pid_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pid_t pid_t; /* END TYPEDEF pid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_pid_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setpgrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:588 */ extern pid_t setpgrp(void) __asm__("_setpgrp") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setpgrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:588 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_hw_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef struct __anonstruct_jit_hw_reg_312769258 jit_hw_reg; /* END TYPEDEF jit_hw_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef struct jit_op jit_op; /* END TYPEDEF jit_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL is_active_register LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int is_active_register(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_hw_reg *reg , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL is_active_register LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clzs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_clzs(short ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clzs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ilogbf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ilogbf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ilogbf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkstempsat_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:689 */ extern int mkstempsat_np(int dfd , char *path , int slen ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=4.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=11.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=11.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.13))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkstempsat_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:689 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llrintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llrintf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llrintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_bottom LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___get_unsafe_stack_bottom(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_bottom LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF fd_set LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_fd_def.h:50 */ typedef struct fd_set fd_set; /* END TYPEDEF fd_set LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_fd_def.h:50 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jump_adjustment LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jump_adjustment(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jump_adjustment LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_condattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:73 */ struct _opaque_pthread_condattr_t { long __sig ; char __opaque[8] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_condattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:73 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_condattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:111 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_condattr_t __darwin_pthread_condattr_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_condattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:111 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_condattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_condattr_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_condattr_t pthread_condattr_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_condattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_condattr_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_condattr_getpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:324 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_condattr_getpshared(pthread_condattr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_condattr_getpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:324 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_asin(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ptsname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:221 */ extern char *ptsname(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ptsname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:221 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rand_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:229 */ extern int rand_r(unsigned int * ) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use arc4random instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rand_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:229 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_int32_t.h:30 */ typedef int int32_t; /* END TYPEDEF int32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_int32_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int_fast32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:42 */ typedef int32_t int_fast32_t; /* END TYPEDEF int_fast32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:42 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __int64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:46 */ typedef long long __int64_t; /* END TYPEDEF __int64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:46 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_off_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:71 */ typedef __int64_t __darwin_off_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_off_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:71 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF fpos_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:81 */ typedef __darwin_off_t fpos_t; /* END TYPEDEF fpos_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:81 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN daemon LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:292 */ extern int daemon(int , int ) __asm__("_daemon$1050") __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.0,deprecated=10.5,message="Use posix_spawn APIs instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN daemon LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:292 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF time_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_time_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_time_t time_t; /* END TYPEDEF time_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_time_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN time LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:118 */ extern time_t time(time_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN time LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:118 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_asinf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getopt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:509 */ extern int getopt(int , char ** , char const * ) __asm__("_getopt") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getopt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:509 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getsid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:553 */ extern pid_t getsid(pid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getsid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:553 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_fmaf128(_Float128 , _Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __srget LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:249 */ extern int __srget(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __srget LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:249 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fchdir LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:550 */ extern int fchdir(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fchdir LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:550 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_coshl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_coshl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_coshl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_size_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:92 */ typedef unsigned long __darwin_size_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_size_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:92 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF size_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_size_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_size_t size_t; /* END TYPEDEF size_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_size_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN malloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:40 */ extern void *( __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)) malloc)(size_t __size ) __attribute__((__alloc_size__(1))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN malloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:40 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN _exit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:430 */ extern __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void _exit(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN _exit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:430 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llrintf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llrintf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llrintf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan2f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_atan2f128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan2f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL is_suitable_mul LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int is_suitable_mul(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL is_suitable_mul LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_int64_t.h:30 */ typedef long long int64_t; /* END TYPEDEF int64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_int64_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF register_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:87 */ typedef int64_t register_t; /* END TYPEDEF register_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:87 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF amd64_imm_buf LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef union __anonunion_amd64_imm_buf_34291009 amd64_imm_buf; /* END TYPEDEF amd64_imm_buf LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN adjtime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:190 */ extern int adjtime(struct timeval const * , struct timeval * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN adjtime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:190 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tcgetpgrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:484 */ extern pid_t tcgetpgrp(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tcgetpgrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:484 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_ptrdiff_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:84 */ typedef long __darwin_ptrdiff_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_ptrdiff_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:84 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getw LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:296 */ extern int getw(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getw LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:296 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_allocator_hints_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_allocator_hints_free(jit_tree *hints ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_allocator_hints_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strpbrk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strpbrk(char const * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strpbrk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN realpath LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:231 */ extern char *realpath(char const * __restrict , char * __restrict ) __asm__("_realpath$DARWIN_EXTSN") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN realpath LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:231 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_push_caller_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int emit_push_caller_saved_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_push_caller_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_uid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:75 */ typedef __uint32_t __darwin_uid_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_uid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:75 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_uid_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_uid_t uid_t; /* END TYPEDEF uid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_uid_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN chown LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:435 */ extern int chown(char const * , uid_t , gid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN chown LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:435 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_join_addimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ int jit_optimize_join_addimm(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_join_addimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL make_nop LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void make_nop(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL make_nop LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL fib LOC=UNKNOWN */ void fib(int n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL fib LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cbrt LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_cbrt(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cbrt LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_ptr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___get_unsafe_stack_ptr(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_ptr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL make_free_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_hw_reg *make_free_reg(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op , jit_value for_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL make_free_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lroundf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_lroundf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lroundf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalblnl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_scalblnl(long double , long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalblnl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __darwin_check_fd_set LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline int ( __attribute__((__always_inline__)) __darwin_check_fd_set)(int _a , void const *_b ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL __darwin_check_fd_set LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF lldiv_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:94 */ typedef struct __anonstruct_lldiv_t_86583852 lldiv_t; /* END TYPEDEF lldiv_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:94 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cimagf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_cimagf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cimagf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nontemporal_store LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_nontemporal_store(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nontemporal_store LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_current_func_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static struct jit_func_info *jit_current_func_info(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_current_func_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_funcall LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_funcall(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_funcall LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcat LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strcat(char * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcat LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateright32 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned int __builtin_rotateright32(unsigned int , unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateright32 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_disasm LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_disasm { char *indent_template ; char *reg_template ; char *freg_template ; char *arg_template ; char *farg_template ; char *reg_fp_template ; char *reg_out_template ; char *reg_imm_template ; char *reg_fimm_template ; char *reg_unknown_template ; char *label_template ; char *label_forward_template ; char *generic_addr_template ; char *generic_value_template ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_disasm LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL jit_disasm_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_disasm jit_disasm_compilable ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL jit_disasm_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_popcountll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_popcountll(unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_popcountll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysignf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_copysignf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysignf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isless LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isless(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isless LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ffs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:77 */ extern int ffs(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ffs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:77 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lroundf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_lroundf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lroundf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN searchfs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:772 */ extern int searchfs(char const * , struct fssearchblock * , unsigned long * , unsigned int , unsigned int , struct searchstate * ) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN searchfs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:772 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_useconds_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:76 */ typedef __uint32_t __darwin_useconds_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_useconds_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:76 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF useconds_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_useconds_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_useconds_t useconds_t; /* END TYPEDEF useconds_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_useconds_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ualarm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:600 */ extern useconds_t ualarm(useconds_t , useconds_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ualarm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:600 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_unreachable LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_unreachable(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_unreachable LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT transfer_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct transfer_info { int sourcereg ; int destreg ; int scrapreg ; int scrap_in_use ; int counterreg ; int counter_in_use ; int block_size ; unsigned char *loop_addr ; }; /* END STRUCT transfer_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_branch LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_branch(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 , int x86_cond ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_branch LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_blkcnt_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:55 */ typedef __int64_t __darwin_blkcnt_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_blkcnt_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:55 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fminl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_fminl(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fminl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___memset_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___memset_chk(void * , int , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___memset_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_div_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_div_op(struct jit *jit , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_div_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_signal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:305 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_signal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:305 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_ldx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_ldx_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_ldx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getconcurrency LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:352 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_getconcurrency(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getconcurrency LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:352 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:460 */ extern pid_t getpid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:460 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argc LOC=UNKNOWN */ int _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argc ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argc LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL join_addi_addr LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int join_addi_addr(jit_op *op , jit_op *nextop ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL join_addi_addr LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL initialize_code_refs LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void initialize_code_refs(struct code_refs_cache *code_refs , struct jit_func_info *func_info ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL initialize_code_refs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __int8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:37 */ typedef signed char __int8_t; /* END TYPEDEF __int8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:37 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_wctrans_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types.h:41 */ typedef int __darwin_wctrans_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_wctrans_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types.h:41 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_coshf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_coshf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_coshf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL __sFILEX LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:98 */ struct __sFILEX ; /* END STRUCT-DECL __sFILEX LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:98 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vsnprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:337 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vsnprintf)(char * __restrict __str , size_t __size , char const * __restrict __format , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vsnprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:337 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_2 ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floor LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_floor(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floor LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_infl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_infl(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_infl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cbrtf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_cbrtf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cbrtf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN erand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:202 */ extern double erand48(unsigned short * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN erand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:202 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN nice LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:571 */ extern int nice(int ) __asm__("_nice") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN nice LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:571 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_lock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:383 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_lock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:383 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_natural_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:50 */ typedef unsigned int __darwin_natural_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_natural_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:50 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_mach_port_name_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:68 */ typedef __darwin_natural_t __darwin_mach_port_name_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_mach_port_name_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:68 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_mach_port_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:69 */ typedef __darwin_mach_port_name_t __darwin_mach_port_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_mach_port_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:69 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF mach_port_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_mach_port_t.h:50 */ typedef __darwin_mach_port_t mach_port_t; /* END TYPEDEF mach_port_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_mach_port_t.h:50 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mach_thread_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:521 */ extern mach_port_t __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) pthread_mach_thread_np(pthread_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mach_thread_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:521 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gethostname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:622 */ extern int gethostname(char * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gethostname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:622 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:112 */ extern struct tm *getdate(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:112 */ /* BEGIN ENUM __anonenum_idtype_t_558242672 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:79 */ enum __anonenum_idtype_t_558242672 { P_ALL = 0, P_PID = 1, P_PGID = 2 } ; /* END ENUM __anonenum_idtype_t_558242672 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:79 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_id_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:61 */ typedef __uint32_t __darwin_id_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_id_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:61 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF id_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_id_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_id_t id_t; /* END TYPEDEF id_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_id_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF idtype_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:79 */ typedef enum __anonenum_idtype_t_558242672 idtype_t; /* END TYPEDEF idtype_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:79 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF siginfo_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:177 */ typedef struct __siginfo siginfo_t; /* END TYPEDEF siginfo_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:177 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN waitid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:251 */ extern int waitid(idtype_t , id_t , siginfo_t * , int ) __asm__("_waitid") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN waitid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:251 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_transfer_loop LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_transfer_loop(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_transfer_loop LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_fprintf(void * , char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_mode_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:70 */ typedef __uint16_t __darwin_mode_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_mode_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:70 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_labs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_labs(long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_labs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getstacksize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:256 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getstacksize(pthread_attr_t const * __restrict , size_t * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getstacksize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:256 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setreuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:595 */ extern int setreuid(uid_t , uid_t ) __asm__("_setreuid") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setreuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:595 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memmem LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:155 */ extern void *memmem(void const *__big , size_t __big_len , void const *__little , size_t __little_len ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memmem LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:155 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mlockall LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:218 */ extern int mlockall(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mlockall LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:218 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN exit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:145 */ extern __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void exit(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN exit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:145 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putc_unlocked LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:291 */ extern int putc_unlocked(int , FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putc_unlocked LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:291 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setschedparam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:491 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t , int , struct sched_param const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setschedparam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:491 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strncmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_strncmp(char const * , char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strncmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbn LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_scalbn(double , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbn LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef struct jit_label jit_label; /* END TYPEDEF jit_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL free_labels LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void free_labels(jit_label *lab ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL free_labels LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nanf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_nanf128(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nanf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:336 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vscanf)(char const * __restrict __format , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:336 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_get_qos_class_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:186 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=8.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.10))) pthread_get_qos_class_np(pthread_t __pthread , qos_class_t * _Nullable __restrict __qos_class , int * _Nullable __restrict __relative_priority ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_get_qos_class_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:186 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:103 */ struct _opaque_pthread_t { long __sig ; struct __darwin_pthread_handler_rec *__cleanup_stack ; char __opaque[8176] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:103 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL mark_livecode LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void mark_livecode(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL mark_livecode LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN __mb_cur_max LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:118 */ extern int __mb_cur_max ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN __mb_cur_max LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:118 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getiopolicy_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:447 */ extern int getiopolicy_np(int , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getiopolicy_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:447 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __anonstruct_w_T_529377834 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ struct __anonstruct_w_T_529377834 { unsigned int w_Termsig : 7 ; unsigned int w_Coredump : 1 ; unsigned int w_Retcode : 8 ; unsigned int w_Filler : 16 ; }; /* END STRUCT __anonstruct_w_T_529377834 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdtablesize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:557 */ extern int getdtablesize(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdtablesize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:557 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clrsbll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_clrsbll(long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clrsbll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ldexp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_ldexp(double , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ldexp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN ENUM __anonenum_jit_opcode_820224137 LOC=UNKNOWN */ enum __anonenum_jit_opcode_820224137 { JIT_DIV = 0, JIT_SUBX = 8, JIT_CEIL = 16, JIT_FSUB = 24, JIT_RSH = 32, JIT_FRET = 40, JIT_NEG = 48, JIT_TRANSFER_XOR = 56, JIT_X86_ADDMUL = 64, JIT_FORCE_SPILL = 72, JIT_FADD = 80, JIT_TRUNC = 88, JIT_BGE = 96, JIT_MEMSET = 104, JIT_HMUL = 112, JIT_MOV = 120, JIT_MARK = 128, JIT_LABEL = 136, JIT_RSB = 144, JIT_SUB = 152, JIT_DATA_BYTES = 160, JIT_MEMCPY = 168, JIT_TRANSFER_SUBS = 176, JIT_TRANSFER = 184, JIT_COMMENT = 192, JIT_FPUTARG = 200, JIT_RET = 208, JIT_PUTARG = 216, JIT_GETARG = 224, JIT_CALL = 232, JIT_EXT = 240, JIT_OR = 248, JIT_FLOOR = 256, JIT_TRACE = 264, JIT_BOSUB = 272, JIT_REF_CODE = 280, JIT_BLE = 288, JIT_TRANSFER_ADDS = 296, JIT_BNOADD = 304, JIT_NE = 312, JIT_SUBC = 320, JIT_EQ = 328, JIT_BNE = 336, JIT_STX = 344, JIT_MSG = 352, JIT_ROUND = 360, JIT_LD = 368, JIT_DATA_BYTE = 376, JIT_BOADD = 384, JIT_FLD = 392, JIT_NOT = 400, JIT_FLDX = 408, JIT_AND = 416, JIT_LSH = 424, JIT_RENAMEREG = 432, JIT_ALLOCA = 440, JIT_BGT = 448, JIT_TRANSFER_CPY = 456, JIT_UREG = 464, JIT_RETVAL = 472, JIT_ADDX = 480, JIT_BMC = 488, JIT_BEQ = 496, JIT_FBLE = 504, JIT_LREG = 512, JIT_DECL_ARG = 520, JIT_MUL = 528, JIT_GT = 536, JIT_FMOV = 544, JIT_TRANSFER_ADD = 552, JIT_TRANSFER_OR = 560, JIT_FRETVAL = 568, JIT_TOUCH = 576, JIT_BMS = 584, JIT_SYNCREG = 592, JIT_BNOSUB = 600, JIT_ADDC = 608, JIT_PATCH = 616, JIT_JMP = 624, JIT_FBEQ = 632, JIT_XOR = 640, JIT_FBGE = 648, JIT_LT = 656, JIT_X86_ADDIMM = 664, JIT_GE = 672, JIT_FNEG = 680, JIT_PROLOG = 688, JIT_FBGT = 696, JIT_DATA_REF_DATA = 704, JIT_FSTX = 712, JIT_CODESTART = 720, JIT_TRANSFER_AND = 728, JIT_FMUL = 736, JIT_LDX = 744, JIT_FST = 752, JIT_BLT = 760, JIT_FDIV = 768, JIT_MOD = 776, JIT_PREPARE = 784, JIT_FBNE = 792, JIT_ADD = 800, JIT_TRANSFER_SUB = 808, JIT_FULL_SPILL = 816, JIT_X86_STXI = 824, JIT_REF_DATA = 832, JIT_X86_STI = 840, JIT_PREPARE_OPT = 848, JIT_DATA_REF_CODE = 856, JIT_NOP = 864, JIT_CODE_ALIGN = 872, JIT_FORCE_ASSOC = 880, JIT_FRSB = 888, JIT_FBLT = 896, JIT_LE = 904, JIT_ST = 912 } ; /* END ENUM __anonenum_jit_opcode_820224137 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ffsctl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:774 */ extern int ffsctl(int , unsigned long , void * , unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.6))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ffsctl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:774 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF ssize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ssize_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_ssize_t ssize_t; /* END TYPEDEF ssize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ssize_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN swab LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:168 */ extern void swab(void const * __restrict , void * __restrict , ssize_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN swab LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:168 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbln LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_scalbln(double , long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbln LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___vsnprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin___vsnprintf_chk(char * , unsigned long long , int , unsigned long long , char const * , __builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___vsnprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_exec_mem_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ static struct jit_exec_mem *jit_exec_mem_new(size_t size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_exec_mem_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_usubl_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_usubl_overflow(unsigned long const , unsigned long const , unsigned long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_usubl_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rotate_right LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *rotate_right(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rotate_right LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cimag LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_cimag(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cimag LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_csinl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL funcall_put_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void funcall_put_arg(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL funcall_put_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memmove LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:73 */ extern void *memmove(void *__dst , void const *__src , size_t __len ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memmove LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:73 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF x86_cc_unsigned_map LOC=UNKNOWN */ static unsigned char const x86_cc_unsigned_map[12] = { (unsigned char const )0x74, (unsigned char const )0x75, (unsigned char const )0x72, (unsigned char const )0x76, (unsigned char const )0x77, (unsigned char const )0x73, (unsigned char const )0x78, (unsigned char const )0x79, (unsigned char const )0x7a, (unsigned char const )0x7b, (unsigned char const )0x70, (unsigned char const )0x71}; /* END VARIABLE-DEF x86_cc_unsigned_map LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfcl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_erfcl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfcl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetmatch LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:285 */ extern int cgetmatch(char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetmatch LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:285 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:83 */ struct _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t { long __sig ; char __opaque[8] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:83 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_mutexattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:114 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t __darwin_pthread_mutexattr_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_mutexattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:114 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_mutexattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_mutexattr_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_mutexattr_t pthread_mutexattr_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_mutexattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_mutexattr_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_getpolicy_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:415 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,introduced=11.3), __availability__(watchos,introduced=4.3), __availability__(ios,introduced=11.3), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.13.4))) pthread_mutexattr_getpolicy_np(pthread_mutexattr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_getpolicy_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:415 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_asinh(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_powl(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_correct_long_imms LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_correct_long_imms(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_correct_long_imms LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_flt_rounds LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_flt_rounds(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_flt_rounds LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_set LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef struct jit_set jit_set; /* END TYPEDEF jit_set LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_remove LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_set_remove(jit_set *s , int value ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_remove LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint8_t.h:31 */ typedef unsigned char uint8_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint8_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint_least8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:33 */ typedef uint8_t uint_least8_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint_least8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:33 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_prepare_reg_counts LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_prepare_reg_counts(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_prepare_reg_counts LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF intmax_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_intmax_t.h:32 */ typedef long intmax_t; /* END TYPEDEF intmax_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_intmax_t.h:32 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setscope LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:278 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setscope(pthread_attr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setscope LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:278 */ /* BEGIN ENUM __anonenum_788482901 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:130 */ enum __anonenum_788482901 { QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE = 33, QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED = 25, QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT = 21, QOS_CLASS_UTILITY = 17, QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND = 9, QOS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 } ; /* END ENUM __anonenum_788482901 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:130 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fwrite LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:165 */ extern size_t fwrite(void const * __restrict __ptr , size_t __size , size_t __nitems , FILE * __restrict __stream ) __asm__("_fwrite") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fwrite LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:165 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fcvt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:203 */ extern char *fcvt(double , int , int * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fcvt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:203 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_sigset_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:73 */ typedef __uint32_t __darwin_sigset_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_sigset_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:73 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF sigset_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_sigset_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_sigset_t sigset_t; /* END TYPEDEF sigset_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_sigset_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pselect LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/select.h:114 */ extern int pselect(int , fd_set * __restrict , fd_set * __restrict , fd_set * __restrict , struct timespec const * __restrict , sigset_t const * __restrict ) __asm__("_pselect$1050") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pselect LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/select.h:114 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint32_t.h:31 */ typedef unsigned int uint32_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint32_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random_uniform LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:273 */ extern uint32_t arc4random_uniform(uint32_t __upper_bound ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random_uniform LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:273 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rcmd LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:705 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) int rcmd(char ** , int , char const * , char const * , char const * , int * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rcmd LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:705 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getscope LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:245 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getscope(pthread_attr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getscope LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:245 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN asctime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:108 */ extern char *asctime(struct tm const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN asctime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:108 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getschedpolicy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:242 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getschedpolicy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:242 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_avx_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:765 */ struct __darwin_x86_avx_state64 { int __fpu_reserved[2] ; struct __darwin_fp_control __fpu_fcw ; struct __darwin_fp_status __fpu_fsw ; __uint8_t __fpu_ftw ; __uint8_t __fpu_rsrv1 ; __uint16_t __fpu_fop ; __uint32_t __fpu_ip ; __uint16_t __fpu_cs ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv2 ; __uint32_t __fpu_dp ; __uint16_t __fpu_ds ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv3 ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsr ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsrmask ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm0 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm1 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm2 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm3 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm4 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm5 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm6 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm8 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm9 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm10 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm11 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm12 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm13 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm14 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm15 ; char __fpu_rsrv4[96] ; int __fpu_reserved1 ; char __avx_reserved1[64] ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh8 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh9 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh10 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh11 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh12 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh13 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh14 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh15 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_avx_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:765 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN bzero LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:72 */ extern void bzero(void * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN bzero LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:72 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN usleep LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:601 */ extern int usleep(useconds_t ) __asm__("_usleep") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN usleep LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:601 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN nanosleep LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:142 */ extern int nanosleep(struct timespec const *__rqtp , struct timespec *__rmtp ) __asm__("_nanosleep") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN nanosleep LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:142 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_once_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:88 */ struct _opaque_pthread_once_t { long __sig ; char __opaque[8] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_once_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:88 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_once_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:115 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_once_t __darwin_pthread_once_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_once_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:115 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_once_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_once_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_once_t pthread_once_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_once_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_once_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_prolog_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_prolog_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_prolog_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL list_caller_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int list_caller_saved_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_hw_reg *regs , int reg_count , int fp , jit_hw_reg *skip_reg , jit_hw_reg **used_regs , int *used_count ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL list_caller_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subcb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned char __builtin_subcb(unsigned char const , unsigned char const , unsigned char const , unsigned char * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subcb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL prepare_labels LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *prepare_labels(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL prepare_labels LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cbrtf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_cbrtf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cbrtf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clearerr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:142 */ extern void clearerr(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clearerr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:142 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_rwlock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:116 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t __darwin_pthread_rwlock_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_rwlock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:116 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rintf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_rintf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rintf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN posix2time LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:131 */ extern time_t posix2time(time_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN posix2time LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:131 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_dev_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:57 */ typedef __int32_t __darwin_dev_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_dev_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:57 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF dev_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_dev_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_dev_t dev_t; /* END TYPEDEF dev_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_dev_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF mode_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_mode_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_mode_t mode_t; /* END TYPEDEF mode_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_mode_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN devname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:293 */ extern char *devname(dev_t , mode_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN devname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:293 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtoll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:172 */ extern long long strtoll(char const *__str , char **__endptr , int __base ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtoll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:172 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __sFILEX LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct __sFILEX { }; /* END STRUCT __sFILEX LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_roundf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_roundf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_roundf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_memcpy(void * , void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __anonstruct_ldiv_t_748949161 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:88 */ struct __anonstruct_ldiv_t_748949161 { long quot ; long rem ; }; /* END STRUCT __anonstruct_ldiv_t_748949161 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:88 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN qos_class_self LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:172 */ extern qos_class_t __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.10), __availability__(ios,introduced=8.0))) qos_class_self(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN qos_class_self LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:172 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_huge_valf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_huge_valf(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_huge_valf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL jit_disasm_general LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_disasm jit_disasm_general ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL jit_disasm_general LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_exec_addr LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void *jit_exec_addr(struct jit_exec_mem *mem ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_exec_addr LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN posix_memalign LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:52 */ extern int posix_memalign(void **__memptr , size_t __alignment , size_t __size ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.6))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN posix_memalign LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:52 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_mul_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_mul_overflow(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_mul_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:98 */ struct _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t { long __sig ; char __opaque[16] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:98 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_rwlockattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:117 */ typedef struct _opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t __darwin_pthread_rwlockattr_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_rwlockattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:117 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_rwlockattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_rwlockattr_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_rwlockattr_t pthread_rwlockattr_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_rwlockattr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_rwlockattr_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint64_t.h:31 */ typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint64_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT rusage_info_v1 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:209 */ struct rusage_info_v1 { uint8_t ri_uuid[16] ; uint64_t ri_user_time ; uint64_t ri_system_time ; uint64_t ri_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_pageins ; uint64_t ri_wired_size ; uint64_t ri_resident_size ; uint64_t ri_phys_footprint ; uint64_t ri_proc_start_abstime ; uint64_t ri_proc_exit_abstime ; uint64_t ri_child_user_time ; uint64_t ri_child_system_time ; uint64_t ri_child_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_child_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_child_pageins ; uint64_t ri_child_elapsed_abstime ; }; /* END STRUCT rusage_info_v1 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:209 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nextafterf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_nextafterf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nextafterf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN random LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:228 */ extern long random(void) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use arc4random instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN random LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:228 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpeereid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:661 */ extern int getpeereid(int , uid_t * , gid_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpeereid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:661 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF u_int16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_u_int16_t.h:30 */ typedef unsigned short u_int16_t; /* END TYPEDEF u_int16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_u_int16_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_cosf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memcpy_inline LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_memcpy_inline(void * , void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memcpy_inline LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_fldx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_fldx_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_fldx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memcmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:71 */ extern int memcmp(void const *__s1 , void const *__s2 , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memcmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:71 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN flockfile LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:286 */ extern void flockfile(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN flockfile LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:286 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putenv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:227 */ extern int putenv(char * ) __asm__("_putenv") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putenv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:227 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT sigvec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:348 */ struct sigvec { void (*sv_handler)(int ) ; int sv_mask ; int sv_flags ; }; /* END STRUCT sigvec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:348 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lround LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_lround(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lround LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_branch_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_branch_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int cond , int imm , int sign ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_branch_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_key_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:112 */ typedef unsigned long __darwin_pthread_key_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_pthread_key_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:112 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_key_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_key_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_key_t pthread_key_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_key_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_key_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_key_create LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:366 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t * , void (* _Nullable )(void * ) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_key_create LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:366 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addcl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long __builtin_addcl(unsigned long const , unsigned long const , unsigned long const , unsigned long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addcl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL join_muli_addr LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int join_muli_addr(jit_op *op , jit_op *nextop ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL join_muli_addr LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_clone LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_set *jit_set_clone(jit_set *s ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_clone LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacoshl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_cacoshl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacoshl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_override_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:211 */ typedef struct pthread_override_s *pthread_override_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_override_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:211 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_override_qos_class_start_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:265 */ extern pthread_override_t __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.10), __availability__(ios,introduced=8.0))) pthread_override_qos_class_start_np(pthread_t __pthread , qos_class_t __qos_class , int __relative_priority ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_override_qos_class_start_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:265 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_sinf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_exp2f(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getsubopt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:205 */ extern int getsubopt(char ** , char ** , char ** ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getsubopt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:205 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_huge_val LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_huge_val(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_huge_val LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_alloca_with_align LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_alloca_with_align(unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_alloca_with_align LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL spill_ret_retreg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void spill_ret_retreg(jit_op *op , jit_hw_reg *ret_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL spill_ret_retreg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_enable_optimization LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_enable_optimization(struct jit *jit , int opt ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_enable_optimization LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT timeval64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timeval64.h:34 */ struct timeval64 { __int64_t tv_sec ; __int64_t tv_usec ; }; /* END STRUCT timeval64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timeval64.h:34 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_arg_layout_location LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_arg_layout_location { int index ; char isfp ; char passed_in_reg ; struct jit_out_arg *oarg ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_arg_layout_location LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN waitpid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:249 */ extern pid_t waitpid(pid_t , int * , int ) __asm__("_waitpid") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN waitpid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:249 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_csin(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_hypotl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_hypotl(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_hypotl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strpbrk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:86 */ extern char *strpbrk(char const *__s , char const *__charset ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strpbrk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:86 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ilogbl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ilogbl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ilogbl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_extract_return_addr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_extract_return_addr(void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_extract_return_addr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erff LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_erff(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erff LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_smulll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_smulll_overflow(long long const , long long const , long long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_smulll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_i386_thread_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:46 */ struct __darwin_i386_thread_state { unsigned int __eax ; unsigned int __ebx ; unsigned int __ecx ; unsigned int __edx ; unsigned int __edi ; unsigned int __esi ; unsigned int __ebp ; unsigned int __esp ; unsigned int __ss ; unsigned int __eflags ; unsigned int __eip ; unsigned int __cs ; unsigned int __ds ; unsigned int __es ; unsigned int __fs ; unsigned int __gs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_i386_thread_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:46 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN signal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:390 */ extern void (*signal(int , void (*)(int ) ))(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN signal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:390 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getstackaddr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:252 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getstackaddr(pthread_attr_t const * __restrict , void * _Nullable * _Nonnull __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getstackaddr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:252 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uintptr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_uintptr_t.h:30 */ typedef unsigned long uintptr_t; /* END TYPEDEF uintptr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_uintptr_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_getprioceiling LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:375 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutex_getprioceiling(pthread_mutex_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_getprioceiling LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:375 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaxf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_fmaxf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaxf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_is_cond_branch LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int jit_op_is_cond_branch(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_is_cond_branch LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argv LOC=UNKNOWN */ char **_TIG_IZ_tgVA_argv ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argv LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmax LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_fmax(double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmax LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:243 */ extern char *setstate(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:243 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL assign_call LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int assign_call(jit_op *op , struct jit_reg_allocator *al ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL assign_call LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctzll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ctzll(unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctzll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccosl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_ccosl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccosl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __uint64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:47 */ typedef unsigned long long __uint64_t; /* END TYPEDEF __uint64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:47 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_ino64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:62 */ typedef __uint64_t __darwin_ino64_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_ino64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:62 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_ino_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:64 */ typedef __darwin_ino64_t __darwin_ino_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_ino_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:64 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rewind LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:176 */ extern void rewind(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rewind LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:176 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_atanf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN localtime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:114 */ extern struct tm *localtime(time_t const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN localtime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:114 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ static struct jit_op *jit_op_new(unsigned short code , unsigned char spec , jit_value arg1 , jit_value arg2 , jit_value arg3 , unsigned char arg_size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_ct_rune_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:70 */ typedef int __darwin_ct_rune_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_ct_rune_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:70 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_i386_exception_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:575 */ struct __darwin_i386_exception_state { __uint16_t __trapno ; __uint16_t __cpu ; __uint32_t __err ; __uint32_t __faultvaddr ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_i386_exception_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:575 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_i386_float_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:281 */ struct __darwin_i386_float_state { int __fpu_reserved[2] ; struct __darwin_fp_control __fpu_fcw ; struct __darwin_fp_status __fpu_fsw ; __uint8_t __fpu_ftw ; __uint8_t __fpu_rsrv1 ; __uint16_t __fpu_fop ; __uint32_t __fpu_ip ; __uint16_t __fpu_cs ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv2 ; __uint32_t __fpu_dp ; __uint16_t __fpu_ds ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv3 ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsr ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsrmask ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm0 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm1 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm2 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm3 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm4 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm5 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm6 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm7 ; char __fpu_rsrv4[224] ; int __fpu_reserved1 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_i386_float_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:281 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:39 */ struct __darwin_mcontext32 { struct __darwin_i386_exception_state __es ; struct __darwin_i386_thread_state __ss ; struct __darwin_i386_float_state __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:39 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT code_refs_cache LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct code_refs_cache { int size ; jit_op **ops ; }; /* END STRUCT code_refs_cache LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_alu_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_alu_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int sse_op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_alu_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_testcancel LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:497 */ extern void __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) pthread_testcancel(void) __asm__("_pthread_testcancel") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_testcancel LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:497 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetfirst LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:284 */ extern int cgetfirst(char ** , char ** ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetfirst LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:284 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN crypt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:544 */ extern char *crypt(char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN crypt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:544 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strxfrm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:91 */ extern size_t strxfrm(char *__s1 , char const *__s2 , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strxfrm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:91 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_intptr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:49 */ typedef long __darwin_intptr_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_intptr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:49 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtoull LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:178 */ extern unsigned long long strtoull(char const *__str , char **__endptr , int __base ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtoull LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:178 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ctermid_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:371 */ extern char *ctermid_r(char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ctermid_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:371 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getwd LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:564 */ extern char *getwd(char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getwd LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:564 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execve LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:445 */ extern int execve(char const *__file , char **__argv , char **__envp ) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execve LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:445 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lgammaf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_lgammaf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lgammaf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:93 */ struct _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t { long __sig ; char __opaque[192] ; }; /* END STRUCT _opaque_pthread_rwlock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:93 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF pthread_rwlock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_rwlock_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_pthread_rwlock_t pthread_rwlock_t; /* END TYPEDEF pthread_rwlock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_rwlock_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:444 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t * __restrict , pthread_rwlockattr_t const * _Nullable __restrict ) __asm__("_pthread_rwlock_init") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:444 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cabs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_cabs(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cabs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fdim LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_fdim(double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fdim LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_allocator_hint LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_allocator_hint { int last_pos ; int should_be_calleesaved ; int should_be_eax ; int refs ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_allocator_hint LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void print_args(struct jit_disasm *disasm , struct output_buf *linebuf , jit_op *op , jit_tree *labels ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:77 */ extern int strcmp(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:77 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_fret_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_fret_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_fret_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN index LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:73 */ extern char *index(char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN index LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:73 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF suseconds_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_suseconds_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_suseconds_t suseconds_t; /* END TYPEDEF suseconds_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_suseconds_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_regs_active LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_regs_active(jit_op *op , jit_value *dest ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_regs_active LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strlcat_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin___strlcat_chk(char * , char const * , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strlcat_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbnf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_scalbnf128(_Float128 , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbnf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getspecific LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:359 */ extern void __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) * _Nullable pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getspecific LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:359 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL associate_register_alias LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void associate_register_alias(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op , int i ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL associate_register_alias LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_launder LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_launder(void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_launder LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_uuid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:77 */ typedef unsigned char __darwin_uuid_t[16]; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_uuid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:77 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcspn LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:80 */ extern size_t strcspn(char const *__s , char const *__charset ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcspn LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:80 */ /* BEGIN UNION sigval LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:158 */ union sigval { int sival_int ; void *sival_ptr ; }; /* END UNION sigval LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:158 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT sigevent LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:168 */ struct sigevent { int sigev_notify ; int sigev_signo ; union sigval sigev_value ; void (*sigev_notify_function)(union sigval ) ; pthread_attr_t *sigev_notify_attributes ; }; /* END STRUCT sigevent LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:168 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strrchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strrchr(char const * , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strrchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL fssearchblock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:769 */ struct fssearchblock ; /* END STRUCT-DECL fssearchblock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:769 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_exception_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1172 */ struct __darwin_x86_exception_state64 { __uint16_t __trapno ; __uint16_t __cpu ; __uint32_t __err ; __uint64_t __faultvaddr ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_exception_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1172 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_unlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:393 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_unlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:393 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sadd_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_sadd_overflow(int const , int const , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sadd_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_rsb_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_rsb_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_rsb_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __mbstate_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:76 */ typedef union __anonunion___mbstate_t_250061491 __mbstate_t; /* END TYPEDEF __mbstate_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:76 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL delete_min LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *delete_min(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL delete_min LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$strings LOC=UNKNOWN */ char const *_TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$strings ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$strings LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llroundf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llroundf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llroundf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_collect_statistics LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_collect_statistics(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_collect_statistics LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN reallocf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:349 */ extern void *reallocf(void *__ptr , size_t __size ) __attribute__((__alloc_size__(2))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN reallocf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:349 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN posix_openpt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:220 */ extern int posix_openpt(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN posix_openpt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:220 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_branch_overflow_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_branch_overflow_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int alu_op , int imm , int negation ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_branch_overflow_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF user_addr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:97 */ typedef u_int64_t user_addr_t; /* END TYPEDEF user_addr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:97 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabsl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_fabsl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabsl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN optopt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:512 */ extern int optopt ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN optopt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:512 */ /* BEGIN UNION _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$node LOC=UNKNOWN */ union _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$node { unsigned int _unsigned_int ; void *_void_star ; signed char _signed_char ; unsigned long long _unsigned_long_long ; int _int ; short _short ; long long _long_long ; unsigned char _unsigned_char ; unsigned short _unsigned_short ; float _float ; unsigned long _unsigned_long ; long _long ; long double _long_double ; char _char ; double _double ; }; /* END UNION _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$node LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_setpolicy_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:434 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=5.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.7))) pthread_mutexattr_setpolicy_np(pthread_mutexattr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_setpolicy_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:434 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_csinh(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lrintl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_lrintl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lrintl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgammaf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_tgammaf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgammaf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_assume_aligned LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_assume_aligned(void const * , unsigned long long , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_assume_aligned LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strncpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:85 */ extern char *strncpy(char *__dst , char const *__src , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strncpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:85 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_ctanhl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF div_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:83 */ typedef struct __anonstruct_div_t_773697287 div_t; /* END TYPEDEF div_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:83 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lgamma LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_lgamma(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lgamma LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_trace_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_trace_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int verbosity ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_trace_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execvP LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:647 */ extern int execvP(char const *__file , char const *__searchpath , char **__argv ) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execvP LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:647 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN profil LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:696 */ extern int profil(char * , size_t , unsigned long , unsigned int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN profil LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:696 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_walk LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_tree_walk(jit_tree *h , void (*func)(jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value , void *thunk ) , void *thunk ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_walk LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN printf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:170 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ printf)(char const * __restrict , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN printf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:170 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fmtcheck LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:373 */ extern char const *fmtcheck(char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fmtcheck LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:373 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_conj LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_conj(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_conj LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fminf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_fminf(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fminf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_wrlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:458 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pthread_rwlock_t * ) __asm__("_pthread_rwlock_wrlock") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_wrlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:458 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_operator_new LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_operator_new(unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_operator_new LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL move_red_right LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *move_red_right(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL move_red_right LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___vsprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin___vsprintf_chk(char * , int , unsigned long long , char const * , __builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___vsprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN daylight LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:105 */ extern int daylight ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN daylight LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:105 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setmode LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:724 */ extern void *setmode(char const * ) __asm__("_setmode") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setmode LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:724 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan2f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_atan2f(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan2f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lrand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:215 */ extern long lrand48(void) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use arc4random instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lrand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:215 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_creall LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_creall(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_creall LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clzll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_clzll(unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clzll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL sse_alu_pd_reg_safeimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void sse_alu_pd_reg_safeimm(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int op_id , int reg , double *imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL sse_alu_pd_reg_safeimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bswap64 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_bswap64(long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bswap64 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:475 */ extern int setgid(gid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:475 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN chroot LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:541 */ extern int chroot(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN chroot LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:541 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_end LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_va_end(__builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_end LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_rmap LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef struct jit_rmap jit_rmap; /* END TYPEDEF jit_rmap LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_unassoc LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void rmap_unassoc(jit_rmap *rmap , jit_value reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_unassoc LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int_least32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:31 */ typedef int32_t int_least32_t; /* END TYPEDEF int_least32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_truncf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_truncf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_truncf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint_fast64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:47 */ typedef uint64_t uint_fast64_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint_fast64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:47 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_index LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_index(char const * , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_index LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN __stderrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:69 */ extern FILE *__stderrp ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN __stderrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:69 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_prepared_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef struct jit_prepared_args jit_prepared_args; /* END TYPEDEF jit_prepared_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_set_qos_class_self_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:155 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=8.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.10))) pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(qos_class_t __qos_class , int __relative_priority ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_set_qos_class_self_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:155 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_clone LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_rmap *rmap_clone(jit_rmap *rmap ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_clone LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:248 */ extern pid_t wait(int * ) __asm__("_wait") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:248 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frexpf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_frexpf(float , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frexpf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_catanhf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateright64 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long __builtin_rotateright64(unsigned long , unsigned long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateright64 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sranddev LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:347 */ extern void sranddev(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sranddev LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:347 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_yield_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:560 */ extern void __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) pthread_yield_np(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_yield_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:560 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN initstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:208 */ extern char *initstate(unsigned int , char * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN initstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:208 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nexttowardf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_nexttowardf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nexttowardf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ssub_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_ssub_overflow(int const , int const , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ssub_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:264 */ extern uint32_t arc4random(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:264 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN radixsort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:341 */ extern int radixsort(unsigned char const **__base , int __nel , unsigned char const *__table , unsigned int __endbyte ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN radixsort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:341 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getattrlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:751 */ extern int getattrlist(char const * , void * , void * , size_t , unsigned int ) __asm__("_getattrlist") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getattrlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:751 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlockattr_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:464 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(pthread_rwlockattr_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlockattr_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:464 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wait3 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:254 */ extern pid_t wait3(int * , int , struct rusage * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wait3 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:254 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lrint LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_lrint(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lrint LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_expf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strspn LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:88 */ extern size_t strspn(char const *__s , char const *__charset ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strspn LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:88 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF u_int8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_u_int8_t.h:30 */ typedef unsigned char u_int8_t; /* END TYPEDEF u_int8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_u_int8_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL fixup LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *fixup(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL fixup LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __darwin_fd_clr LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline void ( __attribute__((__always_inline__)) __darwin_fd_clr)(int _fd , struct fd_set *_p ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL __darwin_fd_clr LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_dump_ops_general LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_dump_ops_general(struct jit *jit , jit_tree *labels , int verbosity ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_dump_ops_general LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpriority LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:445 */ extern int getpriority(int , id_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpriority LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:445 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtofflags LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:730 */ extern int strtofflags(char ** , unsigned long * , unsigned long * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtofflags LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:730 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccos LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_ccos(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccos LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL force_assoc LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int force_assoc(jit_op *op , struct jit_reg_allocator *al ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL force_assoc LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_wchar_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:104 */ typedef int __darwin_wchar_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_wchar_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:104 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF wchar_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_wchar_t.h:34 */ typedef __darwin_wchar_t wchar_t; /* END TYPEDEF wchar_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_wchar_t.h:34 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN renamex_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/stdio.h:46 */ extern int renamex_np(char const * , char const * , unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN renamex_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/stdio.h:46 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetclose LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:282 */ extern int cgetclose(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetclose LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:282 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL funcall_prepare LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void funcall_prepare(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int count ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL funcall_prepare LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isnan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isnan(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isnan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL DUMP_short LOC=UNKNOWN */ void DUMP_short(int block , struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *begin_ , struct jit_op *end_ ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL DUMP_short LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_casinf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_logf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cexpl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_cexpl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cexpl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF off_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_off_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_off_t off_t; /* END TYPEDEF off_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_off_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ftello LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:328 */ extern off_t ftello(FILE *__stream ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ftello LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:328 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_fmaf16(_Float16 , _Float16 , _Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_clone LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *jit_tree_clone(jit_tree *root ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_clone LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setpgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:476 */ extern int setpgid(pid_t , pid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setpgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:476 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pipe LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:470 */ extern int pipe(int * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pipe LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:470 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_nan(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_inf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_inf(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_inf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __sbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:92 */ struct __sbuf { unsigned char *_base ; int _size ; }; /* END STRUCT __sbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:92 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __sFILE LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:126 */ struct __sFILE { unsigned char *_p ; int _r ; int _w ; short _flags ; short _file ; struct __sbuf _bf ; int _lbfsize ; void *_cookie ; int (* _Nullable _close)(void * ) ; int (* _Nullable _read)(void * , char * , int ) ; fpos_t (* _Nullable _seek)(void * , fpos_t , int ) ; int (* _Nullable _write)(void * , char const * , int ) ; struct __sbuf _ub ; struct __sFILEX *_extra ; int _ur ; unsigned char _ubuf[3] ; unsigned char _nbuf[1] ; struct __sbuf _lb ; int _blksize ; fpos_t _offset ; }; /* END STRUCT __sFILE LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_stdio.h:126 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atoi LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:135 */ extern int atoi(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atoi LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:135 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL is_transfer_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int is_transfer_op(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL is_transfer_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:403 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(pthread_mutexattr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:403 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:441 */ extern int execl(char const *__path , char const *__arg0 , ...) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:441 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL is_spilled LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int is_spilled(jit_value arg_id , jit_op *prepare_op , int *reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL is_spilled LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:161 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ fscanf)(FILE * __restrict , char const * __restrict , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:161 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT sigstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:367 */ struct sigstack { char *ss_sp ; int ss_onstack ; }; /* END STRUCT sigstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:367 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_objc_memmove_collectable LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_objc_memmove_collectable(void * , void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_objc_memmove_collectable LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_modff LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_modff(float , float * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_modff LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nearbyintf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_nearbyintf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nearbyintf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_eh_return LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_eh_return(unsigned long long , void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_eh_return LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_free LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_free(void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_free LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_convertvector LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_convertvector(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_convertvector LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execle LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:442 */ extern int execle(char const *__path , char const *__arg0 , ...) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execle LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:442 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_is_associated_aux LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_hw_reg *rmap_is_associated_aux(jit_tree *n , int reg_id , int fp , jit_value *virt_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_is_associated_aux LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lcong48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:214 */ extern void lcong48(unsigned short * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lcong48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:214 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remainderf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_remainderf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remainderf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN munlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:232 */ extern int munlock(void const * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN munlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:232 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT timespec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timespec.h:33 */ struct timespec { __darwin_time_t tv_sec ; long tv_nsec ; }; /* END STRUCT timespec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_timespec.h:33 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN acct LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:644 */ extern int acct(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN acct LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:644 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_cosh(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subcl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long __builtin_subcl(unsigned long const , unsigned long const , unsigned long const , unsigned long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subcl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_sinhl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_log10f(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_condattr_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:321 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_condattr_init(pthread_condattr_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_condattr_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:321 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkstemp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:217 */ extern int mkstemp(char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkstemp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:217 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___vprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin___vprintf_chk(int , char const * , __builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___vprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addcb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned char __builtin_addcb(unsigned char const , unsigned char const , unsigned char const , unsigned char * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addcb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_thread_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:633 */ struct __darwin_x86_thread_state64 { __uint64_t __rax ; __uint64_t __rbx ; __uint64_t __rcx ; __uint64_t __rdx ; __uint64_t __rdi ; __uint64_t __rsi ; __uint64_t __rbp ; __uint64_t __rsp ; __uint64_t __r8 ; __uint64_t __r9 ; __uint64_t __r10 ; __uint64_t __r11 ; __uint64_t __r12 ; __uint64_t __r13 ; __uint64_t __r14 ; __uint64_t __r15 ; __uint64_t __rip ; __uint64_t __rflags ; __uint64_t __cs ; __uint64_t __fs ; __uint64_t __gs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_thread_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:633 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:113 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx64 { struct __darwin_x86_exception_state64 __es ; struct __darwin_x86_thread_state64 __ss ; struct __darwin_x86_avx_state64 __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:113 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN a64l LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:199 */ extern long a64l(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN a64l LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:199 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_div_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_div_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int imm , int sign , int modulo ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_div_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL ob_pad LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void ob_pad(struct output_buf *ob , int size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL ob_pad LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_exec_mem LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_exec_mem { void *data ; size_t size ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_exec_mem LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetnum LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:287 */ extern int cgetnum(char * , char const * , long * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetnum LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:287 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_rmap_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void print_rmap_callback(jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value , void *disasm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_rmap_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_int8_t.h:30 */ typedef signed char int8_t; /* END TYPEDEF int8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_int8_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int_fast8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:40 */ typedef int8_t int_fast8_t; /* END TYPEDEF int_fast8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:40 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_pthread_handler_rec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:57 */ struct __darwin_pthread_handler_rec { void (*__routine)(void * ) ; void *__arg ; struct __darwin_pthread_handler_rec *__next ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_pthread_handler_rec LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_pthread/_pthread_types.h:57 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wmemmove LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned short *__builtin_wmemmove(unsigned short * , unsigned short * const , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wmemmove LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_log10f128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_addr LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void print_addr(struct jit_disasm *disasm , struct output_buf *buf , jit_tree *labels , jit_op *op , int arg_pos ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_addr LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mincore LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:243 */ extern int mincore(void const * , size_t , char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mincore LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:243 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint16_t.h:31 */ typedef unsigned short uint16_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uint16_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint_fast16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:45 */ typedef uint16_t uint_fast16_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint_fast16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:45 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sched_yield LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:38 */ extern int sched_yield(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sched_yield LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:38 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setenv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:237 */ extern int setenv(char const *__name , char const *__value , int __overwrite ) __asm__("_setenv") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setenv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:237 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wmemchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned short *__builtin_wmemchr(unsigned short * const , unsigned short , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wmemchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_condattr_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:318 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_condattr_destroy(pthread_condattr_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_condattr_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:318 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL DUMP_byte LOC=UNKNOWN */ void DUMP_byte(int block , struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *begin_ , struct jit_op *end_ ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL DUMP_byte LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_init LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit *jit_init(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_init LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setprogname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:299 */ extern void setprogname(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setprogname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:299 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rint LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_rint(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rint LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_regs_active_count LOC=UNKNOWN */ int jit_regs_active_count(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_regs_active_count LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_mul_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_mul_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int imm , int sign , int high_bytes ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_mul_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_umul_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_umul_overflow(unsigned int const , unsigned int const , unsigned int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_umul_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:181 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ sscanf)(char const * __restrict , char const * __restrict , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:181 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_prefetch LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_prefetch(void const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_prefetch LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_patch_local_addrs LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_patch_local_addrs(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_patch_local_addrs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_truncf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_truncf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_truncf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fpurge LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:374 */ extern int fpurge(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fpurge LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:374 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcasestr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:160 */ extern char *strcasestr(char const *__big , char const *__little ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcasestr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:160 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_unlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:461 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlock_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t * ) __asm__("_pthread_rwlock_unlock") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_unlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:461 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getchar LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:167 */ extern int getchar(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getchar LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:167 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clrsbl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_clrsbl(long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clrsbl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_mempcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_mempcpy(void * , void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_mempcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL move_red_left LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *move_red_left(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL move_red_left LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fminf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_fminf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fminf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN isatty LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:463 */ extern int isatty(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN isatty LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:463 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:425 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(pthread_mutexattr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:425 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __swbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:251 */ extern int __swbuf(int , FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __swbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:251 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_imm_overflow LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int jit_imm_overflow(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value value ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_imm_overflow LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atol LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:136 */ extern long atol(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atol LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:136 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bcmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_bcmp(void const * , void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bcmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_branch_mask_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_branch_mask_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int cond , int imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_branch_mask_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cpowf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_cpowf(_Complex float , _Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cpowf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strlcpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:163 */ extern size_t strlcpy(char *__dst , char const *__source , size_t __size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strlcpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:163 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_saddll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_saddll_overflow(long long const , long long const , long long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_saddll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_msg_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_msg_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_msg_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkstemps LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:674 */ extern int mkstemps(char * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkstemps LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:674 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_from_mach_thread_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:553 */ extern pthread_t __attribute__((__nullable__, __availability__(macos,introduced=10.5), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) pthread_from_mach_thread_np(mach_port_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_from_mach_thread_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:553 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fseeko LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:327 */ extern int fseeko(FILE *__stream , off_t __offset , int __whence ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fseeko LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:327 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ftruncate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:607 */ extern int ftruncate(int , off_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ftruncate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:607 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setattrlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:752 */ extern int setattrlist(char const * , void * , void * , size_t , unsigned int ) __asm__("_setattrlist") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setattrlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:752 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:75 */ extern char *strcat(char *__s1 , char const *__s2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:75 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_get LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int jit_set_get(jit_set *s , int value ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_get LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subcll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned __int128 __builtin_subcll(unsigned long long const , unsigned long long const , unsigned long long const , unsigned long long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subcll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setusershell LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:728 */ extern void setusershell(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setusershell LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:728 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_realloc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_realloc(void * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_realloc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL assign_regs_for_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void assign_regs_for_args(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL assign_regs_for_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acosh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_acosh(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acosh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remquof LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_remquof(float , float , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remquof LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cbrtl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_cbrtl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cbrtl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nextafterf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_nextafterf(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nextafterf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_main_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:517 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_main_np(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_main_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:517 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN optind LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:512 */ extern int optind ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN optind LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:512 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nearbyintl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_nearbyintl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nearbyintl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strlcat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:162 */ extern size_t strlcat(char *__dst , char const *__source , size_t __size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strlcat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:162 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_roundl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_roundl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_roundl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strncmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:84 */ extern int strncmp(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strncmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:84 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN shm_open LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:236 */ extern int shm_open(char const * , int , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN shm_open LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:236 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sync LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:598 */ extern void sync(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sync LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:598 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_casinhf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_addps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) __builtin_ia32_addps(float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) , float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_addps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ecvt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:201 */ extern char *ecvt(double , int , int * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ecvt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:201 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL get_related_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_op *get_related_op(jit_op *op , int result_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL get_related_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_prepare_arguments LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_prepare_arguments(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_prepare_arguments LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN realloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:43 */ extern void *( __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)) realloc)(void *__ptr , size_t __size ) __attribute__((__alloc_size__(2))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN realloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:43 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN opterr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:512 */ extern int opterr ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN opterr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:512 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setconcurrency LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:488 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_setconcurrency(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setconcurrency LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:488 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setguardsize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:265 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setguardsize(pthread_attr_t * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setguardsize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:265 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_trace_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_trace_callback(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int verbosity , int trace ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_trace_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN endusershell LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:646 */ extern void endusershell(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN endusershell LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:646 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL associate_register LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void associate_register(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op , int i ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL associate_register LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_float_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:714 */ struct __darwin_x86_float_state64 { int __fpu_reserved[2] ; struct __darwin_fp_control __fpu_fcw ; struct __darwin_fp_status __fpu_fsw ; __uint8_t __fpu_ftw ; __uint8_t __fpu_rsrv1 ; __uint16_t __fpu_fop ; __uint32_t __fpu_ip ; __uint16_t __fpu_cs ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv2 ; __uint32_t __fpu_dp ; __uint16_t __fpu_ds ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv3 ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsr ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsrmask ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm0 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm1 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm2 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm3 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm4 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm5 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm6 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm8 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm9 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm10 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm11 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm12 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm13 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm14 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm15 ; char __fpu_rsrv4[96] ; int __fpu_reserved1 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_float_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:714 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL node_min LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree_key node_min(jit_tree *x ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL node_min LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_combined_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_op *print_combined_op(FILE *f , struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , jit_tree *labels ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_combined_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pread LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:573 */ extern ssize_t pread(int __fd , void *__buf , size_t __nbyte , off_t __offset ) __asm__("_pread") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pread LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:573 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strspn LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin_strspn(char const * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strspn LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_get LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_hw_reg *rmap_get(jit_rmap *rmap , jit_value reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_get LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF ucontext_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ucontext.h:56 */ typedef struct __darwin_ucontext ucontext_t; /* END TYPEDEF ucontext_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ucontext.h:56 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN futimes LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:191 */ extern int futimes(int , struct timeval const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN futimes LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:191 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getprogname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:298 */ extern char const *getprogname(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getprogname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:298 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN tzname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:98 */ extern char *tzname[] ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN tzname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:98 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL assign_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void assign_regs(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL assign_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execvp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:446 */ extern int execvp(char const *__file , char **__argv ) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execvp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:446 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT rusage_info_v0 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:195 */ struct rusage_info_v0 { uint8_t ri_uuid[16] ; uint64_t ri_user_time ; uint64_t ri_system_time ; uint64_t ri_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_pageins ; uint64_t ri_wired_size ; uint64_t ri_resident_size ; uint64_t ri_phys_footprint ; uint64_t ri_proc_start_abstime ; uint64_t ri_proc_exit_abstime ; }; /* END STRUCT rusage_info_v0 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:195 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_sin(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_carg LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_carg(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_carg LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL node_insert LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *node_insert(jit_tree *h , jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value , int *found ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL node_insert LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remainderl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_remainderl(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remainderl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wcscmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_wcscmp(unsigned short * const , unsigned short * const ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wcscmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_hypotf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_hypotf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_hypotf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getguardsize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:232 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getguardsize(pthread_attr_t const * __restrict , size_t * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getguardsize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:232 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2f16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_log2f16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2f16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT proc_rlimit_control_wakeupmon LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:400 */ struct proc_rlimit_control_wakeupmon { uint32_t wm_flags ; int32_t wm_rate ; }; /* END STRUCT proc_rlimit_control_wakeupmon LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:400 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atexit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:133 */ extern int atexit(void (* _Nonnull )(void) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atexit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:133 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL join_muli_addi LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int join_muli_addi(jit_op *op , jit_op *nextop ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL join_muli_addi LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN timespec_get LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:199 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=6.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=13.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=13.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.15))) timespec_get(struct timespec *ts , int base ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN timespec_get LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:199 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cpowl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_cpowl(_Complex long double , _Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cpowl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strncasecmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:79 */ extern int strncasecmp(char const * , char const * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strncasecmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:79 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_push_callee_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int emit_push_callee_saved_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_push_callee_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_sigaltstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_sigaltstack.h:42 */ struct __darwin_sigaltstack { void *ss_sp ; __darwin_size_t ss_size ; int ss_flags ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_sigaltstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_sigaltstack.h:42 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_ucontext LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ucontext.h:42 */ struct __darwin_ucontext { int uc_onstack ; __darwin_sigset_t uc_sigmask ; struct __darwin_sigaltstack uc_stack ; struct __darwin_ucontext *uc_link ; __darwin_size_t uc_mcsize ; struct __darwin_mcontext64 *uc_mcontext ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_ucontext LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ucontext.h:42 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acosf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_acosf128(long double , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acosf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fdimf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_fdimf(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fdimf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN iruserok LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:710 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) int iruserok(unsigned long , int , char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN iruserok LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:710 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_1 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_1 ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_1 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_set_fparg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void emit_set_fparg(struct jit *jit , struct jit_out_arg *arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_set_fparg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ttyname_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:489 */ extern int ttyname_r(int , char * , size_t ) __asm__("_ttyname_r") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ttyname_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:489 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setwgroups_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:729 */ extern int setwgroups_np(int , unsigned char * const ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setwgroups_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:729 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_flw_analysis LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_flw_analysis(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_flw_analysis LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nexttowardf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_nexttowardf(float , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nexttowardf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_islessgreater LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_islessgreater(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_islessgreater LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clog LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_clog(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clog LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strnlen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:133 */ extern size_t strnlen(char const *__s1 , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strnlen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:133 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_debug_state32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:595 */ struct __darwin_x86_debug_state32 { unsigned int __dr0 ; unsigned int __dr1 ; unsigned int __dr2 ; unsigned int __dr3 ; unsigned int __dr4 ; unsigned int __dr5 ; unsigned int __dr6 ; unsigned int __dr7 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_debug_state32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:595 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strncat LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strncat(char * , char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strncat LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN bcmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:70 */ extern int bcmp(void const * , void const * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN bcmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:70 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF u_int32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_u_int32_t.h:30 */ typedef unsigned int u_int32_t; /* END TYPEDEF u_int32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_u_int32_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_fstx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_fstx_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_fstx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_snprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_snprintf(char * , unsigned long long , char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_snprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:153 */ extern FILE *fopen(char const * __restrict __filename , char const * __restrict __mode ) __asm__("_fopen") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:153 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_maxps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) __builtin_ia32_maxps(float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) , float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_maxps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN truncate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:599 */ extern int truncate(char const * , off_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN truncate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:599 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setsgroups_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:727 */ extern int setsgroups_np(int , unsigned char * const ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setsgroups_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:727 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkdtemp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:667 */ extern char *mkdtemp(char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkdtemp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:667 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mknod LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:668 */ extern int mknod(char const * , mode_t , dev_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mknod LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:668 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_fabs(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN timezone LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:103 */ extern long timezone __asm__("_timezone") ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN timezone LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:103 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_trace_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_trace_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_trace_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acoshl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_acoshl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acoshl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:221 */ extern int mlock(void const * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:221 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___memmove_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___memmove_chk(void * , void const * , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___memmove_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT rusage_info_v4 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:282 */ struct rusage_info_v4 { uint8_t ri_uuid[16] ; uint64_t ri_user_time ; uint64_t ri_system_time ; uint64_t ri_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_pageins ; uint64_t ri_wired_size ; uint64_t ri_resident_size ; uint64_t ri_phys_footprint ; uint64_t ri_proc_start_abstime ; uint64_t ri_proc_exit_abstime ; uint64_t ri_child_user_time ; uint64_t ri_child_system_time ; uint64_t ri_child_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_child_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_child_pageins ; uint64_t ri_child_elapsed_abstime ; uint64_t ri_diskio_bytesread ; uint64_t ri_diskio_byteswritten ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_default ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_maintenance ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_background ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_utility ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_legacy ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_user_initiated ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_user_interactive ; uint64_t ri_billed_system_time ; uint64_t ri_serviced_system_time ; uint64_t ri_logical_writes ; uint64_t ri_lifetime_max_phys_footprint ; uint64_t ri_instructions ; uint64_t ri_cycles ; uint64_t ri_billed_energy ; uint64_t ri_serviced_energy ; uint64_t ri_interval_max_phys_footprint ; uint64_t ri_runnable_time ; }; /* END STRUCT rusage_info_v4 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:282 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_delete LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_op_delete(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_delete LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fseek LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:162 */ extern int fseek(FILE * , long , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fseek LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:162 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_get_arg_from_stack LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_get_arg_from_stack(struct jit *jit , int type , int size , int dreg , int stack_reg , int stack_pos ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_get_arg_from_stack LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_erfc(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atof LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:134 */ extern double atof(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atof LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:134 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_full_op_name LOC=UNKNOWN */ void print_full_op_name(struct output_buf *linebuf , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_full_op_name LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setsid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:477 */ extern pid_t setsid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setsid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:477 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_tanh(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mergesort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:316 */ extern int mergesort(void *__base , size_t __nel , size_t __width , int (* _Nonnull __compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mergesort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:316 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ffsl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ffsl(unsigned long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ffsl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gmtime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:113 */ extern struct tm *gmtime(time_t const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gmtime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:113 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct { struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *prev ; struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *next ; int data ; }; /* END STRUCT _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_alwaysZero LOC=UNKNOWN */ unsigned long _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_alwaysZero = 0UL; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_alwaysZero LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL _cipher$_xtea_decipherBlock LOC=UNKNOWN */ void _cipher$_xtea_decipherBlock(unsigned int num_rounds , unsigned int *v , unsigned int *key ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL _cipher$_xtea_decipherBlock LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_sub_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_sub_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_sub_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmodl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_fmodl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmodl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccosf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_ccosf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccosf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_sinl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbnf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_scalbnf(float , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbnf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strptime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:117 */ extern char *strptime(char const * __restrict , char const * __restrict , struct tm * __restrict ) __asm__("_strptime") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strptime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:117 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getmode LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:660 */ extern mode_t getmode(void const * , mode_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getmode LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:660 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getchar_unlocked LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:290 */ extern int getchar_unlocked(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getchar_unlocked LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:290 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setlinebuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:376 */ extern int setlinebuf(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setlinebuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:376 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int_fast64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:43 */ typedef int64_t int_fast64_t; /* END TYPEDEF int_fast64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:43 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_settype LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:431 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_settype(pthread_mutexattr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_settype LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:431 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkdtempat_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:686 */ extern char *mkdtempat_np(int dfd , char *path ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=4.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=11.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=11.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.13))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkdtempat_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:686 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_mulps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) __builtin_ia32_mulps(float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) , float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_mulps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vasprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:377 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vasprintf)(char ** __restrict , char const * __restrict , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vasprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:377 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_smull_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_smull_overflow(long const , long const , long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_smull_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF stack_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_sigaltstack.h:48 */ typedef struct __darwin_sigaltstack stack_t; /* END TYPEDEF stack_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_sigaltstack.h:48 */ /* BEGIN UNION __sigaction_u LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:269 */ union __sigaction_u { void (*__sa_handler)(int ) ; void (*__sa_sigaction)(int , struct __siginfo * , void * ) ; }; /* END UNION __sigaction_u LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:269 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_override_qos_class_end_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:293 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=8.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.10))) pthread_override_qos_class_end_np(pthread_override_t __override ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_override_qos_class_end_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:293 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_arg_layout LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_arg_layout { struct jit *jit ; int arg_index ; int gp_index ; int fp_index ; int stack_index ; struct jit_arg_layout_location arguments[] ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_arg_layout LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceilf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_ceilf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceilf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csqrtl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_csqrtl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csqrtl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nansl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_nansl(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nansl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:166 */ extern int getc(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:166 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN timegm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:138 */ extern time_t timegm(struct tm * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN timegm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:138 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_classify_type LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_classify_type(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_classify_type LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_parityl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_parityl(unsigned long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_parityl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_op_name LOC=UNKNOWN */ char *jit_get_op_name(struct jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_op_name LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_unsigned_value LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef unsigned long jit_unsigned_value; /* END TYPEDEF jit_unsigned_value LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fdopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:210 */ extern FILE *fdopen(int , char const * ) __asm__("_fdopen") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fdopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:210 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_fst_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_fst_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_fst_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log1pf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_log1pf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log1pf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strlen LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin_strlen(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strlen LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT sigaction LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:286 */ struct sigaction { union __sigaction_u __sigaction_u ; sigset_t sa_mask ; int sa_flags ; }; /* END STRUCT sigaction LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:286 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lseek LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:465 */ extern off_t lseek(int , off_t , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lseek LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:465 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ungetc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:189 */ extern int ungetc(int , FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ungetc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:189 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalblnf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_scalblnf128(_Float128 , long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalblnf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_uaddll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_uaddll_overflow(unsigned long long const , unsigned long long const , unsigned long long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_uaddll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:259 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:259 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:79 */ extern char *strcpy(char *__dst , char const *__src ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:79 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrtf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_sqrtf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrtf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF jit_disasm_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_disasm jit_disasm_compilable = {" ", "R(%i)", "FR(%i)", "arg(%i)", "farg(%i)", "R_FP", "R_OUT", "R_IMM", "FR_IMM", "(unknown reg.)", "label_%03i", "/* label_%03i */ JIT_FORWARD", "", "%zi"}; /* END VARIABLE-DEF jit_disasm_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_opmask_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:259 */ struct __darwin_opmask_reg { char __opmask_reg[8] ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_opmask_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:259 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_fretval_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_fretval_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_fretval_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fpathconf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:448 */ extern long fpathconf(int , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fpathconf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:448 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT itimerval LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:91 */ struct itimerval { struct timeval it_interval ; struct timeval it_value ; }; /* END STRUCT itimerval LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:91 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctzs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ctzs(short ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctzs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccosh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_ccosh(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccosh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint_least16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:34 */ typedef uint16_t uint_least16_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint_least16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:34 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL force_spill LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int force_spill(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL force_spill LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:462 */ extern uid_t getuid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:462 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log1pf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_log1pf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log1pf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_wint_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:112 */ typedef int __darwin_wint_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_wint_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:112 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_uadd_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_uadd_overflow(unsigned int const , unsigned int const , unsigned int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_uadd_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __snprintf_chk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:52 */ extern int __snprintf_chk(char * __restrict , size_t , int , size_t , char const * __restrict , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __snprintf_chk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:52 */ /* BEGIN ENUM jit_inp_type LOC=UNKNOWN */ enum jit_inp_type { JIT_SIGNED_NUM = 0, JIT_UNSIGNED_NUM = 1, JIT_FLOAT_NUM = 2, JIT_PTR = 3 } ; /* END ENUM jit_inp_type LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remainderf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_remainderf(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remainderf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsync LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:605 */ extern int fsync(int ) __asm__("_fsync") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsync LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:605 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_threadid_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:506 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=3.2), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.6))) pthread_threadid_np(pthread_t __attribute__((__nullable__)) , __uint64_t * _Nullable ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_threadid_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:506 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmod LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_fmod(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmod LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_create_suspended_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:541 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_create_suspended_np(pthread_t __attribute__((__nullable__)) * _Nonnull , pthread_attr_t const * _Nullable , void * _Nullable (* _Nonnull )(void * _Nullable ) , void * _Nullable ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_create_suspended_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:541 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_truncl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_truncl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_truncl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_1 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_1 = (struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *)0; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_1 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isgreaterequal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isgreaterequal(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isgreaterequal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lgammal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_lgammal(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lgammal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log1p LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_log1p(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log1p LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_return_address LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_return_address(unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_return_address LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtok LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:90 */ extern char *strtok(char *__str , char const *__sep ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtok LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:90 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int jit_set_size(jit_set *s ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gmtime_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:127 */ extern struct tm *gmtime_r(time_t const * __restrict , struct tm * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gmtime_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:127 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF user_ssize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:99 */ typedef int64_t user_ssize_t; /* END TYPEDEF user_ssize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:99 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getc_unlocked LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:289 */ extern int getc_unlocked(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getc_unlocked LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:289 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_tanl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_wait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:314 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t * __restrict , pthread_mutex_t * __restrict ) __asm__("_pthread_cond_wait") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_wait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:314 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_smul_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_smul_overflow(int const , int const , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_smul_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fls LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:87 */ extern int fls(int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fls LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:87 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_init_arg_params LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_init_arg_params(struct jit *jit , struct jit_func_info *info , int p , int *phys_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_init_arg_params LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL join_2ops LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int join_2ops(jit_op *op , int opcode1 , int opcode2 , int (*joinfn)(jit_op * , jit_op * ) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL join_2ops LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bitreverse8 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned char __builtin_bitreverse8(unsigned char ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bitreverse8 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_inff128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_inff128(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_inff128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nearbyint LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_nearbyint(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nearbyint LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floorf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_floorf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floorf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_exec_mem_seal LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_exec_mem_seal(struct jit_exec_mem *mem ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_exec_mem_seal LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_atanh(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN remove LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:174 */ extern int remove(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN remove LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:174 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysign LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_copysign(double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysign LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gcvt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:204 */ extern char *gcvt(double , int , char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gcvt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:204 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_expl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_clock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:117 */ typedef unsigned long __darwin_clock_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_clock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:117 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF clock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_clock_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_clock_t clock_t; /* END TYPEDEF clock_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_clock_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:109 */ extern clock_t clock(void) __asm__("_clock") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:109 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_char_memchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_char_memchr(char const * , int , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_char_memchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cpow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_cpow(_Complex double , _Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cpow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef jit_value jit_reg; /* END TYPEDEF jit_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sradixsort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:345 */ extern int sradixsort(unsigned char const **__base , int __nel , unsigned char const *__table , unsigned int __endbyte ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sradixsort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:345 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_constant_p LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_constant_p(int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_constant_p LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_get_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_get_arg(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_get_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_lreg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_lreg(struct jit *jit , int hreg_id , jit_value vreg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_lreg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_erfl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___stpncpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin___stpncpy_chk(char * , char const * , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___stpncpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_alwaysZero LOC=UNKNOWN */ unsigned long _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_alwaysZero ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_alwaysZero LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nans LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_nans(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nans LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN munlockall LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:219 */ extern int munlockall(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN munlockall LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:219 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF errno_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_errno_t.h:30 */ typedef int errno_t; /* END TYPEDEF errno_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_errno_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF jit_opcode LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef enum __anonenum_jit_opcode_820224137 jit_opcode; /* END TYPEDEF jit_opcode LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tzsetwall LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:135 */ extern void tzsetwall(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tzsetwall LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:135 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_complex LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_complex(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_complex LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueStructureType LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueStructureType; /* END TYPEDEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueStructureType LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mblen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:156 */ extern int mblen(char const *__s , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mblen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:156 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isinf_sign LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isinf_sign(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isinf_sign LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN UNION __anonunion_location_773697288 LOC=UNKNOWN */ union __anonunion_location_773697288 { int reg ; int stack_pos ; }; /* END UNION __anonunion_location_773697288 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_inp_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_inp_arg { enum jit_inp_type type ; int size ; char passed_by_reg ; union __anonunion_location_773697288 location ; int spill_pos ; int gp_pos ; int fp_pos ; int overflow ; int phys_reg ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_inp_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setvbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:179 */ extern int setvbuf(FILE * __restrict , char * __restrict , int , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setvbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:179 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clzl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_clzl(unsigned long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clzl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_dump_ops_combined LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_dump_ops_combined(struct jit *jit , jit_tree *labels ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_dump_ops_combined LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getschedparam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:355 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t , int * _Nullable __restrict , struct sched_param * _Nullable __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getschedparam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:355 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceill LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_ceill(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceill LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __x86_pagein_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:622 */ struct __x86_pagein_state { int __pagein_error ; }; /* END STRUCT __x86_pagein_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:622 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floorf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_floorf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floorf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sleep LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:481 */ extern unsigned int sleep(unsigned int ) __asm__("_sleep") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sleep LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:481 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setschedpolicy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:275 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setschedpolicy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:275 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_neg_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_neg_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_neg_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remquof128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_remquof128(_Float128 , _Float128 , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remquof128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN UNION __anonunion_amd64_imm_buf_34291009 LOC=UNKNOWN */ union __anonunion_amd64_imm_buf_34291009 { size_t val ; unsigned char b[8] ; }; /* END UNION __anonunion_amd64_imm_buf_34291009 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabsf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_fabsf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabsf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_thread_full_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:691 */ struct __darwin_x86_thread_full_state64 { struct __darwin_x86_thread_state64 __ss64 ; __uint64_t __ds ; __uint64_t __es ; __uint64_t __ss ; __uint64_t __gsbase ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_thread_full_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:691 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:121 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx64_full { struct __darwin_x86_exception_state64 __es ; struct __darwin_x86_thread_full_state64 __ss ; struct __darwin_x86_avx_state64 __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:121 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL assign_jmp LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int assign_jmp(jit_op *op , struct jit_reg_allocator *al ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL assign_jmp LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_set_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void emit_set_arg(struct jit *jit , struct jit_out_arg *arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_set_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL stack_reg_pos LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int stack_reg_pos(struct jit *jit , int r ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL stack_reg_pos LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF sig_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:331 */ typedef void (*sig_t)(int ); /* END TYPEDEF sig_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:331 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_vsprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_vsprintf(char * , char const * , __builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_vsprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strcat_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin___strcat_chk(char * , char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strcat_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rpmatch LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:343 */ extern int rpmatch(char const * ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=6.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=13.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=13.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.15))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rpmatch LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:343 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_dump_struct LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_dump_struct(void const * , void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_dump_struct LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN issetugid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:666 */ extern int issetugid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN issetugid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:666 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_correct_float_imms LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_correct_float_imms(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_correct_float_imms LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN exchangedata LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:753 */ extern int exchangedata(char const * , char const * , unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN exchangedata LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:753 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sysconf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:483 */ extern long sysconf(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sysconf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:483 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rotate_left LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *rotate_left(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rotate_left LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fma LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_fma(double , double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fma LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib___t LOC=UNKNOWN */ char const *_TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib___t ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib___t LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setdomainname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:714 */ extern int setdomainname(char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setdomainname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:714 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_canonicalize LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_canonicalize(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_canonicalize LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysignl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_copysignl(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysignl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_flw_initialize LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_flw_initialize(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_flw_initialize LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN calloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:41 */ extern void *( __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)) calloc)(size_t __count , size_t __size ) __attribute__((__alloc_size__(1,2))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN calloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:41 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_reg_allocator_create LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_reg_allocator *jit_reg_allocator_create(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_reg_allocator_create LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL sse_alu_sd_reg_safeimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void sse_alu_sd_reg_safeimm(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int op_id , int reg , double *imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL sse_alu_sd_reg_safeimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_IZ_tgVA_envp LOC=UNKNOWN */ char **_TIG_IZ_tgVA_envp ; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_IZ_tgVA_envp LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:419 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_init(pthread_mutexattr_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:419 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random_stir LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:271 */ extern void arc4random_stir(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random_stir LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:271 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unlink LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:494 */ extern int unlink(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unlink LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:494 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN valloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:45 */ extern void *valloc(size_t ) __attribute__((__alloc_size__(1))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN valloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:45 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setpriority LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:451 */ extern int setpriority(int , id_t , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setpriority LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:451 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vfprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:190 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vfprintf)(FILE * __restrict , char const * __restrict , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vfprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:190 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getinheritsched LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:235 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getinheritsched(pthread_attr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getinheritsched LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:235 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ jit_label *jit_get_label(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL unload_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ void unload_reg(jit_op *op , jit_hw_reg *hreg , jit_value virt_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL unload_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sched_get_priority_min LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:39 */ extern int sched_get_priority_min(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sched_get_priority_min LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:39 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_cpmu_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1220 */ struct __darwin_x86_cpmu_state64 { __uint64_t __ctrs[16] ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_cpmu_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1220 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cos LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_cos(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cos LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_log(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN alloca LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/alloca.h:32 */ extern void *alloca(size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN alloca LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/alloca.h:32 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rmdir LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:474 */ extern int rmdir(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rmdir LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:474 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN bcopy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:71 */ extern void bcopy(void const * , void * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN bcopy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:71 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN free LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:42 */ extern void free(void * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN free LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:42 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgetattrlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:749 */ extern int fgetattrlist(int , void * , void * , size_t , unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.6))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgetattrlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:749 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_frame_ptr LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_optimize_frame_ptr(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_frame_ptr LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_start LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_va_start(__builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_start LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL main LOC=UNKNOWN */ int main(int argc , char **argv , char **_TIG_IZ_tgVA_formal_envp ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL main LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrt LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_sqrt(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrt LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:396 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_destroy(pthread_mutexattr_t * ) __asm__("_pthread_mutexattr_destroy") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:396 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:178 */ extern void setbuf(FILE * __restrict , char * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setbuf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:178 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN undelete LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:733 */ extern int undelete(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN undelete LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:733 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wctomb LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:195 */ extern int wctomb(char * , wchar_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wctomb LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:195 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:248 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getstack(pthread_attr_t const * __restrict , void * _Nullable * _Nonnull __restrict , size_t * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:248 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rresvport_af LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:709 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) int rresvport_af(int * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rresvport_af LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:709 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL load_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ void load_reg(jit_op *op , jit_hw_reg *hreg , jit_value reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL load_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unlockpt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:250 */ extern int unlockpt(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unlockpt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:250 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgammaf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_tgammaf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgammaf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_prepend LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_op_prepend(jit_op *op , jit_op *prepended ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_prepend LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_2 ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strstr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strstr(char const * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strstr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_kill LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:550 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_kill(pthread_t , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_kill LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:550 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addcll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned __int128 __builtin_addcll(unsigned long long const , unsigned long long const , unsigned long long const , unsigned long long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addcll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_cosf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strerror_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:116 */ extern int strerror_r(int __errnum , char *__strerrbuf , size_t __buflen ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strerror_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:116 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanhf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_atanhf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanhf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_huge_vall LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_huge_vall(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_huge_vall LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vsscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:338 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vsscanf)(char const * __restrict __str , char const * __restrict __format , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vsscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:338 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strncpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strncpy(char * , char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strncpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_unused_assignments LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_optimize_unused_assignments(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_unused_assignments LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getlogin LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:458 */ extern char *getlogin(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getlogin LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:458 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateright8 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned char __builtin_rotateright8(unsigned char , unsigned char ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateright8 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL ob_append LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void ob_append(struct output_buf *ob , char *str ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL ob_append LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_comment LOC=UNKNOWN */ void print_comment(struct output_buf *linebuf , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_comment LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN srandom LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:246 */ extern void srandom(unsigned int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN srandom LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:246 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_csinhl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cargl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_cargl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cargl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL x86_cc_signed_map LOC=UNKNOWN */ static unsigned char const x86_cc_signed_map[12] ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL x86_cc_signed_map LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN ENUM __anonenum_clockid_t_447627989 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:153 */ enum __anonenum_clockid_t_447627989 { _CLOCK_REALTIME = 0, _CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 6, _CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 4, _CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = 5, _CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = 8, _CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = 9, _CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 12, _CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 16 } ; /* END ENUM __anonenum_clockid_t_447627989 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:153 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF clockid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:153 */ typedef enum __anonenum_clockid_t_447627989 clockid_t; /* END TYPEDEF clockid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:153 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock_gettime_nsec_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:182 */ extern __uint64_t __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0))) clock_gettime_nsec_np(clockid_t __clock_id ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock_gettime_nsec_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:182 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN read LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:472 */ extern ssize_t read(int , void * , size_t ) __asm__("_read") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN read LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:472 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_cond_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_cond_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int amd64_cond , int imm , int sign ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_cond_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_log2f128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN drand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:200 */ extern double drand48(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN drand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:200 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_readcyclecounter LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned __int128 __builtin_readcyclecounter(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_readcyclecounter LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fminf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_fminf16(_Float16 , _Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fminf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lockf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:569 */ extern int lockf(int , int , off_t ) __asm__("_lockf") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lockf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:569 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_alloca LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_alloca(unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_alloca LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL compiler_based_debugger LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void compiler_based_debugger(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL compiler_based_debugger LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtouq LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:354 */ extern unsigned long long strtouq(char const *__str , char **__endptr , int __base ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtouq LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:354 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pwrite LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:575 */ extern ssize_t pwrite(int __fd , void const *__buf , size_t __nbyte , off_t __offset ) __asm__("_pwrite") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pwrite LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:575 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan2 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_atan2(double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan2 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:74 */ extern void *memset(void *__b , int __c , size_t __len ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:74 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ferror LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:145 */ extern int ferror(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ferror LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:145 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL copy_reg_to_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void copy_reg_to_array(jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value , void *target ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL copy_reg_to_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_to_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_set_to_array(jit_set *s , jit_value *dest ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_to_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT rusage_info_v3 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:251 */ struct rusage_info_v3 { uint8_t ri_uuid[16] ; uint64_t ri_user_time ; uint64_t ri_system_time ; uint64_t ri_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_pageins ; uint64_t ri_wired_size ; uint64_t ri_resident_size ; uint64_t ri_phys_footprint ; uint64_t ri_proc_start_abstime ; uint64_t ri_proc_exit_abstime ; uint64_t ri_child_user_time ; uint64_t ri_child_system_time ; uint64_t ri_child_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_child_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_child_pageins ; uint64_t ri_child_elapsed_abstime ; uint64_t ri_diskio_bytesread ; uint64_t ri_diskio_byteswritten ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_default ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_maintenance ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_background ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_utility ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_legacy ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_user_initiated ; uint64_t ri_cpu_time_qos_user_interactive ; uint64_t ri_billed_system_time ; uint64_t ri_serviced_system_time ; }; /* END STRUCT rusage_info_v3 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:251 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setbuffer LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:375 */ extern void setbuffer(FILE * , char * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setbuffer LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:375 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanhf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_tanhf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanhf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_csinf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_trunc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_trunc(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_trunc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsctl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:773 */ extern int fsctl(char const * , unsigned long , void * , unsigned int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsctl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:773 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_fmal(long double , long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rcmd_af LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:706 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) int rcmd_af(char ** , int , char const * , char const * , char const * , int * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rcmd_af LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:706 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strstr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:89 */ extern char *strstr(char const *__big , char const *__little ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strstr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:89 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_arg_layout_add LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_arg_layout_add(struct jit_arg_layout *layout , int isfp , struct jit_out_arg *arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_arg_layout_add LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$strings LOC=UNKNOWN */ char const *_TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$strings = "fib(%i)=%i\n\000"; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_VZ_tgVA_3_fib_$strings LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argv LOC=UNKNOWN */ char **_TIG_IZ_tgVA_argv ; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argv LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_first LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_op *jit_op_first(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_first LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:444 */ extern int execv(char const *__path , char **__argv ) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:444 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_broadcast LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:293 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_broadcast LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:293 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putchar_unlocked LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:292 */ extern int putchar_unlocked(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putchar_unlocked LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:292 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_int16_t.h:30 */ typedef short int16_t; /* END TYPEDEF int16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_int16_t.h:30 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int_fast16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:41 */ typedef int16_t int_fast16_t; /* END TYPEDEF int_fast16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:41 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:422 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling(pthread_mutexattr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:422 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_ymm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:229 */ struct __darwin_ymm_reg { char __ymm_reg[32] ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_ymm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:229 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_i386_avx512_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:364 */ struct __darwin_i386_avx512_state { int __fpu_reserved[2] ; struct __darwin_fp_control __fpu_fcw ; struct __darwin_fp_status __fpu_fsw ; __uint8_t __fpu_ftw ; __uint8_t __fpu_rsrv1 ; __uint16_t __fpu_fop ; __uint32_t __fpu_ip ; __uint16_t __fpu_cs ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv2 ; __uint32_t __fpu_dp ; __uint16_t __fpu_ds ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv3 ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsr ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsrmask ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm0 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm1 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm2 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm3 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm4 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm5 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm6 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm7 ; char __fpu_rsrv4[224] ; int __fpu_reserved1 ; char __avx_reserved1[64] ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh7 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k0 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k1 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k2 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k3 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k4 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k5 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k6 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k7 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh0 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh1 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh2 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh3 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh4 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh5 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh6 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh7 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_i386_avx512_state LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:364 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_blksize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:56 */ typedef __int32_t __darwin_blksize_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_blksize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:56 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_sinh(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llabs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llabs(long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llabs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wcsncmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_wcsncmp(unsigned short * const , unsigned short * const , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wcsncmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_gettype LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:411 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_gettype(pthread_mutexattr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_gettype LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:411 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN flsll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:89 */ extern int flsll(long long ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.9))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN flsll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:89 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN __stdinp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:67 */ extern FILE *__stdinp ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN __stdinp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:67 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabsf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_fabsf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabsf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN stpcpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:130 */ extern char *stpcpy(char *__dst , char const *__src ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN stpcpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:130 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT copy_target LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct copy_target { jit_value *target ; int index ; }; /* END STRUCT copy_target LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void rmap_free(jit_rmap *regmap ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mktime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:115 */ extern time_t mktime(struct tm * ) __asm__("_mktime") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mktime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:115 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL _OSSwapInt16 LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static __uint16_t _OSSwapInt16(__uint16_t _data ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL _OSSwapInt16 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sethostid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:716 */ extern void sethostid(long ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sethostid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:716 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vfork LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:602 */ extern pid_t vfork(void) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vfork LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:602 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getlogin_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:608 */ extern int getlogin_r(char * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getlogin_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:608 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL free_ops LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void free_ops(struct jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL free_ops LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_debug_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1192 */ struct __darwin_x86_debug_state64 { __uint64_t __dr0 ; __uint64_t __dr1 ; __uint64_t __dr2 ; __uint64_t __dr3 ; __uint64_t __dr4 ; __uint64_t __dr5 ; __uint64_t __dr6 ; __uint64_t __dr7 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_debug_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:1192 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_op { unsigned short code ; unsigned char spec ; unsigned char arg_size ; unsigned char assigned ; unsigned char fp ; unsigned char in_use ; double flt_imm ; jit_value arg[3] ; jit_value r_arg[3] ; jit_value patch_addr ; struct jit_op *jmp_addr ; struct jit_op *next ; struct jit_op *prev ; struct jit_set *live_in ; struct jit_set *live_out ; struct jit_rmap *regmap ; int normalized_pos ; struct jit_tree *allocator_hints ; struct jit_debug_info *debug_info ; size_t code_offset ; size_t code_length ; void *addendum ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int_least8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:29 */ typedef int8_t int_least8_t; /* END TYPEDEF int_least8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:29 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_addall LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *jit_tree_addall(jit_tree *target , jit_tree *n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_addall LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getwgroups_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:664 */ extern int getwgroups_np(int * , unsigned char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getwgroups_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:664 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fread LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:158 */ extern size_t fread(void * __restrict __ptr , size_t __size , size_t __nitems , FILE * __restrict __stream ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fread LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:158 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_expand_patches_and_labels LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_expand_patches_and_labels(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_expand_patches_and_labels LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_pop_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int emit_pop_reg(struct jit *jit , jit_hw_reg *r , int stack_offset ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_pop_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL prepare_registers_for_call LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void prepare_registers_for_call(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL prepare_registers_for_call LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN abort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:131 */ extern __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void abort(void) __attribute__((__cold__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN abort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:131 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_set *jit_set_new(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_shufflevector LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_shufflevector(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_shufflevector LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_roundf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_roundf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_roundf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wait4 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:255 */ extern pid_t wait4(pid_t , int * , int , struct rusage * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wait4 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:255 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setugid_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:699 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__("Use of per-thread security contexts is error-prone and discouraged."))) int pthread_setugid_np(uid_t , gid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setugid_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:699 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL required_stack_space_for_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int required_stack_space_for_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL required_stack_space_for_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mprotect LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:228 */ extern int mprotect(void * , size_t , int ) __asm__("_mprotect") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mprotect LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:228 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_op_bytes LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void print_op_bytes(FILE *f , struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_op_bytes LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_addall LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_set_addall(jit_set *target , jit_set *s ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_addall LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_dwarf_cfa LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_dwarf_cfa(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_dwarf_cfa LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_asinf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tempnam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:304 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__("This function is provided for compatibility reasons only. Due to security concerns inherent in the design of tempnam(3), it is highly recommended that you use mkstemp(3) instead."))) char __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use mkstemp(3) instead."))) *tempnam(char const *__dir , char const *__prefix ) __asm__("_tempnam") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tempnam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:304 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT tm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:75 */ struct tm { int tm_sec ; int tm_min ; int tm_hour ; int tm_mday ; int tm_mon ; int tm_year ; int tm_wday ; int tm_yday ; int tm_isdst ; long tm_gmtoff ; char *tm_zone ; }; /* END STRUCT tm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:75 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT sched_param LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:35 */ struct sched_param { int sched_priority ; char __opaque[4] ; }; /* END STRUCT sched_param LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:35 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getline LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:355 */ extern ssize_t getline(char ** __restrict __linep , size_t * __restrict __linecapp , FILE * __restrict __stream ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getline LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:355 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getsgroups_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:662 */ extern int getsgroups_np(int * , unsigned char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getsgroups_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:662 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_st_ops LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_optimize_st_ops(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_optimize_st_ops LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_modff128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_modff128(_Float128 , _Float128 * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_modff128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF user_ulong_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:101 */ typedef u_int64_t user_ulong_t; /* END TYPEDEF user_ulong_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:101 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_subx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_subx_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int x86_op , int imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_subx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_stpcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_stpcpy(char * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_stpcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getrusage LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:450 */ extern int getrusage(int , struct rusage * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getrusage LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:450 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_sigmask LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:556 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_sigmask(int , sigset_t const * _Nullable , sigset_t * _Nullable ) __asm__("_pthread_sigmask") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_sigmask LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:556 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argc LOC=UNKNOWN */ int _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argc ; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_IZ_tgVA_argc LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_prepared_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_prepared_args { int count ; int ready ; int gp_args ; int fp_args ; int stack_size ; jit_op *op ; int variadic ; struct jit_out_arg *args ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_prepared_args LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit { unsigned char *buf ; unsigned int buf_capacity ; unsigned char *ip ; struct jit_op *ops ; struct jit_op *last_op ; struct jit_reg_allocator *reg_al ; struct jit_op *current_func ; jit_label *labels ; jit_prepared_args prepared_args ; int push_count ; unsigned int optimizations ; struct jit_exec_mem *mmaped_buf ; }; /* END STRUCT jit LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL make_addmuli LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int make_addmuli(jit_op *op , jit_op *nextop ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL make_addmuli LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_matrix_transpose LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_matrix_transpose(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_matrix_transpose LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetent LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:283 */ extern int cgetent(char ** , char ** , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetent LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:283 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_debug_info_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_debug_info *jit_debug_info_new(char const *filename , char const *function , int lineno ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_debug_info_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tzset LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:121 */ extern void tzset(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tzset LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:121 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_asinhf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL delete_node LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *delete_node(jit_tree *h , jit_tree_key key , int *found ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL delete_node LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_subps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) __builtin_ia32_subps(float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) , float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_subps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_roundf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_roundf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_roundf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frexpl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_frexpl(long double , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frexpl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gets LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:168 */ extern char *gets(char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gets LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:168 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL fac LOC=UNKNOWN */ void fac(int n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL fac LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:452 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t * ) __asm__("_pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:452 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkostempsat_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:692 */ extern int mkostempsat_np(int dfd , char *path , int slen , int oflags ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=4.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=11.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=11.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.13))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkostempsat_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:692 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_object_size LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin_object_size(void * , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_object_size LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_hypotf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_hypotf(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_hypotf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_huge_valf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_huge_valf128(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_huge_valf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_unwind_init LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_unwind_init(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_unwind_init LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_start LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___get_unsafe_stack_start(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_start LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setegid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:624 */ extern int setegid(gid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setegid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:624 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL pthread_override_s LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:211 */ struct pthread_override_s ; /* END STRUCT-DECL pthread_override_s LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/qos.h:211 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_tan(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_casinl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atoll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:139 */ extern long long atoll(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN atoll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:139 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unlinkat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:212 */ extern int unlinkat(int , char const * , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unlinkat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:212 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_unused_reg_with_index LOC=UNKNOWN */ jit_hw_reg *jit_get_unused_reg_with_index(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op , int fp , int index___0 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_unused_reg_with_index LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getattrlistbulk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:187 */ extern int getattrlistbulk(int , void * , void * , size_t , uint64_t ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getattrlistbulk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:187 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF ldiv_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:88 */ typedef struct __anonstruct_ldiv_t_748949161 ldiv_t; /* END TYPEDEF ldiv_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:88 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fdimf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_fdimf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fdimf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_last LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_op *jit_op_last(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_last LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF rsize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_rsize_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_size_t rsize_t; /* END TYPEDEF rsize_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_rsize_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset_s LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:145 */ extern errno_t memset_s(void *__s , rsize_t __smax , int __c , rsize_t __n ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.9))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset_s LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:145 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___stpcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin___stpcpy_chk(char * , char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___stpcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_next_arg LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: __builtin_va_list __builtin_next_arg(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_next_arg LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size(char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_usub_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_usub_overflow(unsigned int const , unsigned int const , unsigned int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_usub_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_annotation LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_annotation(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_annotation LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_erf(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cabsl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_cabsl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cabsl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_canonicalizef LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_canonicalizef(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_canonicalizef LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sched_get_priority_max LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:40 */ extern int sched_get_priority_max(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sched_get_priority_max LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread/sched.h:40 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_push_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int emit_push_reg(struct jit *jit , jit_hw_reg *r , int stack_offset ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_push_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __darwin_check_fd_set_overflow LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_fd_def.h:54 */ extern int __darwin_check_fd_set_overflow(int , void const * , int ) __attribute__((__weak_import__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __darwin_check_fd_set_overflow LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_fd_def.h:54 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bswap32 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_bswap32(int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bswap32 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_pop_caller_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int emit_pop_caller_saved_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_pop_caller_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_logf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaxf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_fmaxf(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaxf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getenv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:147 */ extern char *getenv(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getenv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:147 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_join LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:362 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_join(pthread_t , void * _Nullable * _Nullable ) __asm__("_pthread_join") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_join LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:362 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_free(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_debugtrap LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_debugtrap(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_debugtrap LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strlen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:82 */ extern size_t strlen(char const *__s ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strlen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:82 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nearbyintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_nearbyintf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nearbyintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_stdarg_start LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_stdarg_start(__builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_stdarg_start LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL stack_arg_pos LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int stack_arg_pos(struct jit *jit , struct jit_func_info *info , int arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL stack_arg_pos LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10f16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_log10f16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10f16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint_least32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:35 */ typedef uint32_t uint_least32_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint_least32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:35 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_top LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___get_unsafe_stack_top(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_top LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acoshf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_acoshf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acoshf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL open_disasm LOC=UNKNOWN */ static FILE *open_disasm(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL open_disasm LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_catanh(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF x86_cc_signed_map LOC=UNKNOWN */ static unsigned char const x86_cc_signed_map[12] = { (unsigned char const )0x74, (unsigned char const )0x75, (unsigned char const )0x7c, (unsigned char const )0x7e, (unsigned char const )0x7f, (unsigned char const )0x7d, (unsigned char const )0x78, (unsigned char const )0x79, (unsigned char const )0x7a, (unsigned char const )0x7b, (unsigned char const )0x70, (unsigned char const )0x71}; /* END VARIABLE-DEF x86_cc_signed_map LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llroundl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llroundl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llroundl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bitreverse64 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long __builtin_bitreverse64(unsigned long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bitreverse64 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_eh_return_data_regno LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_eh_return_data_regno(int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_eh_return_data_regno LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_assoc LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void rmap_assoc(jit_rmap *rmap , jit_value reg , jit_hw_reg *hreg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_assoc LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mmap LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:225 */ extern void *mmap(void * , size_t , int , int , int , off_t ) __asm__("_mmap") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mmap LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:225 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_sinf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_matrix_column_major_load LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_matrix_column_major_load(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_matrix_column_major_load LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_1 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_1 ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_1 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table(void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN difftime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:111 */ extern double difftime(time_t , time_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN difftime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:111 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_atfork LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:222 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_atfork(void (* _Nullable )(void) , void (* _Nullable )(void) , void (* _Nullable )(void) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_atfork LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:222 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_nanf(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:180 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ sprintf)(char * __restrict , char const * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use snprintf instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:180 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_modfl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_modfl(long double , long double * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_modfl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frexpf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_frexpf128(_Float128 , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frexpf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN renameatx_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/stdio.h:47 */ extern int renameatx_np(int , char const * , int , char const * , unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN renameatx_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/stdio.h:47 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2f16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_exp2f16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2f16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN nfssvc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:695 */ extern int nfssvc(int , void * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN nfssvc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:695 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_expf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ffs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ffs(unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ffs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_alu_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_alu_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int x86_op , int imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_alu_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN abs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:132 */ extern int abs(int ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN abs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:132 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getcwd LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:449 */ extern char *getcwd(char * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getcwd LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:449 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mbtowc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:158 */ extern int mbtowc(wchar_t * __restrict , char const * __restrict , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mbtowc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:158 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_trylock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:390 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_trylock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:390 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN encrypt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:546 */ extern void encrypt(char * , int ) __asm__("_encrypt") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN encrypt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:546 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN labs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:148 */ extern long labs(long ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN labs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:148 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysignf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_copysignf16(_Float16 , _Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysignf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setstacksize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:287 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setstacksize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:287 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_insert LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *jit_tree_insert(jit_tree *root , jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value , int *found ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_insert LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lutimes LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:192 */ extern int lutimes(char const * , struct timeval const * ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lutimes LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:192 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgamma LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_tgamma(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgamma LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int_least64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:32 */ typedef int64_t int_least64_t; /* END TYPEDEF int_least64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:32 */ /* BEGIN UNION __anonunion_x86_imm_buf_876386805 LOC=UNKNOWN */ union __anonunion_x86_imm_buf_876386805 { int val ; unsigned char b[4] ; }; /* END UNION __anonunion_x86_imm_buf_876386805 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rindex LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:74 */ extern char *rindex(char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rindex LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:74 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset_pattern4 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:156 */ extern void memset_pattern4(void *__b , void const *__pattern4 , size_t __len ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset_pattern4 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:156 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF syscall_arg_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:111 */ typedef u_int64_t syscall_arg_t; /* END TYPEDEF syscall_arg_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:111 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetcap LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:281 */ extern char *cgetcap(char * , char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetcap LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:281 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __vsprintf_chk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:61 */ extern int __vsprintf_chk(char * __restrict , int , size_t , char const * __restrict , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __vsprintf_chk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:61 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_add_prolog LOC=UNKNOWN */ jit_op *jit_add_prolog(struct jit *jit , void *func , struct jit_debug_info *debug_info ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_add_prolog LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN system LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:190 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable), __availability__(ios,unavailable), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use posix_spawn APIs or NSTask instead."))) system(char const * ) __asm__("_system") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN system LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:190 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateleft32 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned int __builtin_rotateleft32(unsigned int , unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateleft32 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strdup LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strdup(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strdup LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_sinhf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkostemp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:676 */ extern int mkostemp(char *path , int oflags ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkostemp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:676 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN reboot LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:702 */ extern int reboot(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN reboot LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:702 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN utimes LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:203 */ extern int utimes(char const * , struct timeval const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN utimes LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:203 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL insert_reg_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void insert_reg_op(int opcode , jit_op *op , jit_value r1 , jit_value r2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL insert_reg_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtof LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:166 */ extern float strtof(char const * , char ** ) __asm__("_strtof") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtof LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:166 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkpath_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:669 */ extern int mkpath_np(char const *path , mode_t omode ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.8))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkpath_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:669 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:474 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(pthread_rwlockattr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:474 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fchown LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:621 */ extern int fchown(int , uid_t , gid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fchown LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:621 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___clear_cache LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin___clear_cache(void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___clear_cache LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN faccessat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:207 */ extern int faccessat(int , char const * , int , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN faccessat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:207 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL ob_printf LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void ob_printf(struct output_buf *ob , char const *fmt , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL ob_printf LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floorf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_floorf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floorf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_setprioceiling LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:386 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutex_setprioceiling(pthread_mutex_t * __restrict , int , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_setprioceiling LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:386 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wmemcmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_wmemcmp(unsigned short * const , unsigned short * const , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wmemcmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pclose LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:228 */ extern int pclose(FILE * ) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use posix_spawn APIs or NSTask instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pclose LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:228 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_zmm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:245 */ struct __darwin_zmm_reg { char __zmm_reg[64] ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_zmm_reg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:245 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_x86_avx512_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:833 */ struct __darwin_x86_avx512_state64 { int __fpu_reserved[2] ; struct __darwin_fp_control __fpu_fcw ; struct __darwin_fp_status __fpu_fsw ; __uint8_t __fpu_ftw ; __uint8_t __fpu_rsrv1 ; __uint16_t __fpu_fop ; __uint32_t __fpu_ip ; __uint16_t __fpu_cs ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv2 ; __uint32_t __fpu_dp ; __uint16_t __fpu_ds ; __uint16_t __fpu_rsrv3 ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsr ; __uint32_t __fpu_mxcsrmask ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm0 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm1 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm2 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm3 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm4 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm5 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm6 ; struct __darwin_mmst_reg __fpu_stmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm8 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm9 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm10 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm11 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm12 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm13 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm14 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_xmm15 ; char __fpu_rsrv4[96] ; int __fpu_reserved1 ; char __avx_reserved1[64] ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh0 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh1 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh2 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh3 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh4 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh5 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh6 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh7 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh8 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh9 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh10 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh11 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh12 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh13 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh14 ; struct __darwin_xmm_reg __fpu_ymmh15 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k0 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k1 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k2 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k3 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k4 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k5 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k6 ; struct __darwin_opmask_reg __fpu_k7 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh0 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh1 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh2 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh3 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh4 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh5 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh6 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh7 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh8 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh9 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh10 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh11 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh12 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh13 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh14 ; struct __darwin_ymm_reg __fpu_zmmh15 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm16 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm17 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm18 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm19 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm20 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm21 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm22 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm23 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm24 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm25 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm26 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm27 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm28 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm29 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm30 ; struct __darwin_zmm_reg __fpu_zmm31 ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_x86_avx512_state64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:833 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_unpckhps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) __builtin_ia32_unpckhps(float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) , float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_unpckhps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN alarm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:433 */ extern unsigned int alarm(unsigned int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN alarm LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:433 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strmode LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:164 */ extern void strmode(int __mode , char *__bp ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strmode LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:164 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetustr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:290 */ extern int cgetustr(char * , char const * , char ** ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetustr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:290 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccoshl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_ccoshl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccoshl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN timelocal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:137 */ extern time_t timelocal(struct tm * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN timelocal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:137 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __sprintf_chk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:42 */ extern int __sprintf_chk(char * __restrict , int , size_t , char const * __restrict , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __sprintf_chk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:42 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ctime_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:126 */ extern char *ctime_r(time_t const * , char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ctime_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:126 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacosf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_cacosf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacosf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ffsll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ffsll(unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ffsll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN shm_unlink LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:237 */ extern int shm_unlink(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN shm_unlink LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:237 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint_least64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:36 */ typedef uint64_t uint_least64_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint_least64_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:36 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL _cipher$_xtea_encipherBlock LOC=UNKNOWN */ void _cipher$_xtea_encipherBlock(unsigned int num_rounds , unsigned int *v , unsigned int *key ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL _cipher$_xtea_encipherBlock LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setkey LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:239 */ extern void setkey(char const * ) __asm__("_setkey") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setkey LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:239 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacosl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_cacosl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacosl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_conjl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_conjl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_conjl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powil LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_powil(long double , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powil LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrtl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_sqrtl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrtl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdelim LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:354 */ extern ssize_t getdelim(char ** __restrict __linep , size_t * __restrict __linecapp , int __delimiter , FILE * __restrict __stream ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdelim LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:354 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN access LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:431 */ extern int access(char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN access LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:431 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gethostid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:551 */ extern long gethostid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gethostid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:551 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lgammaf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_lgammaf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lgammaf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ftrylockfile LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:287 */ extern int ftrylockfile(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ftrylockfile LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:287 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_trace LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_trace(struct jit *jit , int verbosity ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_trace LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateright16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: short __builtin_rotateright16(short , short ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateright16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_abs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_abs(int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_abs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ssubl_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_ssubl_overflow(long const , long const , long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ssubl_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_rune_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:109 */ typedef __darwin_wchar_t __darwin_rune_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_rune_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:109 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF rune_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_rune_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_rune_t rune_t; /* END TYPEDEF rune_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_rune_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_atanhf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nansf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_nansf(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nansf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __assert_rtn LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/assert.h:76 */ extern __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __assert_rtn(char const * , char const * , int , char const * ) __attribute__((__disable_tail_calls__, __cold__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __assert_rtn LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/assert.h:76 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgetpos LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:148 */ extern int fgetpos(FILE * __restrict , fpos_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgetpos LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:148 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getgrouplist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:650 */ extern int getgrouplist(char const * , int , int * , int * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getgrouplist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:650 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfcf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_erfcf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfcf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgetc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:147 */ extern int fgetc(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgetc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:147 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_shift_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_shift_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int shift_op , int imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_shift_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctzl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ctzl(unsigned long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctzl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_2 = (struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *)0; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_ptr_2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN feof LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:144 */ extern int feof(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN feof LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:144 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putchar LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:172 */ extern int putchar(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putchar LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:172 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN srandomdev LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:348 */ extern void srandomdev(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN srandomdev LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:348 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_catanf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___sprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin___sprintf_chk(char * , int , unsigned long long , char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___sprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_exp2l(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_dead_code_analysis LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_dead_code_analysis(struct jit *jit , int remove_dead_code ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_dead_code_analysis LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN scanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:177 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ scanf)(char const * __restrict , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN scanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:177 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_asinhl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsync_volume_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:779 */ extern int fsync_volume_np(int , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.8))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsync_volume_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:779 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_rdlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:449 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t * ) __asm__("_pthread_rwlock_rdlock") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_rdlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:449 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_sync LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void rmap_sync(jit_op *op , jit_rmap *current , jit_rmap *target , int mode ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_sync LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ldexpf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_ldexpf(float , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ldexpf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_canonicalizel LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_canonicalizel(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_canonicalizel LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_fmin(double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_powf16(_Float16 , _Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:97 */ struct __darwin_mcontext64 { struct __darwin_x86_exception_state64 __es ; struct __darwin_x86_thread_state64 __ss ; struct __darwin_x86_float_state64 __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:97 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN puts LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:173 */ extern int puts(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN puts LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:173 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fflush LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:146 */ extern int fflush(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fflush LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:146 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned int __builtin_addc(unsigned int const , unsigned int const , unsigned int const , unsigned int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memcpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:72 */ extern void *memcpy(void *__dst , void const *__src , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memcpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:72 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_catanhl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF intptr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_intptr_t.h:32 */ typedef __darwin_intptr_t intptr_t; /* END TYPEDEF intptr_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_intptr_t.h:32 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_asinl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_usubll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_usubll_overflow(unsigned long long const , unsigned long long const , unsigned long long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_usubll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN chdir LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:434 */ extern int chdir(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN chdir LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:434 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN geteuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:451 */ extern uid_t geteuid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN geteuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:451 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fmemopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:356 */ extern FILE *fmemopen(void * __restrict __buf , size_t __size , char const * __restrict __mode ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=4.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=11.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=11.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.13))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fmemopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:356 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_init LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_rmap *rmap_init(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_init LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN syscall LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:742 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,deprecated=10.12,message="syscall(2) is unsupported; please switch to a supported interface. For SYS_kdebug_trace use kdebug_signpost()."), __availability__(ios,deprecated=10.0,message="syscall(2) is unsupported; please switch to a supported interface. For SYS_kdebug_trace use kdebug_signpost()."), __availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) syscall(int , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN syscall LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:742 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wmemcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned short *__builtin_wmemcpy(unsigned short * , unsigned short * const , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wmemcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL init_tigress LOC=UNKNOWN */ void init_tigress(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL init_tigress LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_round LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_round(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_round LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock_getres LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:175 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12))) clock_getres(clockid_t __clock_id , struct timespec *__res ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock_getres LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:175 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:138 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64_full { struct __darwin_x86_exception_state64 __es ; struct __darwin_x86_thread_full_state64 __ss ; struct __darwin_x86_avx512_state64 __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:138 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_powf128(_Float128 , _Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN minherit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:244 */ extern int minherit(void * , size_t , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN minherit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:244 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_get_sign_mask LOC=UNKNOWN */ static unsigned char *emit_sse_get_sign_mask(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_get_sign_mask LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib_freq LOC=UNKNOWN */ int _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib_freq ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib_freq LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_parityll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_parityll(unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_parityll LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_get_stacksize_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:524 */ extern size_t __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) pthread_get_stacksize_np(pthread_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_get_stacksize_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:524 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL _cipher$_xtea_encipher LOC=UNKNOWN */ void _cipher$_xtea_encipher(unsigned int block_no , unsigned int num_rounds , unsigned int *v , unsigned int *key , unsigned int size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL _cipher$_xtea_encipher LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL _OSSwapInt32 LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static __uint32_t _OSSwapInt32(__uint32_t _data ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL _OSSwapInt32 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock_gettime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:178 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12))) clock_gettime(clockid_t __clock_id , struct timespec *__tp ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock_gettime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:178 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_uuid_string_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:78 */ typedef char __darwin_uuid_string_t[37]; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_uuid_string_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:78 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expm1 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_expm1(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expm1 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memmove LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_memmove(void * , void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memmove LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF rusage_info_current LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:321 */ typedef struct rusage_info_v4 rusage_info_current; /* END TYPEDEF rusage_info_current LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:321 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_exec_mem_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_exec_mem_free(struct jit_exec_mem *mem ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_exec_mem_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL funcall_fput_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void funcall_fput_arg(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL funcall_fput_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subcs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: short __builtin_subcs(unsigned short const , unsigned short const , unsigned short const , unsigned short * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subcs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:441 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlock_destroy(pthread_rwlock_t * ) __asm__("_pthread_rwlock_destroy") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:441 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_data_bytes LOC=UNKNOWN */ jit_op *jit_data_bytes(struct jit *jit , jit_value count , unsigned char *data ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_data_bytes LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_is_aligned LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_is_aligned(void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_is_aligned LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN llabs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:152 */ extern long long llabs(long long ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN llabs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:152 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT-DECL searchstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:770 */ struct searchstate ; /* END STRUCT-DECL searchstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:770 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN munmap LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:234 */ extern int munmap(void * , size_t ) __asm__("_munmap") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN munmap LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:234 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_tanf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_condattr_setpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:328 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_condattr_setpshared(pthread_condattr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_condattr_setpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:328 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nextafter LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_nextafter(double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nextafter LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_memchr(void const * , int , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memchr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_memset LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_memset(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 , int block_size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_memset LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strncat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:83 */ extern char *strncat(char *__s1 , char const *__s2 , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strncat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:83 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floorl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_floorl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_floorl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getname_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:510 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=3.2), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.6))) pthread_getname_np(pthread_t , char * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getname_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:510 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL platform_id LOC=UNKNOWN */ static char *platform_id(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL platform_id LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_popcount LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_popcount(unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_popcount LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lldiv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:153 */ extern lldiv_t lldiv(long long , long long ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lldiv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:153 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_getpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:407 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_getpshared(pthread_mutexattr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_getpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:407 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_varargs_start LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_varargs_start(__builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_varargs_start LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_catanl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_powf(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL branch_adjustment LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void branch_adjustment(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL branch_adjustment LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:105 */ struct __darwin_mcontext64_full { struct __darwin_x86_exception_state64 __es ; struct __darwin_x86_thread_full_state64 __ss ; struct __darwin_x86_float_state64 __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext64_full LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:105 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_debug_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_debug_info { char const *filename ; char const *function ; int lineno ; int warnings ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_debug_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nexttoward LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_nexttoward(double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nexttoward LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_tanhl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN UNION __anonunion_value_137411616 LOC=UNKNOWN */ union __anonunion_value_137411616 { jit_value generic ; double fp ; jit_label *label ; }; /* END UNION __anonunion_value_137411616 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memset LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_memset(void * , int , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memset LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_fmaf(float , float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_casinhl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casinhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_conjf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_conjf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_conjf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_add_fop LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_op *jit_add_fop(struct jit *jit , unsigned short code , unsigned char spec , jit_value arg1 , jit_value arg2 , jit_value arg3 , double flt_imm , unsigned char arg_size , struct jit_debug_info *debug_info ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_add_fop LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_setjmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_setjmp(void ** ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_setjmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:399 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling(pthread_mutexattr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:399 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetset LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:288 */ extern int cgetset(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetset LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:288 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___memccpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___memccpy_chk(void * , void const * , int , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___memccpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL _OSSwapInt64 LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static __uint64_t _OSSwapInt64(__uint64_t _data ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL _OSSwapInt64 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN symlinkat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:211 */ extern int symlinkat(char const * , int , char const * ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN symlinkat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:211 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gettimeofday LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:197 */ extern int gettimeofday(struct timeval * __restrict , void * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gettimeofday LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:197 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN devname_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:294 */ extern char *devname_r(dev_t , mode_t , char *buf , int len ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN devname_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:294 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_atan(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:452 */ extern gid_t getgid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:452 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_key_delete LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:369 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_key_delete LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:369 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_entropy LOC=UNKNOWN */ unsigned long _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_entropy ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_entropy LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_reg_allocator LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_reg_allocator { int gp_reg_cnt ; int fp_reg_cnt ; int fp_reg ; int gp_arg_reg_cnt ; int fp_arg_reg_cnt ; jit_hw_reg *ret_reg ; jit_hw_reg *fpret_reg ; jit_hw_reg *gp_regs ; jit_hw_reg *fp_regs ; jit_hw_reg **gp_arg_regs ; jit_hw_reg **fp_arg_regs ; struct jit_func_info *current_func_info ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_reg_allocator LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_is_associated LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_hw_reg *rmap_is_associated(jit_rmap *rmap , int reg_id , int fp , jit_value *virt_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_is_associated LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN funopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:384 */ extern FILE *funopen(void const * , int (* _Nullable )(void * , char * , int ) , int (* _Nullable )(void * , char const * , int ) , fpos_t (* _Nullable )(void * , fpos_t , int ) , int (* _Nullable )(void * ) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN funopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:384 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_hypot LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_hypot(double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_hypot LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetstr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:289 */ extern int cgetstr(char * , char const * , char ** ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetstr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:289 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strftime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:116 */ extern size_t strftime(char * __restrict , size_t , char const * __restrict , struct tm const * __restrict ) __asm__("_strftime") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strftime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:116 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powif LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_powif(float , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powif LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT timezone LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:129 */ struct timezone { int tz_minuteswest ; int tz_dsttime ; }; /* END STRUCT timezone LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:129 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalblnf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_scalblnf(float , long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalblnf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getbsize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:295 */ extern char *getbsize(int * , long * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getbsize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:295 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:552 */ extern pid_t getpgid(pid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:552 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setruid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:726 */ extern int setruid(uid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setruid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:726 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_is_threaded_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:503 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_is_threaded_np(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_is_threaded_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:503 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_longjmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_longjmp(void ** , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_longjmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_floor LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_floor(struct jit *jit , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , int floor ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_floor LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN renameat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/stdio.h:39 */ extern int renameat(int , char const * , int , char const * ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN renameat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/stdio.h:39 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getppid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:461 */ extern pid_t getppid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getppid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:461 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_entropy LOC=UNKNOWN */ unsigned long _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_entropy = 9042506488591766566UL; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iE_tgVA_1_entropy LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frexp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_frexp(double , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frexp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_load_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int print_load_op(struct jit_disasm *disasm , struct output_buf *linebuf , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_load_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bitreverse16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: short __builtin_bitreverse16(short ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bitreverse16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned int __builtin_subc(unsigned int const , unsigned int const , unsigned int const , unsigned int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_subc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrtf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_sqrtf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrtf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_exp2(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rindex LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_rindex(char const * , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rindex LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ldexpf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_ldexpf128(_Float128 , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ldexpf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_sync_aux LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void rmap_sync_aux(jit_tree *current , jit_tree *target , jit_op *op , int mode ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_sync_aux LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:467 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(pthread_rwlockattr_t const * __restrict , int * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:467 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erff128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_erff128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erff128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkstemp_dprotected_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:683 */ extern int mkstemp_dprotected_np(char *path , int dpclass , int dpflags ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(macosx,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkstemp_dprotected_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:683 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cprojl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_cprojl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cprojl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtoul LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:175 */ extern unsigned long strtoul(char const *__str , char **__endptr , int __base ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtoul LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:175 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcoll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:78 */ extern int strcoll(char const *__s1 , char const *__s2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strcoll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:78 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN popen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:232 */ extern FILE *popen(char const * , char const * ) __asm__("_popen") __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use posix_spawn APIs or NSTask instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN popen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:232 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_exp(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mktemp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:216 */ extern char *mktemp(char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mktemp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:216 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_str LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void print_str(struct output_buf *buf , char *str ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_str LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN nrand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:219 */ extern long nrand48(unsigned short * ) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use arc4random instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN nrand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:219 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cimagl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_cimagl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cimagl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL x86_cc_unsigned_map LOC=UNKNOWN */ static unsigned char const x86_cc_unsigned_map[12] ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL x86_cc_unsigned_map LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_reg_liveness_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void print_reg_liveness_callback(jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value , void *disasm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_reg_liveness_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL uses_hw_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int uses_hw_reg(struct jit_op *op , jit_value reg , int fp ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL uses_hw_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_umull_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_umull_overflow(unsigned long const , unsigned long const , unsigned long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_umull_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_tree_free(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_equal LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int rmap_equal(jit_op *op , jit_rmap *current , jit_rmap *target ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_equal LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_socklen_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:118 */ typedef __uint32_t __darwin_socklen_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_socklen_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:118 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_ureg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_ureg(struct jit *jit , jit_value vreg , int hreg_id ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_ureg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL stack_fparg_pos LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int stack_fparg_pos(struct jit *jit , struct jit_func_info *info , int arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL stack_fparg_pos LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_signbitl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_signbitl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_signbitl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_restore_all_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_restore_all_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_restore_all_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_is_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int jit_is_label(struct jit *jit , void *ptr ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_is_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_malloc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_malloc(unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_malloc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinhf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_asinhf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_asinhf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN __stdoutp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:68 */ extern FILE *__stdoutp ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN __stdoutp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:68 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF sig_atomic_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/signal.h:39 */ typedef int sig_atomic_t; /* END TYPEDEF sig_atomic_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/signal.h:39 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bswap16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: short __builtin_bswap16(short ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bswap16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_generate_code LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_generate_code(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_generate_code LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___fprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin___fprintf_chk(void * , int , char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___fprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset_pattern8 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:157 */ extern void memset_pattern8(void *__b , void const *__pattern8 , size_t __len ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset_pattern8 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:157 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isnormal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isnormal(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isnormal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN _Exit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:198 */ extern __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void _Exit(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN _Exit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:198 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN write LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:496 */ extern ssize_t write(int __fd , void const *__buf , size_t __nbyte ) __asm__("_write") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN write LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:496 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uuid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_uuid_t.h:31 */ typedef __darwin_uuid_t uuid_t; /* END TYPEDEF uuid_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_uuid_t.h:31 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sethostname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:717 */ extern int sethostname(char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sethostname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:717 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacos LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_cacos(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacos LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sub_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_sub_overflow(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sub_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strsignal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:134 */ extern char *strsignal(int __sig ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strsignal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:134 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN srand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:244 */ extern void srand48(long ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN srand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:244 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_once LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:438 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use lazily initialized globals instead"))) pthread_once(pthread_once_t * , void (* _Nonnull )(void) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_once LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:438 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llroundf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llroundf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llroundf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void print_arg(struct jit_disasm *disasm , struct output_buf *buf , struct jit_op *op , int arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powi LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_powi(double , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_powi LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN initgroups LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:665 */ extern int initgroups(char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN initgroups LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:665 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_log2l(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ilogb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ilogb(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ilogb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ttyname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:486 */ extern char *ttyname(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ttyname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:486 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expect LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_expect(long , long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expect LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1__opaque_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ unsigned int _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1__opaque_array[30] = { 8, 362, 3, 493, 432, 5, 303, 390, 5, 383, 5, 7, 133, 47, 1, 288, 502, 95, 218, 628, 22, 428, 656, 41, 68, 201, 34, 403, 698}; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1__opaque_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rresvport LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:708 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) int rresvport(int * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rresvport LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:708 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN sys_nerr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:367 */ extern int const sys_nerr ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN sys_nerr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:367 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uintmax_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uintmax_t.h:32 */ typedef unsigned long uintmax_t; /* END TYPEDEF uintmax_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types/_uintmax_t.h:32 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN time2posix LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:136 */ extern time_t time2posix(time_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN time2posix LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:136 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_coshf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_coshf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_coshf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1__opaque_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ unsigned int _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1__opaque_array[30] ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1__opaque_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_arg_pack_len LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_va_arg_pack_len(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_arg_pack_len LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_dwarf_sp_column LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned int __builtin_dwarf_sp_column(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_dwarf_sp_column LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN linkat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:209 */ extern int linkat(int , char const * , int , char const * , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN linkat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:209 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_uaddl_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_uaddl_overflow(unsigned long const , unsigned long const , unsigned long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_uaddl_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ilogbf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_ilogbf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ilogbf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_fp_control_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:117 */ typedef struct __darwin_fp_control __darwin_fp_control_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_fp_control_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:117 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccoshf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_ccoshf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ccoshf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fputc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:156 */ extern int fputc(int , FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fputc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:156 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_assume LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_assume(_Bool ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_assume LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cargf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_cargf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cargf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN symlink LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:626 */ extern int symlink(char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN symlink LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:626 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___printf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin___printf_chk(int , char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___printf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN psort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:323 */ extern void psort(void *__base , size_t __nel , size_t __width , int (* _Nonnull __compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.6))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN psort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:323 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_cosf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_add LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_set_add(jit_set *s , int value ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_add LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setattrlistat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:189 */ extern int setattrlistat(int , char const * , void * , void * , size_t , uint32_t ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=4.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=11.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=11.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.13))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setattrlistat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:189 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logbl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_logbl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logbl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acosl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_acosl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acosl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT accessx_descriptor LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:132 */ struct accessx_descriptor { unsigned int ad_name_offset ; int ad_flags ; int ad_pad[2] ; }; /* END STRUCT accessx_descriptor LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:132 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinhf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_sinhf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinhf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN qsort_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:339 */ extern void qsort_r(void *__base , size_t __nel , size_t __width , void * , int (* _Nonnull __compar)(void * , void const * , void const * ) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN qsort_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:339 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpagesize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:558 */ extern int getpagesize(void) __attribute__((__const__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpagesize LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:558 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_types_compatible_p LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_types_compatible_p(unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_types_compatible_p LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_is_cflow LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int jit_op_is_cflow(jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_is_cflow LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_setpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:428 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(pthread_mutexattr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutexattr_setpshared LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:428 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN add_profil LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:645 */ extern int add_profil(char * , size_t , unsigned long , unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN add_profil LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:645 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:281 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setstack(pthread_attr_t * , void * , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setstack LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:281 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_copy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_va_copy(__builtin_va_list , __builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_va_copy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN dprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:352 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ dprintf)(int , char const * __restrict , ...) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN dprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:352 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bitreverse32 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned int __builtin_bitreverse32(unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bitreverse32 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_fsfilcnt_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:59 */ typedef unsigned int __darwin_fsfilcnt_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_fsfilcnt_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:59 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_memcpy LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_memcpy(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_memcpy LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_buf_expand LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_buf_expand(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_buf_expand LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN suboptarg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:356 */ extern char *suboptarg ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN suboptarg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:356 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setinheritsched LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:268 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setinheritsched(pthread_attr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setinheritsched LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:268 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN asctime_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:125 */ extern char *asctime_r(struct tm const * __restrict , char * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN asctime_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:125 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strlcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin___strlcpy_chk(char * , char const * , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strlcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rename LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:175 */ extern int rename(char const *__old , char const *__new ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rename LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:175 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:379 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t * __restrict , pthread_mutexattr_t const * _Nullable __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:379 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logbf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_logbf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logbf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setregid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:593 */ extern int setregid(gid_t , gid_t ) __asm__("_setregid") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setregid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:593 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_gen_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_gen_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_gen_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL assign_ret_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int assign_ret_reg(jit_op *op , jit_hw_reg *ret_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL assign_ret_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __siginfo LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:177 */ struct __siginfo { int si_signo ; int si_errno ; int si_code ; pid_t si_pid ; uid_t si_uid ; int si_status ; void *si_addr ; union sigval si_value ; long si_band ; unsigned long __pad[7] ; }; /* END STRUCT __siginfo LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:177 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_trap LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_trap(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_trap LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib___t LOC=UNKNOWN */ char const *_TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib___t = ""; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib___t LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin___strcpy_chk(char * , char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rename_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void rename_reg(jit_op *op , int r1 , int r2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rename_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF user_off_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:103 */ typedef int64_t user_off_t; /* END TYPEDEF user_off_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:103 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint_fast8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:44 */ typedef uint8_t uint_fast8_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint_fast8_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:44 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrtf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_sqrtf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sqrtf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __svfscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:250 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ __svfscanf)(FILE * , char const * , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __svfscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:250 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_tree LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_tree { struct jit_tree *left ; struct jit_tree *right ; int color ; jit_tree_key key ; jit_tree_value value ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_tree LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __sigaction LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:276 */ struct __sigaction { union __sigaction_u __sigaction_u ; void (*sa_tramp)(void * , int , int , siginfo_t * , void * ) ; sigset_t sa_mask ; int sa_flags ; }; /* END STRUCT __sigaction LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/signal.h:276 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_log2f(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putw LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:297 */ extern int putw(int , FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN putw LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:297 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remquol LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_remquol(long double , long double , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remquol LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cprojf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_cprojf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cprojf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL pow2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int pow2(int arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL pow2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL is_red LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int is_red(jit_tree *n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL is_red LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_dump_ops_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_dump_ops_compilable(struct jit *jit , jit_tree *labels ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_dump_ops_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __darwin_fd_set LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline void ( __attribute__((__always_inline__)) __darwin_fd_set)(int _fd , struct fd_set *_p ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL __darwin_fd_set LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkostemps LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:679 */ extern int mkostemps(char *path , int slen , int oflags ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkostemps LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:679 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:130 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64 { struct __darwin_x86_exception_state64 __es ; struct __darwin_x86_thread_state64 __ss ; struct __darwin_x86_avx512_state64 __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx512_64 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:130 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:155 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ fprintf)(FILE * __restrict , char const * __restrict , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:155 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_matrix_column_major_store LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_matrix_column_major_store(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_matrix_column_major_store LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int jit_tree_size(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___snprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin___snprintf_chk(char * , unsigned long long , int , unsigned long long , char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___snprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logbf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_logbf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logbf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_popcountl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_popcountl(unsigned long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_popcountl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pathconf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:466 */ extern long pathconf(char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pathconf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:466 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __sputc LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline int ( __attribute__((__always_inline__)) __sputc)(int _c , FILE *_p ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL __sputc LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_parity LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_parity(unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_parity LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN close LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:437 */ extern int close(int ) __asm__("_close") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN close LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:437 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_log2(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log2 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtod LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:165 */ extern double strtod(char const * , char ** ) __asm__("_strtod") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtod LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:165 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_cosl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cosl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_save_all_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_save_all_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_save_all_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rintf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_rintf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rintf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expect_with_probability LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_expect_with_probability(long , long , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expect_with_probability LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setcanceltype LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:484 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_setcanceltype(int , int * _Nullable ) __asm__("_pthread_setcanceltype") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setcanceltype LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:484 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unwhiteout LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:734 */ extern int unwhiteout(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unwhiteout LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:734 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_logb(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logb LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN timingsafe_bcmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:172 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.1), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0.1), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.1), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12.1))) timingsafe_bcmp(void const *__b1 , void const *__b2 , size_t __len ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN timingsafe_bcmp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:172 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tcsetpgrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:485 */ extern int tcsetpgrp(int , pid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tcsetpgrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:485 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_add_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_op *jit_add_op(struct jit *jit , unsigned short code , unsigned char spec , jit_value arg1 , jit_value arg2 , jit_value arg3 , unsigned char arg_size , struct jit_debug_info *debug_info ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_add_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtoq LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:352 */ extern long long strtoq(char const *__str , char **__endptr , int __base ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtoq LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:352 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setname_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:513 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=3.2), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.6))) pthread_setname_np(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setname_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:513 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unsetenv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:252 */ extern int unsetenv(char const * ) __asm__("_unsetenv") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN unsetenv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:252 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_inff LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_inff(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_inff LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setspecific LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:494 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t , void const * _Nullable ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setspecific LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:494 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN dup2 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:440 */ extern int dup2(int , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN dup2 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:440 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN revoke LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:703 */ extern int revoke(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN revoke LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:703 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_fppush_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void emit_fppush_arg(struct jit *jit , struct jit_out_arg *arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_fppush_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setgroups LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:715 */ extern int setgroups(int , gid_t const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setgroups LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:715 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN link LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:464 */ extern int link(char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN link LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:464 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lchown LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:567 */ extern int lchown(char const * , uid_t , gid_t ) __asm__("_lchown") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN lchown LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:567 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN heapsort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:309 */ extern int heapsort(void *__base , size_t __nel , size_t __width , int (* _Nonnull __compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN heapsort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:309 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remquo LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_remquo(double , double , int * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remquo LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_stpncpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_stpncpy(char * , char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_stpncpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addcs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: short __builtin_addcs(unsigned short const , unsigned short const , unsigned short const , unsigned short * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_addcs LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wcstombs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:194 */ extern size_t wcstombs(char * __restrict , wchar_t const * __restrict , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN wcstombs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:194 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF rlim_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:89 */ typedef __uint64_t rlim_t; /* END TYPEDEF rlim_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:89 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL flw_analyze_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int flw_analyze_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , struct jit_func_info *func_info , int changed , struct code_refs_cache *code_refs ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL flw_analyze_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset_pattern16 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:158 */ extern void memset_pattern16(void *__b , void const *__pattern16 , size_t __len ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memset_pattern16 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:158 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysignf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_copysignf(float , float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_copysignf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mbstowcs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:157 */ extern size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t * __restrict , char const * __restrict , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mbstowcs LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:157 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ int print_op(FILE *f , struct jit_disasm *disasm , struct jit_op *op , jit_tree *labels , int verbosity ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_detach LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:343 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_detach(pthread_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_detach LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:343 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ptsname_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:224 */ extern int ptsname_r(int fildes , char *buffer , size_t buflen ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=4.3), __availability__(tvos,introduced=11.3), __availability__(ios,introduced=11.3), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.13.4))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ptsname_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:224 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_nl_item LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types.h:40 */ typedef int __darwin_nl_item; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_nl_item LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/_types.h:40 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_expf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lrintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_lrintf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lrintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:47 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx32 { struct __darwin_i386_exception_state __es ; struct __darwin_i386_thread_state __ss ; struct __darwin_i386_avx_state __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:47 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN zopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:378 */ extern FILE *zopen(char const * , char const * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN zopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:378 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_csinhf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csinhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strncpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin___strncpy_chk(char * , char const * , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strncpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_value_align LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_value jit_value_align(jit_value value , jit_value alignment ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_value_align LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_fp_status_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:167 */ typedef struct __darwin_fp_status __darwin_fp_status_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_fp_status_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h:167 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strsep LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:165 */ extern char *strsep(char **__stringp , char const *__delim ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strsep LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:165 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF user_time_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:102 */ typedef int64_t user_time_t; /* END TYPEDEF user_time_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:102 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setschedparam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:271 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t * __restrict , struct sched_param const * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setschedparam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:271 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN readlinkat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:210 */ extern ssize_t readlinkat(int , char const * , char * , size_t ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN readlinkat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:210 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_out_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_out_arg { union __anonunion_value_137411616 value ; int argpos ; char isreg ; char isref ; char isfp ; char size ; char isoptional ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_out_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN l64a LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:213 */ extern char *l64a(long ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN l64a LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:213 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fork LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:447 */ extern pid_t fork(void) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fork LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:447 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT rusage_info_v2 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:229 */ struct rusage_info_v2 { uint8_t ri_uuid[16] ; uint64_t ri_user_time ; uint64_t ri_system_time ; uint64_t ri_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_pageins ; uint64_t ri_wired_size ; uint64_t ri_resident_size ; uint64_t ri_phys_footprint ; uint64_t ri_proc_start_abstime ; uint64_t ri_proc_exit_abstime ; uint64_t ri_child_user_time ; uint64_t ri_child_system_time ; uint64_t ri_child_pkg_idle_wkups ; uint64_t ri_child_interrupt_wkups ; uint64_t ri_child_pageins ; uint64_t ri_child_elapsed_abstime ; uint64_t ri_diskio_bytesread ; uint64_t ri_diskio_byteswritten ; }; /* END STRUCT rusage_info_v2 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:229 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT fd_set LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_fd_def.h:50 */ struct fd_set { __int32_t fds_bits[1024ULL / (sizeof(__int32_t ) * 8ULL)] ; }; /* END STRUCT fd_set LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_fd_def.h:50 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_operator_delete LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_operator_delete(void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_operator_delete LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:478 */ extern int setuid(uid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:478 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nontemporal_load LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_nontemporal_load(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nontemporal_load LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isinf(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isinf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __anonstruct_w_S_529377835 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ struct __anonstruct_w_S_529377835 { unsigned int w_Stopval : 8 ; unsigned int w_Stopsig : 8 ; unsigned int w_Filler : 16 ; }; /* END STRUCT __anonstruct_w_S_529377835 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ /* BEGIN UNION wait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ union wait { int w_status ; struct __anonstruct_w_T_529377834 w_T ; struct __anonstruct_w_S_529377835 w_S ; }; /* END UNION wait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/wait.h:194 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ttyslot LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:732 */ extern int ttyslot(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ttyslot LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:732 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_change_sign LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_change_sign(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_change_sign LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clogf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_clogf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clogf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_round LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_round(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_round LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __anonstruct_lldiv_t_86583852 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:94 */ struct __anonstruct_lldiv_t_86583852 { long long quot ; long long rem ; }; /* END STRUCT __anonstruct_lldiv_t_86583852 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:94 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_transfer_init LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_transfer_init(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value destreg , jit_value srcreg , jit_value cnt , int block_size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_transfer_init LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgammal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_tgammal(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgammal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clogl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex long double __builtin_clogl(_Complex long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clogl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_prepare_spills_on_jmpr_targets LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_prepare_spills_on_jmpr_targets(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_prepare_spills_on_jmpr_targets LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getschedparam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:238 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getschedparam(pthread_attr_t const * __restrict , struct sched_param * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getschedparam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:238 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN getdate_err LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:101 */ extern int getdate_err ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN getdate_err LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:101 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN asprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:370 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ asprintf)(char ** __restrict , char const * __restrict , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN asprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:370 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL flw_analyze_prolog LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void flw_analyze_prolog(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , struct jit_func_info *func_info ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL flw_analyze_prolog LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN qos_class_main LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:194 */ extern qos_class_t __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.10), __availability__(ios,introduced=8.0))) qos_class_main(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN qos_class_main LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/qos.h:194 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getegid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:450 */ extern gid_t getegid(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getegid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:450 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_crealf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_crealf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_crealf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csqrtf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_csqrtf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_csqrtf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frob_return_address LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_frob_return_address(void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frob_return_address LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN localtime_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:128 */ extern struct tm *localtime_r(time_t const * __restrict , struct tm * __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN localtime_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:128 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_reg_allocator_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_reg_allocator_free(struct jit_reg_allocator *a ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_reg_allocator_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strncat_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin___strncat_chk(char * , char const * , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___strncat_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isunordered LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_isunordered(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_isunordered LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pause LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:468 */ extern int pause(void) __asm__("_pause") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pause LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:468 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_append LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_op_append(jit_op *op , jit_op *appended ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_op_append LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN confstr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:507 */ extern size_t confstr(int , char * , size_t ) __asm__("_confstr") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN confstr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:507 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_transfer_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_transfer_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int alu_op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_transfer_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_vsnprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_vsnprintf(char * , unsigned long long , char const * , __builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_vsnprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN grantpt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:206 */ extern int grantpt(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN grantpt LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:206 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nexttowardl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_nexttowardl(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nexttowardl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL spill_all_registers LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int spill_all_registers(jit_op *op , struct jit_reg_allocator *al ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL spill_all_registers LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expm1f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_expm1f(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expm1f LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_unused_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ jit_hw_reg *jit_get_unused_reg(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op , int fp ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_unused_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setlogin LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:723 */ extern int setlogin(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setlogin LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:723 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN jrand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:212 */ extern long jrand48(unsigned short * ) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use arc4random instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN jrand48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:212 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cproj LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_cproj(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cproj LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_nanl(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_ctanh(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vfscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:335 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vfscanf)(FILE * __restrict __stream , char const * __restrict __format , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vfscanf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:335 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_umulll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_umulll_overflow(unsigned long long const , unsigned long long const , unsigned long long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_umulll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getitimer LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:196 */ extern int getitimer(int , struct itimerval * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getitimer LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:196 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN srand LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:164 */ extern void srand(unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use arc4random instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN srand LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:164 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_equal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:346 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_equal(pthread_t __attribute__((__nullable__)) , pthread_t __attribute__((__nullable__)) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_equal LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:346 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfcf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_erfcf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_erfcf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL mark_calleesaved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void mark_calleesaved_regs(jit_tree *hint , jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL mark_calleesaved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_catan(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_catan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_casin(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_casin LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetnext LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:286 */ extern int cgetnext(char ** , char ** ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN cgetnext LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:286 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_sinf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sinf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llrint LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llrint(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llrint LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log1pl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_log1pl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log1pl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fclose LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:143 */ extern int fclose(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fclose LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:143 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_align_down LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_align_down(void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_align_down LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strndup LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strndup(char const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strndup LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strchr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:76 */ extern char *strchr(char const *__s , int __c ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strchr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:76 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN msync LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:230 */ extern int msync(void * , size_t , int ) __asm__("_msync") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN msync LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:230 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib_freq LOC=UNKNOWN */ int _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib_freq = 0; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_JD_tgVA_4_fib_freq LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:372 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_mutex_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:372 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setrgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:725 */ extern int setrgid(gid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setrgid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:725 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_IZ_tgVA_envp LOC=UNKNOWN */ char **_TIG_IZ_tgVA_envp ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL _TIG_IZ_tgVA_envp LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_label { size_t pos ; jit_op *op ; struct jit_label *next ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_label LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_saddl_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_saddl_overflow(long const , long const , long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_saddl_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcasecmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_strcasecmp(char const * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcasecmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_get_stackaddr_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:527 */ extern void __attribute__((__availability__(macos,introduced=10.4), __availability__(ios,introduced=2.0))) *pthread_get_stackaddr_np(pthread_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_get_stackaddr_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:527 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN swapon LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:731 */ extern int swapon(char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN swapon LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:731 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __vsnprintf_chk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:70 */ extern int __vsnprintf_chk(char * __restrict , size_t , int , size_t , char const * __restrict , va_list ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN __vsnprintf_chk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/secure/_stdio.h:70 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN open_memstream LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:357 */ extern FILE *open_memstream(char **__bufp , size_t *__sizep ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=4.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=11.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=11.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.13))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN open_memstream LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:357 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF ct_rune_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ct_rune_t.h:32 */ typedef __darwin_ct_rune_t ct_rune_t; /* END TYPEDEF ct_rune_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types/_ct_rune_t.h:32 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL DUMP_int LOC=UNKNOWN */ void DUMP_int(int block , struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *begin_ , struct jit_op *end_ ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL DUMP_int LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN qsort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:160 */ extern void qsort(void *__base , size_t __nel , size_t __width , int (* _Nonnull __compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN qsort LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:160 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cexpf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_cexpf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cexpf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getrlimit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:449 */ extern int getrlimit(int , struct rlimit * ) __asm__("_getrlimit") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getrlimit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:449 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___mempcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___mempcpy_chk(void * , void const * , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___mempcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN dup LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:439 */ extern int dup(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN dup LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:439 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___memcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin___memcpy_chk(void * , void const * , unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___memcpy_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacoshf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_cacoshf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacoshf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL sse_mov_reg_safeimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void sse_mov_reg_safeimm(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value reg , double *imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL sse_mov_reg_safeimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx512_32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:56 */ struct __darwin_mcontext_avx512_32 { struct __darwin_i386_exception_state __es ; struct __darwin_i386_thread_state __ss ; struct __darwin_i386_avx512_state __fs ; }; /* END STRUCT __darwin_mcontext_avx512_32 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:56 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtol LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:167 */ extern long strtol(char const *__str , char **__endptr , int __base ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtol LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:167 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpgrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:459 */ extern pid_t getpgrp(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getpgrp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:459 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_tanf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaxf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_fmaxf16(_Float16 , _Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaxf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acoshf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_acoshf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_acoshf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF mcontext_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:204 */ typedef struct __darwin_mcontext64 *mcontext_t; /* END TYPEDEF mcontext_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_mcontext.h:204 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateleft8 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned char __builtin_rotateleft8(unsigned char , unsigned char ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateleft8 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strerror LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:81 */ extern char *strerror(int __errnum ) __asm__("_strerror") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strerror LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:81 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_islessequal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_islessequal(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_islessequal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_unpredictable LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_unpredictable(long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_unpredictable LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getugid_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:700 */ extern int pthread_getugid_np(uid_t * , gid_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_getugid_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:700 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llrintl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long long __builtin_llrintl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_llrintl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_creal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_creal(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_creal LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF int_least16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:30 */ typedef int16_t int_least16_t; /* END TYPEDEF int_least16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:30 */ /* BEGIN UNION __anonunion___mbstate_t_250061491 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:76 */ union __anonunion___mbstate_t_250061491 { char __mbstate8[128] ; long long _mbstateL ; }; /* END UNION __anonunion___mbstate_t_250061491 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:76 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN readlink LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:623 */ extern ssize_t readlink(char const * __restrict , char * __restrict , size_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN readlink LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:623 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL assign_getarg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int assign_getarg(jit_op *op , struct jit_reg_allocator *al ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL assign_getarg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateleft64 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long __builtin_rotateleft64(unsigned long , unsigned long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateleft64 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ffsll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:86 */ extern int ffsll(long long ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.9))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ffsll LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:86 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sync_volume_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:780 */ extern int sync_volume_np(char const * , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.8))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sync_volume_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:780 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ruserok LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:712 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) int ruserok(char const * , int , char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ruserok LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:712 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_atanf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getdetachstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:229 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_getdetachstate(pthread_attr_t const * , int * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_getdetachstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:229 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setcancelstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:480 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_setcancelstate(int , int * _Nullable ) __asm__("_pthread_setcancelstate") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_setcancelstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:480 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_align_up LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_align_up(void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_align_up LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ftell LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:164 */ extern long ftell(FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ftell LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:164 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_pop_callee_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int emit_pop_callee_saved_regs(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_pop_callee_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_calloc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_calloc(unsigned long long , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_calloc LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strrchr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:87 */ extern char *strrchr(char const *__s , int __c ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strrchr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:87 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lroundl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_lroundl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lroundl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbnl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_scalbnl(long double , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_scalbnl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN freopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:159 */ extern FILE *freopen(char const * __restrict , char const * __restrict , FILE * __restrict ) __asm__("_freopen") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN freopen LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:159 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ffsl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:85 */ extern int ffsl(long ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ffsl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:85 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceilf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_ceilf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceilf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_func_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_func_info { int general_arg_cnt ; int float_arg_cnt ; long allocai_mem ; int arg_capacity ; struct jit_inp_arg *args ; int gp_reg_count ; int fp_reg_count ; int has_prolog ; struct jit_op *first_op ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_func_info LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cexp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_cexp(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cexp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL print_op_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ int print_op_compilable(struct jit_disasm *disasm , struct jit_op *op , jit_tree *labels ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL print_op_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expm1f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_expm1f128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_expm1f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gethostuuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/gethostuuid.h:39 */ extern int gethostuuid(unsigned char * , struct timespec const * ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN gethostuuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/gethostuuid.h:39 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL join_addr_addi LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int join_addr_addi(jit_op *op , jit_op *nextop ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL join_addr_addi LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __anonstruct_jit_hw_reg_312769258 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct __anonstruct_jit_hw_reg_312769258 { int id ; char *name ; char callee_saved ; char fp ; short priority ; }; /* END STRUCT __anonstruct_jit_hw_reg_312769258 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceil LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_ceil(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceil LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_allocai LOC=UNKNOWN */ int jit_allocai(struct jit *jit , int size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_allocai LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN seed48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:236 */ extern unsigned short *seed48(unsigned short * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN seed48 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:236 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_fsblkcnt_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:58 */ typedef unsigned int __darwin_fsblkcnt_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_fsblkcnt_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_types.h:58 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vdprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:353 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ vdprintf)(int , char const * __restrict , va_list ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN vdprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:353 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgets LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:149 */ extern char *fgets(char * __restrict , int , FILE * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgets LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:149 */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF user_long_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:100 */ typedef int64_t user_long_t; /* END TYPEDEF user_long_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:100 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL ob_assert_space LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void ob_assert_space(struct output_buf *ob , int len ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL ob_assert_space LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frame_address LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_frame_address(unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_frame_address LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_call_with_static_chain LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_call_with_static_chain(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_call_with_static_chain LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nextafterl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_nextafterl(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nextafterl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN seteuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:625 */ extern int seteuid(uid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN seteuid LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:625 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL join_muli_ori LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int join_muli_ori(jit_op *op , jit_op *nextop ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL join_muli_ori LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_atanl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strdup LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:117 */ extern char *strdup(char const *__s1 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strdup LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:117 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN sys_errlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:368 */ extern char const *sys_errlist[] ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN sys_errlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:368 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ldexpl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_ldexpl(long double , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ldexpl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fdiml LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_fdiml(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fdiml LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_set_free(jit_set *s ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_set_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF user_size_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:98 */ typedef u_int64_t user_size_t; /* END TYPEDEF user_size_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/types.h:98 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_signal_thread_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:531 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cond_signal_thread_np(pthread_cond_t * , pthread_t __attribute__((__nullable__)) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_signal_thread_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:531 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL get_frame_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int get_frame_size(struct jit *jit , struct jit_func_info *info ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL get_frame_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lrintf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long __builtin_lrintf128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_lrintf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT output_buf LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct output_buf { char *buf ; size_t size ; size_t capacity ; }; /* END STRUCT output_buf LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_truncf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_truncf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_truncf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_assign_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_assign_regs(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_assign_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtold LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:169 */ extern long double strtold(char const * , char ** ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strtold LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:169 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateleft16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: short __builtin_rotateleft16(short , short ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rotateleft16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN div LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:144 */ extern div_t div(int , int ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN div LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:144 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN bsearch LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:141 */ extern void *bsearch(void const *__key , void const *__base , size_t __nel , size_t __width , int (* _Nonnull __compar)(void const * , void const * ) ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN bsearch LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:141 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cabsf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_cabsf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cabsf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_apply_args LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_apply_args(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_apply_args LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nansf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_nansf128(char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_nansf128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_1 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_1 = (struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *)0; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_1 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getattrlistat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:188 */ extern int getattrlistat(int , char const * , void * , void * , size_t , unsigned long ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getattrlistat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:188 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgetln LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:372 */ extern char *fgetln(FILE * , size_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fgetln LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:372 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL funcall_prepare_optional LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void funcall_prepare_optional(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL funcall_prepare_optional LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock_settime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:187 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,unavailable), __availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(ios,unavailable), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12))) clock_settime(clockid_t __clock_id , struct timespec const *__tp ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN clock_settime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:187 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sub_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sub_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int imm ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sub_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_canonicalizef16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_canonicalizef16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_canonicalizef16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:299 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t * __restrict , pthread_condattr_t const * _Nullable __restrict ) __asm__("_pthread_cond_init") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:299 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sbrk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:584 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) void __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,unavailable), __availability__(tvos,unavailable))) *sbrk(int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN sbrk LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:584 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getusershell LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:663 */ extern char *getusershell(void) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getusershell LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:663 */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN optarg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:511 */ extern char *optarg ; /* END VARIABLE-DECL-EXTERN optarg LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:511 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strnstr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:161 */ extern char *strnstr(char const *__big , char const *__little , size_t __len ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strnstr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:161 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacosh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_cacosh(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_cacosh LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_preserve_access_index LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_preserve_access_index(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_preserve_access_index LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ctime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:110 */ extern char *ctime(time_t const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ctime LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/time.h:110 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_log10l(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: char *__builtin_strcpy(char * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcpy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN snprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:334 */ extern int ( /* format attribute */ snprintf)(char * __restrict __str , size_t __size , char const * __restrict __format , ...) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN snprintf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:334 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsetattrlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:750 */ extern int fsetattrlist(int , void * , void * , size_t , unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.6))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsetattrlist LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:750 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_ld_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_ld_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_ld_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceilf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_ceilf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ceilf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcspn LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin_strcspn(char const * , char const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_strcspn LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clz LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_clz(unsigned int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_clz LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsetpos LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:163 */ extern int fsetpos(FILE * , fpos_t const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fsetpos LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:163 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bzero LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_bzero(void * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bzero LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL sync_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void sync_reg(jit_op *op , jit_hw_reg *hreg , jit_value virt_reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL sync_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ssubll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_ssubll_overflow(long long const , long long const , long long * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ssubll_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN stpncpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:131 */ extern char *stpncpy(char *__dst , char const *__src , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN stpncpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:131 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL hints_refcount_inc LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void hints_refcount_inc(jit_tree *hints ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL hints_refcount_inc LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __int16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:42 */ typedef short __int16_t; /* END TYPEDEF __int16_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:42 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memcmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_memcmp(void const * , void const * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_memcmp LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF rusage_info_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:193 */ typedef void *rusage_info_t; /* END TYPEDEF rusage_info_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:193 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgmath LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __attribute__((__overloaded__)) __builtin_tgmath(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tgmath LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdomainname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:649 */ extern int getdomainname(char * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdomainname LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:649 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN accessx_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:643 */ extern int accessx_np(struct accessx_descriptor const * , size_t , int * , uid_t ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN accessx_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:643 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tmpnam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:188 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__("This function is provided for compatibility reasons only. Due to security concerns inherent in the design of tmpnam(3), it is highly recommended that you use mkstemp(3) instead."))) char __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use mkstemp(3) instead."))) *tmpnam(char * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN tmpnam LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:188 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN aligned_alloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:50 */ extern void *( __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)) aligned_alloc)(size_t __alignment , size_t __size ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=6.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=13.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=13.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.15), __alloc_size__(2))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN aligned_alloc LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/malloc/_malloc.h:50 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_return LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_return(void const * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_return LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_sprintf(char * , char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_sprintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF uint_fast32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:46 */ typedef uint32_t uint_fast32_t; /* END TYPEDEF uint_fast32_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdint.h:46 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL ob_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void ob_free(struct output_buf *ob ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL ob_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT clockinfo LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:172 */ struct clockinfo { int hz ; int tick ; int tickadj ; int stathz ; int profhz ; }; /* END STRUCT clockinfo LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:172 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ldiv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:149 */ extern ldiv_t ldiv(long , long ) __attribute__((__const__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN ldiv LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:149 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random_buf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:270 */ extern void arc4random_buf(void *__buf , size_t __nbytes ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN arc4random_buf LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:270 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_arguments LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int emit_arguments(struct jit *jit ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_arguments LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN psort_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:331 */ extern void psort_r(void *__base , size_t __nel , size_t __width , void * , int (* _Nonnull __compar)(void * , void const * , void const * ) ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.6))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN psort_r LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:331 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wcschr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned short *__builtin_wcschr(unsigned short * const , unsigned short ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wcschr LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_signbit LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_signbit(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_signbit LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_logf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_dynamic_object_size LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin_dynamic_object_size(void const * , int ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_dynamic_object_size LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex float __builtin_ctanf(_Complex float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctanf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_extend_pointer LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned __int128 __builtin_extend_pointer(void * ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_extend_pointer LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL shift_index LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int shift_index(int arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL shift_index LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF __darwin_mbstate_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:81 */ typedef __mbstate_t __darwin_mbstate_t; /* END TYPEDEF __darwin_mbstate_t LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/i386/_types.h:81 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_reg_in_use LOC=UNKNOWN */ int jit_reg_in_use(jit_op *op , int reg , int fp ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_reg_in_use LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_thread_pointer LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_thread_pointer(void) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_thread_pointer LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bcopy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void __builtin_bcopy(void const * , void * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_bcopy LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_printf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_printf(char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_printf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN iruserok_sa LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:711 */ extern __attribute__((__deprecated__)) int iruserok_sa(void const * , int , int , char const * , char const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN iruserok_sa LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:711 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_push_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void emit_push_arg(struct jit *jit , struct jit_out_arg *arg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_push_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF va_list___0 LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef __darwin_va_list va_list___0; /* END TYPEDEF va_list___0 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN select LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_select.h:39 */ extern int select(int , fd_set * __restrict , fd_set * __restrict , fd_set * __restrict , struct timeval * __restrict ) __asm__("_select$1050") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN select LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/_select.h:39 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlockattr_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:471 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlockattr_init(pthread_rwlockattr_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlockattr_init LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:471 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_logl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_logl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL list_callee_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int list_callee_saved_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *func_start , jit_hw_reg **active_regs , int *count ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL list_callee_saved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN settimeofday LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:193 */ extern int settimeofday(struct timeval const * , struct timezone const * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN settimeofday LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/time.h:193 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_trywrlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:455 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(pthread_rwlock_t * ) __asm__("_pthread_rwlock_trywrlock") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_rwlock_trywrlock LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:455 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_spill_candidate LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_hw_reg *rmap_spill_candidate(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op , jit_value virtreg , int *spill , jit_value *reg_to_spill , int callee_saved ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_spill_candidate LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN TYPEDEF x86_imm_buf LOC=UNKNOWN */ typedef union __anonunion_x86_imm_buf_876386805 x86_imm_buf; /* END TYPEDEF x86_imm_buf LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setdetachstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:262 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_setdetachstate(pthread_attr_t * , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_setdetachstate LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:262 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_free_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_free_op(struct jit_op *op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_free_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF jit_disasm_general LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_disasm jit_disasm_general = {" ", "r%i", "fr%i", "arg%i", "farg%i", "fp", "out", "imm", "fimm", "(unknown reg.)", "L%i", "L%i", "", "0x%zx"}; /* END VARIABLE-DEF jit_disasm_general LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL analyze_function LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void analyze_function(struct jit *jit , jit_op *first_op , jit_op *last_op ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL analyze_function LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN madvise LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:242 */ extern int madvise(void * , size_t , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN madvise LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:242 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_search LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *jit_tree_search(jit_tree *h , jit_tree_key key ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_search LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fchownat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:208 */ extern int fchownat(int , char const * , uid_t , gid_t , int ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.10))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fchownat LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:208 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabsf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float16 __builtin_fabsf16(_Float16 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fabsf16 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_tanhf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_tanhf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Complex double __builtin_ctan(_Complex double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ctan LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL rmap_subset LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int rmap_subset(jit_op *op , jit_tree *current , jit_tree *target ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL rmap_subset LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memccpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:118 */ extern void *memccpy(void *__dst , void const *__src , int __c , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memccpy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:118 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_add_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Bool __builtin_add_overflow(...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_add_overflow LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:226 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_attr_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:226 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL candidate_score LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int candidate_score(jit_op *op , jit_value virtreg , jit_hw_reg *hreg , int *spill , jit_value *associated_virtreg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL candidate_score LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *_TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_2 = (struct _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaqueNodeStruct *)0; /* END VARIABLE-DEF _TIG_iO_tgVA_2_init_tigress_1_opaque_list_2 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdirentriesattr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:754 */ extern int getdirentriesattr(int , void * , void * , size_t , unsigned int * , unsigned int * , unsigned int * , unsigned int ) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN getdirentriesattr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:754 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memchr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:70 */ extern void *memchr(void const *__s , int __c , size_t __n ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN memchr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:70 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setrlimit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:455 */ extern int setrlimit(int , struct rlimit const * ) __asm__("_setrlimit") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN setrlimit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:455 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkpathat_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:670 */ extern int mkpathat_np(int dfd , char const *path , mode_t omode ) __attribute__((__availability__(watchos,introduced=3.0), __availability__(tvos,introduced=10.0), __availability__(ios,introduced=10.0), __availability__(macosx,introduced=10.12))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN mkpathat_np LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:670 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_signbitf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_signbitf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_signbitf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN perror LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:169 */ extern void perror(char const * ) __attribute__((__cold__)) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN perror LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:169 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL color_flip LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void color_flip(jit_tree *h ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL color_flip LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan2l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_atan2l(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atan2l LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___vfprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin___vfprintf_chk(void * , int , char const * , __builtin_va_list ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin___vfprintf_chk LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_reg_name LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_get_reg_name(struct jit_disasm *disasm , char *r , int reg ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_get_reg_name LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_apply LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_apply(void (*)() , void * , unsigned long long ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_apply LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaxl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_fmaxl(long double , long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fmaxl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execlp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:443 */ extern int execlp(char const *__file , char const *__arg0 , ...) __attribute__((__availability__(tvos,unavailable), __availability__(watchos,unavailable))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN execlp LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:443 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_os_log_format LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: void *__builtin_os_log_format(void * , char const * , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_os_log_format LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN flsl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:88 */ extern int flsl(long ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.5))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN flsl LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/strings.h:88 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fflagstostr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:648 */ extern char *fflagstostr(unsigned long ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN fflagstostr LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/unistd.h:648 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __builtin_rintf(float ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_rintf LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_timedwait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:308 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t * __restrict , pthread_mutex_t * __restrict , struct timespec const * _Nullable __restrict ) __asm__("_pthread_cond_timedwait") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_timedwait LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:308 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strndup LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:132 */ extern char *strndup(char const *__s1 , size_t __n ) __attribute__((__availability__(macosx,introduced=10.7))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN strndup LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/string.h:132 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_fld_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_fld_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL emit_sse_fld_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rand LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:162 */ extern int rand(void) __attribute__((__availability__(swift,unavailable,message="Use arc4random instead."))) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN rand LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:162 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cancel LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:290 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cancel(pthread_t ) __asm__("_pthread_cancel") ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cancel LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:290 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN posix_madvise LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:239 */ extern int posix_madvise(void * , size_t , int ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN posix_madvise LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/mman.h:239 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remainder LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_remainder(double , double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_remainder LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: long double __builtin_atanhl(long double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_atanhl LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: _Float128 __builtin_exp2f128(_Float128 ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_exp2f128 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_unpcklps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) __builtin_ia32_unpcklps(float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) , float __attribute__((____vector_size____(16))) ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_ia32_unpcklps LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_dump_ops LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_dump_ops(struct jit *jit , int verbosity ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_dump_ops LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fpclassify LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: int __builtin_fpclassify(int , int , int , int , int , ...) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_fpclassify LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN STRUCT rlimit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:365 */ struct rlimit { rlim_t rlim_cur ; rlim_t rlim_max ; }; /* END STRUCT rlimit LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:365 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT jit_set LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_set { jit_tree *root ; }; /* END STRUCT jit_set LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_create LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:332 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_create(pthread_t __attribute__((__nullable__)) * _Nonnull __restrict , pthread_attr_t const * _Nullable __restrict , void * _Nullable (* _Nonnull )(void * _Nullable ) , void * _Nullable __restrict ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_create LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:332 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: double __builtin_log10(double ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_log10 LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_disable_optimization LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_disable_optimization(struct jit *jit , int opt ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_disable_optimization LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_delete LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *jit_tree_delete(jit_tree *root , jit_tree_key key , int *found ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL jit_tree_delete LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wcslen LOC=BUILTIN */ /* compiler builtin: unsigned long long __builtin_wcslen(unsigned short * const ) ; */ /* END FUNCTION-DECL __builtin_wcslen LOC=BUILTIN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL _cipher$_xtea_decipher LOC=UNKNOWN */ void _cipher$_xtea_decipher(unsigned int block_no , unsigned int num_rounds , unsigned int *v , unsigned int *key , unsigned int size ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL _cipher$_xtea_decipher LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:296 */ extern int __attribute__((__availability__(ios,introduced=2.0), __availability__(macos,introduced=10.4))) pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t * ) ; /* END FUNCTION-DECL-EXTERN pthread_cond_destroy LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/pthread.h:296 */ /* BEGIN STRUCT __anonstruct_div_t_773697287 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:83 */ struct __anonstruct_div_t_773697287 { int quot ; int rem ; }; /* END STRUCT __anonstruct_div_t_773697287 LOC=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h:83 */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF mark_calleesaved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void mark_calleesaved_regs(jit_tree *hint , jit_op *op ) { struct jit_allocator_hint *h ; jit_value reg ; int tmp ; { #line 6152 if ((unsigned long )hint == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 6152 return; } #line 6153 h = (struct jit_allocator_hint *)hint->value; #line 6154 reg = hint->key; #line 6155 tmp = jit_set_get(op->live_out, (int )reg); #line 6155 if (tmp) { #line 6155 (h->should_be_calleesaved) ++; } #line 6156 mark_calleesaved_regs(hint->left, op); #line 6157 mark_calleesaved_regs(hint->right, op); #line 6158 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF mark_calleesaved_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF node_min LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree_key node_min(jit_tree *x ) { jit_tree_key tmp ; { #line 2159 if ((unsigned long )x->left == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 2159 return (x->key); } else { #line 2160 tmp = node_min(x->left); #line 2160 return (tmp); } } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF node_min LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF analyze_function LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void analyze_function(struct jit *jit , jit_op *first_op , jit_op *last_op ) { int changed ; struct code_refs_cache code_refs ; struct jit_func_info *func_info ; jit_op *op ; int tmp ; { #line 4838 code_refs.size = -1; #line 4838 code_refs.ops = (jit_op **)((void *)0); #line 4839 func_info = (struct jit_func_info *)first_op->arg[1]; #line 4840 while (1) { #line 4841 changed = 0; #line 4842 op = last_op; #line 4843 while (1) { #line 4844 tmp = flw_analyze_op(jit, op, func_info, changed, & code_refs); #line 4844 changed |= tmp; #line 4845 if ((unsigned long )op == (unsigned long )first_op) { #line 4845 break; } #line 4846 op = op->prev; } #line 4840 if (! changed) { #line 4840 break; } } #line 4849 if (code_refs.ops) { #line 4849 free((void *)code_refs.ops); } #line 4850 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF analyze_function LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_tree_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int jit_tree_size(jit_tree *h ) { int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; { #line 2253 if ((unsigned long )h == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 2253 return (0); } #line 2254 tmp = jit_tree_size(h->left); #line 2254 tmp___0 = jit_tree_size(h->right); #line 2254 return ((tmp + tmp___0) + 1); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_tree_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_floor LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_floor(struct jit *jit , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , int floor ) { int tmp_reg ; int tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___8 ; int tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___15 ; int tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___22 ; int tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; int tmp___29 ; int tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; int tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___6 ; int tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___7 ; int tmp___54 ; int tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___8 ; int tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; unsigned char *tmp___68 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___10 ; int tmp___70 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___11 ; int tmp___79 ; int tmp___80 ; unsigned char *tmp___81 ; unsigned char *tmp___82 ; unsigned char *tmp___83 ; unsigned char *tmp___84 ; unsigned char *tmp___85 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___12 ; int tmp___86 ; int tmp___87 ; unsigned char *tmp___88 ; unsigned char *tmp___89 ; unsigned char *tmp___90 ; unsigned char *tmp___91 ; { #line 3065 if (a2 == 7L) { #line 3065 tmp = 0; } else { #line 3065 tmp = 7; } #line 3065 tmp_reg = tmp; #line 3066 while (1) { #line 3066 while (1) { #line 3066 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 3066 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3066 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3066 while (1) { #line 3066 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3066 tmp___1 = 4; } else { #line 3066 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 3066 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3066 tmp___2 = 1; } else { #line 3066 tmp___2 = 0; } #line 3066 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(tmp___1 | tmp___2); #line 3066 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3066 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3066 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3066 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3066 break; } #line 3066 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3066 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3066 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3066 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 3066 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3066 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char)198; #line 3066 while (1) { #line 3066 while (1) { #line 3066 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 3066 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3066 *tmp___6 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((a2 & 7L) << 3)) | (a2 & 7L)); #line 3066 break; } #line 3066 break; } #line 3066 break; } #line 3066 while (1) { #line 3066 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3066 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3066 break; } #line 3066 break; } #line 3067 while (1) { #line 3067 while (1) { #line 3067 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 3067 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3067 *tmp___7 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3067 while (1) { #line 3067 if (tmp_reg > 7) { #line 3067 tmp___8 = 4; } else { #line 3067 tmp___8 = 0; } #line 3067 if (tmp_reg > 7) { #line 3067 tmp___9 = 1; } else { #line 3067 tmp___9 = 0; } #line 3067 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(tmp___8 | tmp___9); #line 3067 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 3067 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 3067 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3067 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 3067 break; } #line 3067 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 3067 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3067 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3067 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 3067 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3067 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char)198; #line 3067 while (1) { #line 3067 while (1) { #line 3067 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 3067 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3067 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | ((tmp_reg & 0x07) << 3)) | (tmp_reg & 0x07)); #line 3067 break; } #line 3067 break; } #line 3067 break; } #line 3067 while (1) { #line 3067 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3067 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3067 break; } #line 3067 break; } #line 3068 while (1) { #line 3068 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 3068 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3068 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char)242; #line 3068 while (1) { #line 3068 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3068 tmp___15 = 4; } else { #line 3068 tmp___15 = 0; } #line 3068 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3068 tmp___16 = 1; } else { #line 3068 tmp___16 = 0; } #line 3068 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___15) | tmp___16); #line 3068 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 3068 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 3068 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3068 *tmp___17 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 3068 break; } #line 3068 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3068 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3068 *tmp___18 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3068 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 3068 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3068 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char)44; #line 3068 while (1) { #line 3068 while (1) { #line 3068 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 3068 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3068 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((a1 & 7L) << 3)) | (a2 & 7L)); #line 3068 break; } #line 3068 break; } #line 3068 break; } #line 3069 while (1) { #line 3069 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 3069 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3069 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char)242; #line 3069 while (1) { #line 3069 if (tmp_reg > 7) { #line 3069 tmp___22 = 4; } else { #line 3069 tmp___22 = 0; } #line 3069 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3069 tmp___23 = 1; } else { #line 3069 tmp___23 = 0; } #line 3069 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___22) | tmp___23); #line 3069 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 3069 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 3069 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3069 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 3069 break; } #line 3069 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 3069 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3069 *tmp___25 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3069 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 3069 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3069 *tmp___26 = (unsigned char)42; #line 3069 while (1) { #line 3069 while (1) { #line 3069 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 3069 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3069 *tmp___27 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | ((tmp_reg & 0x07) << 3)) | (a1 & 7L)); #line 3069 break; } #line 3069 break; } #line 3069 break; } #line 3070 if (floor) { #line 3071 while (1) { #line 3071 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 3071 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3071 *tmp___28 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3071 while (1) { #line 3071 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3071 tmp___29 = 4; } else { #line 3071 tmp___29 = 0; } #line 3071 if (tmp_reg > 7) { #line 3071 tmp___30 = 1; } else { #line 3071 tmp___30 = 0; } #line 3071 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char )(tmp___29 | tmp___30); #line 3071 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 3071 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 3071 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3071 *tmp___31 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 3071 break; } #line 3071 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 3071 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3071 *tmp___32 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3071 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 3071 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3071 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char)47; #line 3071 while (1) { #line 3071 while (1) { #line 3071 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 3071 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3071 *tmp___34 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((a2 & 7L) << 3)) | (long )(tmp_reg & 0x07)); #line 3071 break; } #line 3071 break; } #line 3071 break; } #line 3072 while (1) { #line 3072 while (1) { #line 3072 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3072 tmp___35 = 1; } else { #line 3072 tmp___35 = 0; } #line 3072 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___35); #line 3072 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 3072 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 3072 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3072 *tmp___36 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 3072 break; } #line 3072 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 3072 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3072 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char)131; #line 3072 while (1) { #line 3072 while (1) { #line 3072 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 3072 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3072 *tmp___38 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | (3 << 3)) | (a1 & 7L)); #line 3072 break; } #line 3072 break; } #line 3072 while (1) { #line 3072 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3072 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3072 break; } #line 3072 break; } } else { #line 3074 while (1) { #line 3074 tmp___53 = jit->ip; #line 3074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3074 *tmp___53 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3074 while (1) { #line 3074 if (tmp_reg > 7) { #line 3074 tmp___54 = 4; } else { #line 3074 tmp___54 = 0; } #line 3074 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3074 tmp___55 = 1; } else { #line 3074 tmp___55 = 0; } #line 3074 _amd64_rex_bits___7 = (unsigned char )(tmp___54 | tmp___55); #line 3074 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___7 != 0) { #line 3074 tmp___56 = jit->ip; #line 3074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3074 *tmp___56 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___7); } #line 3074 break; } #line 3074 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 3074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3074 *tmp___57 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3074 tmp___58 = jit->ip; #line 3074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3074 *tmp___58 = (unsigned char)47; #line 3074 while (1) { #line 3074 while (1) { #line 3074 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 3074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3074 *tmp___59 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | ((tmp_reg & 0x07) << 3)) | (a2 & 7L)); #line 3074 break; } #line 3074 break; } #line 3074 break; } #line 3075 while (1) { #line 3075 while (1) { #line 3075 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3075 tmp___60 = 1; } else { #line 3075 tmp___60 = 0; } #line 3075 _amd64_rex_bits___8 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___60); #line 3075 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___8 != 0) { #line 3075 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 3075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3075 *tmp___61 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___8); } #line 3075 break; } #line 3075 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 3075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3075 *tmp___62 = (unsigned char)131; #line 3075 while (1) { #line 3075 while (1) { #line 3075 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 3075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3075 *tmp___63 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | (2 << 3)) | (a1 & 7L)); #line 3075 break; } #line 3075 break; } #line 3075 while (1) { #line 3075 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3075 break; } #line 3075 break; } } #line 3077 while (1) { #line 3077 while (1) { #line 3077 tmp___78 = jit->ip; #line 3077 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3077 *tmp___78 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3077 while (1) { #line 3077 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3077 tmp___79 = 4; } else { #line 3077 tmp___79 = 0; } #line 3077 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3077 tmp___80 = 1; } else { #line 3077 tmp___80 = 0; } #line 3077 _amd64_rex_bits___11 = (unsigned char )(tmp___79 | tmp___80); #line 3077 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___11 != 0) { #line 3077 tmp___81 = jit->ip; #line 3077 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3077 *tmp___81 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___11); } #line 3077 break; } #line 3077 tmp___82 = jit->ip; #line 3077 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3077 *tmp___82 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3077 tmp___83 = jit->ip; #line 3077 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3077 *tmp___83 = (unsigned char)198; #line 3077 while (1) { #line 3077 while (1) { #line 3077 tmp___84 = jit->ip; #line 3077 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3077 *tmp___84 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((a2 & 7L) << 3)) | (a2 & 7L)); #line 3077 break; } #line 3077 break; } #line 3077 break; } #line 3077 while (1) { #line 3077 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)1; #line 3077 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3077 break; } #line 3077 break; } #line 3078 while (1) { #line 3078 while (1) { #line 3078 tmp___85 = jit->ip; #line 3078 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3078 *tmp___85 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3078 while (1) { #line 3078 if (tmp_reg > 7) { #line 3078 tmp___86 = 4; } else { #line 3078 tmp___86 = 0; } #line 3078 if (tmp_reg > 7) { #line 3078 tmp___87 = 1; } else { #line 3078 tmp___87 = 0; } #line 3078 _amd64_rex_bits___12 = (unsigned char )(tmp___86 | tmp___87); #line 3078 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___12 != 0) { #line 3078 tmp___88 = jit->ip; #line 3078 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3078 *tmp___88 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___12); } #line 3078 break; } #line 3078 tmp___89 = jit->ip; #line 3078 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3078 *tmp___89 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3078 tmp___90 = jit->ip; #line 3078 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3078 *tmp___90 = (unsigned char)198; #line 3078 while (1) { #line 3078 while (1) { #line 3078 tmp___91 = jit->ip; #line 3078 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3078 *tmp___91 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | ((tmp_reg & 0x07) << 3)) | (tmp_reg & 0x07)); #line 3078 break; } #line 3078 break; } #line 3078 break; } #line 3078 while (1) { #line 3078 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)1; #line 3078 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3078 break; } #line 3078 break; } #line 3079 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_floor LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF load_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ void load_reg(jit_op *op , jit_hw_reg *hreg , jit_value reg ) { { #line 5913 insert_reg_op(512, op, (jit_value )hreg->id, reg); #line 5914 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF load_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_init_arg_params LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_init_arg_params(struct jit *jit , struct jit_func_info *info , int p , int *phys_reg ) { struct jit_arg_layout *layout ; struct jit_arg_layout *tmp ; struct jit_inp_arg *a ; struct jit_arg_layout_location *location ; { #line 3202 tmp = jit_arg_layout_create_input(jit, info, p); #line 3202 layout = tmp; #line 3203 a = info->args + p; #line 3204 location = & layout->arguments[p]; #line 3205 a->passed_by_reg = location->passed_in_reg; #line 3206 a->overflow = 0; #line 3207 if (! location->passed_in_reg) { #line 3208 a->location.stack_pos = (2 + location->index) * (int )sizeof(void *); #line 3209 a->spill_pos = a->location.stack_pos; } else #line 3211 if (! location->isfp) { #line 3212 a->location.reg = (*((jit->reg_al)->gp_arg_regs + location->index))->id; #line 3213 a->spill_pos = stack_arg_pos(jit, info, location->index); } else { #line 3215 a->location.reg = (*((jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_regs + location->index))->id; #line 3216 a->spill_pos = stack_fparg_pos(jit, info, location->index); } #line 3219 free((void *)layout); #line 3220 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_init_arg_params LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF is_spilled LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int is_spilled(jit_value arg_id , jit_op *prepare_op , int *reg ) { jit_hw_reg *hreg ; jit_hw_reg *tmp ; { #line 4371 tmp = rmap_get(prepare_op->regmap, arg_id); #line 4371 hreg = tmp; #line 4372 if (hreg) { #line 4373 *reg = hreg->id; #line 4374 return (0); } else { #line 4375 return (1); } } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF is_spilled LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_fldx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_fldx_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) { unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___0 ; jit_value tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; jit_value tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___30 ; int tmp___31 ; int tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___53 ; int tmp___54 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; unsigned char *tmp___68 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; unsigned char *tmp___70 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; unsigned char *tmp___80 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___81 ; int tmp___82 ; int tmp___83 ; unsigned char *tmp___84 ; unsigned char *tmp___85 ; unsigned char *tmp___86 ; unsigned char *tmp___87 ; unsigned char *tmp___88 ; x86_imm_buf imb___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___89 ; unsigned char *tmp___90 ; unsigned char *tmp___91 ; unsigned char *tmp___92 ; unsigned char *tmp___93 ; unsigned char *tmp___94 ; unsigned char *tmp___95 ; unsigned char *tmp___96 ; unsigned char *tmp___97 ; unsigned char *tmp___98 ; x86_imm_buf imb___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___99 ; unsigned char *tmp___100 ; unsigned char *tmp___101 ; unsigned char *tmp___102 ; { #line 3106 if ((unsigned long long )op->arg_size == sizeof(float )) { #line 3107 if ((int )op->code & 0x02) { #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp = (unsigned char)243; #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3107 tmp___0 = 4; } else { #line 3107 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 3107 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 3107 tmp___3 = (jit_value )0; } else { #line 3107 tmp___3 = a2; } #line 3107 if (tmp___3 > 7L) { #line 3107 tmp___2 = 1; } else { #line 3107 tmp___2 = 0; } #line 3107 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(tmp___0 | tmp___2); #line 3107 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3107 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3107 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___6 = (unsigned char)90; #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___7 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 imb.val = (int )a3; #line 3107 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___8 = imb.b[0]; #line 3107 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___9 = imb.b[1]; #line 3107 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___10 = imb.b[2]; #line 3107 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___11 = imb.b[3]; #line 3107 break; } } else { #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 3107 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3107 break; } } else #line 3107 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 3107 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 break; } } else { #line 3107 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___16 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___17 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 imb___0.val = (int )a3; #line 3107 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___18 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 3107 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___19 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 3107 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___20 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 3107 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___21 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 3107 break; } } #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 3107 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 break; } } #line 3107 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 3107 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___23 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 break; } } else { #line 3107 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 while (1) { #line 3107 imb___1.val = (int )a3; #line 3107 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___25 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 3107 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___26 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 3107 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___27 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 3107 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 3107 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3107 *tmp___28 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 3107 break; } } #line 3107 break; } } #line 3107 break; } #line 3107 break; } } else { #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___29 = (unsigned char)243; #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3108 tmp___30 = 4; } else { #line 3108 tmp___30 = 0; } #line 3108 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3108 tmp___31 = 2; } else { #line 3108 tmp___31 = 0; } #line 3108 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3108 tmp___32 = 1; } else { #line 3108 tmp___32 = 0; } #line 3108 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(((8 | tmp___30) | tmp___31) | tmp___32); #line 3108 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 3108 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 3108 break; } #line 3108 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___34 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3108 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___35 = (unsigned char)90; #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 if (a2 == -1L) { #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___36 = (unsigned char )(((a1 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3108 break; } #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char )(((a3 & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3108 break; } #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 imb___2.val = 0; #line 3108 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___38 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 3108 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___39 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 3108 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___40 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 3108 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___41 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 3108 break; } } else #line 3108 if (a2 != 5L) { #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char )(((a1 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3108 break; } #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___43 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3108 break; } } else { #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | ((a1 & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3108 break; } #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 *tmp___45 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3108 break; } #line 3108 while (1) { #line 3108 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3108 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3108 break; } } #line 3108 break; } #line 3108 break; } } } else #line 3110 if ((int )op->code & 0x02) { #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___52 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3110 tmp___53 = 4; } else { #line 3110 tmp___53 = 0; } #line 3110 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3110 tmp___54 = 1; } else { #line 3110 tmp___54 = 0; } #line 3110 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )(tmp___53 | tmp___54); #line 3110 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 3110 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___55 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 tmp___56 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___56 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3110 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___57 = (unsigned char)18; #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___58 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___58 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 imb___4.val = (int )a3; #line 3110 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___59 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 3110 tmp___60 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___60 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 3110 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___61 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 3110 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___62 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 3110 break; } } else { #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 3110 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___63 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___64 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3110 break; } } else #line 3110 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 3110 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___65 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___65 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___66 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___66 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 break; } } else { #line 3110 goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___67 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___68 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___68 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 imb___5.val = (int )a3; #line 3110 tmp___69 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___69 = imb___5.b[0]; #line 3110 tmp___70 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___70 = imb___5.b[1]; #line 3110 tmp___71 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___71 = imb___5.b[2]; #line 3110 tmp___72 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___72 = imb___5.b[3]; #line 3110 break; } } #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 3110 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___73 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___73 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 break; } } #line 3110 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 3110 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___74 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___74 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 break; } } else { #line 3110 goto _L___2; } } else { _L___2: /* CIL Label */ #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 tmp___75 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___75 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 while (1) { #line 3110 imb___6.val = (int )a3; #line 3110 tmp___76 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___76 = imb___6.b[0]; #line 3110 tmp___77 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___77 = imb___6.b[1]; #line 3110 tmp___78 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___78 = imb___6.b[2]; #line 3110 tmp___79 = jit->ip; #line 3110 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3110 *tmp___79 = imb___6.b[3]; #line 3110 break; } } #line 3110 break; } } #line 3110 break; } #line 3110 break; } } else { #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 tmp___80 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___80 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3111 tmp___81 = 4; } else { #line 3111 tmp___81 = 0; } #line 3111 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3111 tmp___82 = 2; } else { #line 3111 tmp___82 = 0; } #line 3111 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3111 tmp___83 = 1; } else { #line 3111 tmp___83 = 0; } #line 3111 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )(((8 | tmp___81) | tmp___82) | tmp___83); #line 3111 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 3111 tmp___84 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___84 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 3111 break; } #line 3111 tmp___85 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___85 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3111 tmp___86 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___86 = (unsigned char)18; #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 if (a2 == -1L) { #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 tmp___87 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___87 = (unsigned char )(((a1 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3111 break; } #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 tmp___88 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___88 = (unsigned char )(((a3 & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3111 break; } #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 imb___7.val = 0; #line 3111 tmp___89 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___89 = imb___7.b[0]; #line 3111 tmp___90 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___90 = imb___7.b[1]; #line 3111 tmp___91 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___91 = imb___7.b[2]; #line 3111 tmp___92 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___92 = imb___7.b[3]; #line 3111 break; } } else #line 3111 if (a2 != 5L) { #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 tmp___93 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___93 = (unsigned char )(((a1 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3111 break; } #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 tmp___94 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___94 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3111 break; } } else { #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 tmp___95 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___95 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | ((a1 & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3111 break; } #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 tmp___96 = jit->ip; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 *tmp___96 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3111 break; } #line 3111 while (1) { #line 3111 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3111 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3111 break; } } #line 3111 break; } #line 3111 break; } } #line 3113 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_fldx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_fld_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_fld_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 ) { unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___11 ; jit_value tmp___12 ; int tmp___13 ; jit_value tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___52 ; int tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___68 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; unsigned char *tmp___70 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; { #line 3096 if ((unsigned long long )op->arg_size == sizeof(float )) { #line 3097 if ((int )op->code & 0x02) { #line 3097 while (1) { #line 3097 tmp = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp = (unsigned char)243; #line 3097 while (1) { #line 3097 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3097 tmp___0 = 4; } else { #line 3097 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 3097 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )tmp___0; #line 3097 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3097 tmp___1 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___1 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3097 break; } #line 3097 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3097 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char)90; #line 3097 while (1) { #line 3097 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )(((a1 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3097 break; } #line 3097 while (1) { #line 3097 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 5); #line 3097 break; } #line 3097 while (1) { #line 3097 imb.val = (int )a2; #line 3097 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___6 = imb.b[0]; #line 3097 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___7 = imb.b[1]; #line 3097 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___8 = imb.b[2]; #line 3097 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 3097 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3097 *tmp___9 = imb.b[3]; #line 3097 break; } #line 3097 break; } } else { #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char)243; #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3098 tmp___11 = 4; } else { #line 3098 tmp___11 = 0; } #line 3098 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 3098 tmp___14 = (jit_value )0; } else { #line 3098 tmp___14 = a2; } #line 3098 if (tmp___14 > 7L) { #line 3098 tmp___13 = 1; } else { #line 3098 tmp___13 = 0; } #line 3098 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(tmp___11 | tmp___13); #line 3098 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 3098 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___16 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3098 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___17 = (unsigned char)90; #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___18 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 imb___0.val = 0; #line 3098 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___19 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 3098 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___20 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 3098 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___21 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 3098 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___22 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 3098 break; } } else { #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___23 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 *tmp___34 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 while (1) { #line 3098 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3098 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 break; } } #line 3098 break; } #line 3098 break; } } } else #line 3100 if ((int )op->code & 0x02) { #line 3100 while (1) { #line 3100 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___40 = (unsigned char)242; #line 3100 while (1) { #line 3100 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3100 tmp___41 = 4; } else { #line 3100 tmp___41 = 0; } #line 3100 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )tmp___41; #line 3100 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 3100 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 3100 break; } #line 3100 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___43 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3100 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char)16; #line 3100 while (1) { #line 3100 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___45 = (unsigned char )(((a1 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3100 break; } #line 3100 while (1) { #line 3100 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___46 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 5); #line 3100 break; } #line 3100 while (1) { #line 3100 imb___3.val = (int )a2; #line 3100 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___47 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 3100 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___48 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 3100 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___49 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 3100 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 3100 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3100 *tmp___50 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 3100 break; } #line 3100 break; } } else { #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___51 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3101 tmp___52 = 4; } else { #line 3101 tmp___52 = 0; } #line 3101 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3101 tmp___53 = 1; } else { #line 3101 tmp___53 = 0; } #line 3101 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )(tmp___52 | tmp___53); #line 3101 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 3101 tmp___54 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___54 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___55 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3101 tmp___56 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___56 = (unsigned char)18; #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___57 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 imb___4.val = 0; #line 3101 tmp___58 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___58 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 3101 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___59 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 3101 tmp___60 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___60 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 3101 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___61 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 3101 break; } } else { #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___62 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___63 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 tmp___72 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___72 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 tmp___73 = jit->ip; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 *tmp___73 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 while (1) { #line 3101 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3101 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 break; } } #line 3101 break; } #line 3101 break; } } #line 3103 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_fld_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF rmap_sync_aux LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void rmap_sync_aux(jit_tree *current , jit_tree *target , jit_op *op , int mode ) { int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; jit_tree *found ; jit_tree *tmp___1 ; int i ; jit_hw_reg *hreg ; long tmp___2 ; { #line 3299 if ((unsigned long )current == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 3299 return; } #line 3300 if (mode == 2) { #line 3300 tmp = jit_set_get(op->live_out, (int )current->key); #line 3300 if (! tmp) { #line 3300 goto skip; } } #line 3301 if (mode == 1) { #line 3301 tmp___0 = jit_set_get((op->jmp_addr)->live_in, (int )current->key); #line 3301 if (! tmp___0) { #line 3301 goto skip; } } #line 3302 tmp___1 = jit_tree_search(target, current->key); #line 3302 found = tmp___1; #line 3303 i = (int )current->key; #line 3304 if (! found) { #line 3304 goto _L; } else #line 3304 if ((unsigned long )current->value != (unsigned long )found->value) { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 3305 hreg = (jit_hw_reg *)current->value; #line 3306 switch (mode) { case 1: #line 3307 unload_reg(op, hreg, (jit_value )i); #line 3307 break; case 2: #line 3308 load_reg(op, hreg, (jit_value )i); #line 3308 break; default: #line 3309 tmp___2 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 3309 if (tmp___2) { #line 3309 __assert_rtn((char const *)"rmap_sync_aux", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 2007, (char const *)"0"); } } } skip: #line 3313 rmap_sync_aux(current->left, target, op, mode); #line 3314 rmap_sync_aux(current->right, target, op, mode); #line 3315 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF rmap_sync_aux LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_branch_overflow_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_branch_overflow_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int alu_op , int imm , int negation ) { unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___17 ; int tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; int offset ; int tmp___23 ; size_t tmp___24 ; int tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; int offset___0 ; int tmp___34 ; size_t tmp___35 ; int tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; { #line 4363 if (imm) { #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 if (op->r_arg[2] >= -128L) { #line 4363 if (op->r_arg[2] <= 127L) { #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4363 tmp = 1; } else { #line 4363 tmp = 0; } #line 4363 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp); #line 4363 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4363 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4363 break; } #line 4363 tmp___1 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___1 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | ((alu_op & 0x07) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4363 break; } #line 4363 break; } #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(op->r_arg[2] & 255L); #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 break; } } else { #line 4363 goto _L; } } else _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4363 if (op->r_arg[1] == 0L) { #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4363 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4363 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4363 break; } #line 4363 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )alu_op) << 3) + 5); #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 imb.val = (int )op->r_arg[2]; #line 4363 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___5 = imb.b[0]; #line 4363 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___6 = imb.b[1]; #line 4363 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___7 = imb.b[2]; #line 4363 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___8 = imb.b[3]; #line 4363 break; } } else { #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4363 tmp___9 = 1; } else { #line 4363 tmp___9 = 0; } #line 4363 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___9); #line 4363 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4363 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4363 break; } #line 4363 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char)129; #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | ((alu_op & 0x07) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4363 break; } #line 4363 break; } #line 4363 while (1) { #line 4363 imb___0.val = (int )op->r_arg[2]; #line 4363 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___13 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4363 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___14 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4363 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___15 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4363 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4363 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4363 *tmp___16 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4363 break; } } #line 4363 break; } } else { #line 4364 while (1) { #line 4364 while (1) { #line 4364 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4364 tmp___17 = 4; } else { #line 4364 tmp___17 = 0; } #line 4364 if (op->r_arg[2] > 7L) { #line 4364 tmp___18 = 1; } else { #line 4364 tmp___18 = 0; } #line 4364 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___17) | tmp___18); #line 4364 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 4364 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4364 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4364 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 4364 break; } #line 4364 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 4364 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4364 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )alu_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4364 while (1) { #line 4364 while (1) { #line 4364 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4364 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4364 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[1] & 7L) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[2] & 7L)); #line 4364 break; } #line 4364 break; } #line 4364 break; } } #line 4365 op->patch_addr = (jit_value )jit->ip - (jit_value )jit->buf; #line 4366 if (! negation) { #line 4366 while (1) { #line 4366 while (1) { #line 4366 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4366 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 4366 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 4366 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4366 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 4366 break; } #line 4366 while (1) { #line 4366 tmp___25 = jit_is_label(jit, (void *)op->r_arg[0]); #line 4366 if (tmp___25) { #line 4366 tmp___24 = ((size_t )((jit_value )jit->buf) + ((jit_label *)op->r_arg[0])->pos) - (size_t )((jit_value )jit->ip); } else { #line 4366 tmp___24 = (size_t )op->r_arg[0]; } #line 4366 offset = (int )(tmp___24 - 6UL); #line 4366 while (1) { #line 4366 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 4366 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4366 *tmp___26 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4366 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 4366 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4366 *tmp___28 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_unsigned_map[10] + 16); #line 4366 while (1) { #line 4366 imb___1.val = offset; #line 4366 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 4366 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4366 *tmp___29 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 4366 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 4366 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4366 *tmp___30 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 4366 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 4366 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4366 *tmp___31 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 4366 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 4366 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4366 *tmp___32 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 4366 break; } #line 4366 break; } #line 4366 break; } #line 4366 break; } } else { #line 4367 while (1) { #line 4367 while (1) { #line 4367 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4367 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 4367 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 4367 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4367 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 4367 break; } #line 4367 while (1) { #line 4367 tmp___36 = jit_is_label(jit, (void *)op->r_arg[0]); #line 4367 if (tmp___36) { #line 4367 tmp___35 = ((size_t )((jit_value )jit->buf) + ((jit_label *)op->r_arg[0])->pos) - (size_t )((jit_value )jit->ip); } else { #line 4367 tmp___35 = (size_t )op->r_arg[0]; } #line 4367 offset___0 = (int )(tmp___35 - 6UL); #line 4367 while (1) { #line 4367 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 4367 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4367 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4367 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 4367 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4367 *tmp___39 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_unsigned_map[11] + 16); #line 4367 while (1) { #line 4367 imb___2.val = offset___0; #line 4367 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 4367 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4367 *tmp___40 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 4367 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 4367 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4367 *tmp___41 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 4367 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 4367 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4367 *tmp___42 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 4367 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 4367 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4367 *tmp___43 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 4367 break; } #line 4367 break; } #line 4367 break; } #line 4367 break; } } #line 4368 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_branch_overflow_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_funcall LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_funcall(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int imm ) { int stack_correction ; int tmp ; jit_hw_reg *hreg ; jit_hw_reg *tmp___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; int tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; int tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; int tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; int tmp___25 ; int tmp___26 ; int tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; int tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; int tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; int tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; int tmp___38 ; int tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; int tmp___41 ; size_t tmp___42 ; int tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; amd64_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; int tmp___65 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; unsigned char *tmp___68 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; unsigned char *tmp___70 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; unsigned char *tmp___80 ; unsigned char *tmp___81 ; int tmp___82 ; { #line 3726 tmp = emit_arguments(jit); #line 3726 stack_correction = tmp; #line 3727 if (! imm) { #line 3728 tmp___0 = rmap_get(op->regmap, op->arg[0]); #line 3728 hreg = tmp___0; #line 3729 if (hreg) { #line 3729 while (1) { #line 3729 while (1) { #line 3729 if (hreg->id > 7) { #line 3729 tmp___1 = 1; } else { #line 3729 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 3729 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )tmp___1; #line 3729 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3729 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3729 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3729 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3729 break; } #line 3729 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3729 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3729 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char)255; #line 3729 while (1) { #line 3729 while (1) { #line 3729 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3729 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3729 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (2 << 3)) | ((hreg->id & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 3729 break; } #line 3729 break; } #line 3729 break; } } else { #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char)0; #line 3730 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 3730 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___6 = (unsigned char)255; #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 if (0) { #line 3730 tmp___27 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 if (tmp___27 == 0) { #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )((2 << 3) | 4); #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3730 break; } } else { #line 3730 tmp___25 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 if ((jit_value )tmp___25 >= -128L) { #line 3730 tmp___26 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 if ((jit_value )tmp___26 <= 127L) { #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (2 << 3)) | 4); #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___16 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___17 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(tmp___17 & 0xff); #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 break; } } else { #line 3730 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___18 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (2 << 3)) | 4); #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___20 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 imb___0.val = tmp___20; #line 3730 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___21 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 3730 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___22 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 3730 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___23 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 3730 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___24 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 3730 break; } } } #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 tmp___29 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 if (tmp___29 == 0) { } #line 3730 tmp___38 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 if ((jit_value )tmp___38 >= -128L) { #line 3730 tmp___39 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 if ((jit_value )tmp___39 <= 127L) { #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___30 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (2 << 3)) | 5); #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___31 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(tmp___31 & 0xff); #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 break; } } else { #line 3730 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___32 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (2 << 3)) | 5); #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 while (1) { #line 3730 tmp___33 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3730 imb___1.val = tmp___33; #line 3730 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___34 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 3730 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___35 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 3730 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___36 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 3730 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 3730 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3730 *tmp___37 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 3730 break; } } #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 break; } #line 3730 break; } } } else { #line 3732 tmp___65 = jit_is_label(jit, (void *)op->arg[0]); #line 3732 if (tmp___65) { #line 3733 op->patch_addr = (jit_value )jit->ip - (jit_value )jit->buf; #line 3734 while (1) { #line 3734 while (1) { #line 3734 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 3734 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3734 *tmp___40 = (unsigned char)232; #line 3734 while (1) { #line 3734 tmp___43 = jit_is_label(jit, (void *)op->arg[0]); #line 3734 if (tmp___43) { #line 3734 tmp___42 = ((size_t )((jit_value )jit->buf) + ((jit_label *)op->arg[0])->pos) - (size_t )((jit_value )jit->ip); } else { #line 3734 tmp___42 = (size_t )op->arg[0]; } #line 3734 imb___2.val = (int )(tmp___42 - 4UL); #line 3734 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 3734 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3734 *tmp___44 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 3734 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 3734 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3734 *tmp___45 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 3734 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 3734 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3734 *tmp___46 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 3734 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 3734 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3734 *tmp___47 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 3734 break; } #line 3734 break; } #line 3734 break; } } else { #line 3736 while (1) { #line 3736 while (1) { #line 3736 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char)9; #line 3736 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 3736 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___48 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 3736 break; } #line 3736 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___49 = (unsigned char)187; #line 3736 while (1) { #line 3736 imb___3.val = (size_t )op->arg[0]; #line 3736 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___50 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 3736 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___51 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 3736 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___52 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 3736 tmp___53 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___53 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 3736 tmp___54 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___54 = imb___3.b[4]; #line 3736 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___55 = imb___3.b[5]; #line 3736 tmp___56 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___56 = imb___3.b[6]; #line 3736 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 3736 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3736 *tmp___57 = imb___3.b[7]; #line 3736 break; } #line 3736 break; } #line 3737 while (1) { #line 3737 while (1) { #line 3737 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char)1; #line 3737 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 3737 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 3737 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3737 *tmp___62 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 3737 break; } #line 3737 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 3737 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3737 *tmp___63 = (unsigned char)255; #line 3737 while (1) { #line 3737 while (1) { #line 3737 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 3737 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3737 *tmp___64 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (2 << 3)) | 3); #line 3737 break; } #line 3737 break; } #line 3737 break; } } } #line 3740 stack_correction += jit->prepared_args.stack_size; #line 3741 if (stack_correction) { #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 if ((jit_value )stack_correction >= -128L) { #line 3742 if ((jit_value )stack_correction <= 127L) { #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char)8; #line 3742 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 3742 tmp___66 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___66 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 3742 break; } #line 3742 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___67 = (unsigned char)131; #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 tmp___68 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___68 = (unsigned char )((3 << 6) | 4); #line 3742 break; } #line 3742 break; } #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_correction & 0xff); #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 break; } } else { #line 3742 goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char)8; #line 3742 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 3742 tmp___75 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___75 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } #line 3742 break; } #line 3742 tmp___76 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___76 = (unsigned char)129; #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 tmp___77 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___77 = (unsigned char )((3 << 6) | 4); #line 3742 break; } #line 3742 break; } #line 3742 while (1) { #line 3742 imb___6.val = stack_correction; #line 3742 tmp___78 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___78 = imb___6.b[0]; #line 3742 tmp___79 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___79 = imb___6.b[1]; #line 3742 tmp___80 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___80 = imb___6.b[2]; #line 3742 tmp___81 = jit->ip; #line 3742 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3742 *tmp___81 = imb___6.b[3]; #line 3742 break; } } #line 3742 break; } } #line 3743 free((void *)jit->prepared_args.args); #line 3744 tmp___82 = emit_pop_caller_saved_regs(jit, op); #line 3744 jit->push_count -= tmp___82; #line 3745 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_funcall LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF node_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *node_new(jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value ) { jit_tree *res ; void *tmp ; { #line 2106 tmp = malloc((size_t )sizeof(jit_tree )); #line 2106 res = (jit_tree *)tmp; #line 2107 res->key = key; #line 2108 res->value = value; #line 2109 res->color = 1; #line 2110 res->left = (struct jit_tree *)((void *)0); #line 2111 res->right = (struct jit_tree *)((void *)0); #line 2112 return (res); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF node_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_trace LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_trace(struct jit *jit , int verbosity ) { jit_op *op ; jit_op *tmp ; jit_op *o ; struct jit_op *tmp___0 ; { #line 6666 tmp = jit_op_first(jit->ops); #line 6666 op = tmp->next; #line 6666 while ((unsigned long )op != (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 6667 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 688U) { #line 6667 goto __Cont; } #line 6668 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 376U) { #line 6668 goto __Cont; } #line 6669 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 856U) { #line 6669 goto __Cont; } #line 6670 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 704U) { #line 6670 goto __Cont; } #line 6671 tmp___0 = jit_op_new((unsigned short)264, (unsigned char)2, (jit_value )verbosity, (jit_value )0, (jit_value )0, (unsigned char)0); #line 6671 o = tmp___0; #line 6672 o->r_arg[0] = o->arg[0]; #line 6673 jit_op_prepend(op, o); __Cont: /* CIL Label */ #line 6666 op = op->next; } #line 6675 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_trace LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_alu_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_alu_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int x86_op , int imm ) { unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; long tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; int tmp___26 ; int tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; int tmp___31 ; int tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; int tmp___37 ; int tmp___38 ; int tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; long tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___6 ; int tmp___45 ; int tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; { #line 4129 if (imm) { #line 4130 if (op->r_arg[0] != op->r_arg[1]) { #line 4130 while (1) { #line 4130 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 2) { #line 4130 tmp = jit->ip; #line 4130 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4130 *tmp = (unsigned char)102; } #line 4130 while (1) { #line 4130 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 4130 tmp___0 = 8; } else { #line 4130 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 4130 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4130 tmp___1 = 4; } else { #line 4130 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 4130 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4130 tmp___2 = 1; } else { #line 4130 tmp___2 = 0; } #line 4130 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )((tmp___0 | tmp___1) | tmp___2); #line 4130 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4130 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4130 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4130 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } else #line 4130 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 4130 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4130 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4130 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4130 break; } #line 4130 switch ((int )sizeof(void *)) { case 1: #line 4130 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4130 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4130 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char)138; #line 4130 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 4130 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 4130 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4130 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char)139; #line 4130 break; default: #line 4130 tmp___6 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4130 if (tmp___6) { #line 4130 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_alu_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3086, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4130 while (1) { #line 4130 while (1) { #line 4130 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 4130 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4130 *tmp___7 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[0] & 7L) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4130 break; } #line 4130 break; } #line 4130 break; } } #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 if (op->r_arg[2] >= -128L) { #line 4131 if (op->r_arg[2] <= 127L) { #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4131 tmp___8 = 1; } else { #line 4131 tmp___8 = 0; } #line 4131 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___8); #line 4131 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4131 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___9 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4131 break; } #line 4131 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | ((x86_op & 0x07) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[0] & 7L)); #line 4131 break; } #line 4131 break; } #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(op->r_arg[2] & 255L); #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 break; } } else { #line 4131 goto _L; } } else _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4131 if (op->r_arg[0] == 0L) { #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4131 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4131 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4131 break; } #line 4131 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )x86_op) << 3) + 5); #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 imb.val = (int )op->r_arg[2]; #line 4131 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___14 = imb.b[0]; #line 4131 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___15 = imb.b[1]; #line 4131 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___16 = imb.b[2]; #line 4131 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___17 = imb.b[3]; #line 4131 break; } } else { #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4131 tmp___18 = 1; } else { #line 4131 tmp___18 = 0; } #line 4131 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___18); #line 4131 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 4131 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 4131 break; } #line 4131 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char)129; #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | ((x86_op & 0x07) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[0] & 7L)); #line 4131 break; } #line 4131 break; } #line 4131 while (1) { #line 4131 imb___0.val = (int )op->r_arg[2]; #line 4131 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___22 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4131 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___23 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4131 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___24 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4131 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 4131 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4131 *tmp___25 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4131 break; } } #line 4131 break; } } else #line 4133 if (op->r_arg[0] == op->r_arg[1]) { #line 4134 while (1) { #line 4134 while (1) { #line 4134 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4134 tmp___26 = 4; } else { #line 4134 tmp___26 = 0; } #line 4134 if (op->r_arg[2] > 7L) { #line 4134 tmp___27 = 1; } else { #line 4134 tmp___27 = 0; } #line 4134 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___26) | tmp___27); #line 4134 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 4134 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 4134 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4134 *tmp___28 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 4134 break; } #line 4134 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 4134 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4134 *tmp___29 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )x86_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4134 while (1) { #line 4134 while (1) { #line 4134 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 4134 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4134 *tmp___30 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[0] & 7L) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[2] & 7L)); #line 4134 break; } #line 4134 break; } #line 4134 break; } } else #line 4135 if (op->r_arg[0] == op->r_arg[2]) { #line 4136 while (1) { #line 4136 while (1) { #line 4136 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4136 tmp___31 = 4; } else { #line 4136 tmp___31 = 0; } #line 4136 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4136 tmp___32 = 1; } else { #line 4136 tmp___32 = 0; } #line 4136 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___31) | tmp___32); #line 4136 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 4136 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 4136 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4136 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 4136 break; } #line 4136 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 4136 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4136 *tmp___34 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )x86_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4136 while (1) { #line 4136 while (1) { #line 4136 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 4136 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4136 *tmp___35 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[0] & 7L) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4136 break; } #line 4136 break; } #line 4136 break; } } else { #line 4138 while (1) { #line 4138 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 2) { #line 4138 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 4138 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4138 *tmp___36 = (unsigned char)102; } #line 4138 while (1) { #line 4138 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 4138 tmp___37 = 8; } else { #line 4138 tmp___37 = 0; } #line 4138 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4138 tmp___38 = 4; } else { #line 4138 tmp___38 = 0; } #line 4138 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4138 tmp___39 = 1; } else { #line 4138 tmp___39 = 0; } #line 4138 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char )((tmp___37 | tmp___38) | tmp___39); #line 4138 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 4138 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 4138 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4138 *tmp___40 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } else #line 4138 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 4138 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 4138 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4138 *tmp___40 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } #line 4138 break; } #line 4138 switch ((int )sizeof(void *)) { case 1: #line 4138 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 4138 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4138 *tmp___41 = (unsigned char)138; #line 4138 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 4138 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 4138 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4138 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char)139; #line 4138 break; default: #line 4138 tmp___43 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4138 if (tmp___43) { #line 4138 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_alu_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3095, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4138 while (1) { #line 4138 while (1) { #line 4138 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 4138 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4138 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[0] & 7L) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4138 break; } #line 4138 break; } #line 4138 break; } #line 4139 while (1) { #line 4139 while (1) { #line 4139 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4139 tmp___45 = 4; } else { #line 4139 tmp___45 = 0; } #line 4139 if (op->r_arg[2] > 7L) { #line 4139 tmp___46 = 1; } else { #line 4139 tmp___46 = 0; } #line 4139 _amd64_rex_bits___6 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___45) | tmp___46); #line 4139 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___6 != 0) { #line 4139 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 4139 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4139 *tmp___47 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___6); } #line 4139 break; } #line 4139 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 4139 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4139 *tmp___48 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )x86_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4139 while (1) { #line 4139 while (1) { #line 4139 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 4139 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4139 *tmp___49 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[0] & 7L) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[2] & 7L)); #line 4139 break; } #line 4139 break; } #line 4139 break; } } #line 4142 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_alu_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_dump_ops_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_dump_ops_compilable(struct jit *jit , jit_tree *labels ) { jit_op *op ; jit_op *tmp ; { #line 5505 tmp = jit_op_first(jit->ops); #line 5505 op = tmp; #line 5505 while ((unsigned long )op != (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 5506 print_op_compilable(& jit_disasm_compilable, op, labels); #line 5507 printf((char const */* __restrict */)"\n"); #line 5505 op = op->next; } #line 5509 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_dump_ops_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF is_suitable_mul LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int is_suitable_mul(jit_op *op ) { jit_value arg ; int tmp ; { #line 3514 arg = op->arg[2]; #line 3515 if ((int )op->code == 530) { #line 3515 if (arg == 2L) { #line 3515 tmp = 1; } else #line 3515 if (arg == 4L) { #line 3515 tmp = 1; } else #line 3515 if (arg == 8L) { #line 3515 tmp = 1; } else { #line 3515 goto _L; } } else _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 3515 if ((int )op->code == 426) { #line 3515 if (arg == 1L) { #line 3515 tmp = 1; } else #line 3515 if (arg == 2L) { #line 3515 tmp = 1; } else #line 3515 if (arg == 3L) { #line 3515 tmp = 1; } else { #line 3515 tmp = 0; } } else { #line 3515 tmp = 0; } #line 3515 return (tmp); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF is_suitable_mul LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF shift_index LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int shift_index(int arg ) { long tmp ; { #line 3500 if (arg == 2) { #line 3500 return (1); } #line 3501 if (arg == 4) { #line 3501 return (2); } #line 3502 if (arg == 8) { #line 3502 return (3); } #line 3503 tmp = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 3503 if (tmp) { #line 3503 __assert_rtn((char const *)"shift_index", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 2246, (char const *)"0"); } #line 3504 return (0); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF shift_index LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_arg_layout_create_input LOC=UNKNOWN */ static struct jit_arg_layout *jit_arg_layout_create_input(struct jit *jit , struct jit_func_info *info , int arg_cnt ) { struct jit_arg_layout *layout ; struct jit_arg_layout *tmp ; int i ; struct jit_inp_arg *arg ; { #line 3157 tmp = jit_arg_layout_create(jit, arg_cnt + 1); #line 3157 layout = tmp; #line 3158 i = 0; #line 3158 while (i <= arg_cnt) { #line 3159 arg = info->args + i; #line 3160 jit_arg_layout_add(layout, (unsigned int )arg->type == 2U, (struct jit_out_arg *)((void *)0)); #line 3158 i ++; } #line 3162 return (layout); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_arg_layout_create_input LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF make_free_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_hw_reg *make_free_reg(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_op *op , jit_value for_reg ) { int spill ; jit_value spill_candidate ; jit_hw_reg *hreg ; jit_hw_reg *tmp ; int tmp___0 ; { #line 5921 spill = 0; #line 5922 spill_candidate = (jit_value )-1; #line 5923 tmp = rmap_spill_candidate(al, op, for_reg, & spill, & spill_candidate, 0); #line 5923 hreg = tmp; #line 5924 if (spill) { #line 5925 tmp___0 = jit_set_get(op->live_in, (int )spill_candidate); #line 5925 if (tmp___0) { #line 5926 unload_reg(op, hreg, spill_candidate); } #line 5927 rmap_unassoc(op->regmap, spill_candidate); } #line 5929 return (hreg); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF make_free_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_tree_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_tree_free(jit_tree *h ) { { #line 2237 if ((unsigned long )h == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 2237 return; } #line 2238 jit_tree_free(h->left); #line 2239 jit_tree_free(h->right); #line 2240 free((void *)h); #line 2241 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_tree_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF assign_jmp LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int assign_jmp(jit_op *op , struct jit_reg_allocator *al ) { jit_value reg ; int i ; jit_hw_reg *hreg ; jit_hw_reg *tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int i___0 ; jit_hw_reg *hreg___0 ; jit_hw_reg *tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; { #line 6025 if ((int )op->code == 626) { #line 6025 return (0); } #line 6027 i = 0; #line 6027 while (i < al->gp_reg_cnt) { #line 6028 tmp = rmap_is_associated(op->regmap, (al->gp_regs + i)->id, 0, & reg); #line 6028 hreg = tmp; #line 6029 if (hreg) { #line 6029 tmp___0 = jit_set_get(op->live_out, (int )reg); #line 6029 if (tmp___0) { #line 6029 sync_reg(op, hreg, reg); } } #line 6027 i ++; } #line 6031 i___0 = 0; #line 6031 while (i___0 < al->fp_reg_cnt) { #line 6032 tmp___1 = rmap_is_associated(op->regmap, (al->fp_regs + i___0)->id, 1, & reg); #line 6032 hreg___0 = tmp___1; #line 6033 if (hreg___0) { #line 6033 tmp___2 = jit_set_get(op->live_out, (int )reg); #line 6033 if (tmp___2) { #line 6033 sync_reg(op, hreg___0, reg); } } #line 6031 i___0 ++; } #line 6035 return (0); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF assign_jmp LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_restore_all_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_restore_all_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) { int alignment ; int tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; struct jit_reg_allocator *al ; int i ; jit_hw_reg *reg ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; int tmp___59 ; int i___0 ; jit_hw_reg *reg___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___6 ; int tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; int tmp___63 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; { #line 4050 tmp = required_stack_space_for_regs(jit, op); #line 4050 alignment = tmp % 16; #line 4051 if (alignment != 0) { #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 if ((jit_value )(16 - alignment) >= -128L) { #line 4051 if ((jit_value )(16 - alignment) <= 127L) { #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char)8; #line 4051 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4051 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4051 break; } #line 4051 tmp___1 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___1 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )((3 << 6) | 4); #line 4051 break; } #line 4051 break; } #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )((16 - alignment) & 0xff); #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 break; } } else { #line 4051 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4051 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4051 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___9 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4051 break; } #line 4051 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char)129; #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char )((3 << 6) | 4); #line 4051 break; } #line 4051 break; } #line 4051 while (1) { #line 4051 imb___0.val = 16 - alignment; #line 4051 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___12 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4051 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___13 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4051 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___14 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4051 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4051 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4051 *tmp___15 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4051 break; } } #line 4051 break; } } #line 4052 al = jit->reg_al; #line 4053 i = al->fp_reg_cnt - 1; #line 4053 while (i >= 0) { #line 4054 reg = al->fp_regs + i; #line 4055 if (! reg->callee_saved) { #line 4055 tmp___59 = is_active_register(al, reg, op); #line 4055 if (tmp___59) { #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___16 = (unsigned char)102; #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 if (reg->id > 7) { #line 4056 tmp___17 = 4; } else { #line 4056 tmp___17 = 0; } #line 4056 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )tmp___17; #line 4056 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 4056 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___18 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4056 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char)18; #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___26 = (unsigned char )((((reg->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___27 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 break; #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___36 = (unsigned char )((((reg->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 break; #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((reg->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4056 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 4056 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___43 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 *tmp___45 = (unsigned char )((3 << 6) | 4); #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)8; #line 4056 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4056 break; } #line 4056 break; } } } #line 4056 while (1) { #line 4056 break; } #line 4053 i --; } #line 4058 i___0 = al->gp_reg_cnt - 1; #line 4058 while (i___0 >= 0) { #line 4059 reg___0 = al->gp_regs + i___0; #line 4060 if (! reg___0->callee_saved) { #line 4060 tmp___63 = is_active_register(al, reg___0, op); #line 4060 if (tmp___63) { #line 4061 while (1) { #line 4061 while (1) { #line 4061 if (reg___0->id > 7) { #line 4061 tmp___60 = 1; } else { #line 4061 tmp___60 = 0; } #line 4061 _amd64_rex_bits___6 = (unsigned char )tmp___60; #line 4061 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___6 != 0) { #line 4061 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 4061 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4061 *tmp___61 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___6); } #line 4061 break; } #line 4061 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 4061 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4061 *tmp___62 = (unsigned char )(88 + (reg___0->id & 0x7)); #line 4061 break; } } } #line 4058 i___0 --; } #line 4063 while (1) { #line 4063 while (1) { #line 4063 _amd64_rex_bits___7 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4063 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___7 != 0) { #line 4063 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 4063 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4063 *tmp___64 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___7); } #line 4063 break; } #line 4063 while (1) { #line 4063 tmp___65 = jit->ip; #line 4063 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4063 *tmp___65 = (unsigned char)157; #line 4063 break; } #line 4063 break; } #line 4064 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_restore_all_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF delete_node LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *delete_node(jit_tree *h , jit_tree_key key , int *found ) { int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; jit_tree_key tmp___4 ; jit_tree *tmp___5 ; jit_tree *tmp___6 ; { #line 2175 if ((unsigned long )h == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 2176 if (found) { #line 2176 *found = 0; } #line 2177 return ((jit_tree *)((void *)0)); } #line 2179 if (key < h->key) { #line 2180 tmp = is_red(h->left); #line 2180 if (! tmp) { #line 2180 if (h->left) { #line 2180 tmp___0 = is_red((h->left)->left); #line 2180 if (! tmp___0) { #line 2181 h = move_red_left(h); } } } #line 2182 h->left = delete_node(h->left, key, found); } else { #line 2184 tmp___1 = is_red(h->left); #line 2184 if (tmp___1) { #line 2184 h = rotate_right(h); } #line 2185 if (key == h->key) { #line 2185 if ((unsigned long )h->right == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 2186 free((void *)h); #line 2187 if (found) { #line 2187 *found = 1; } #line 2188 return ((jit_tree *)((void *)0)); } } #line 2190 tmp___2 = is_red(h->right); #line 2190 if (! tmp___2) { #line 2190 if (h->right) { #line 2190 tmp___3 = is_red((h->right)->left); #line 2190 if (! tmp___3) { #line 2190 h = move_red_right(h); } } } #line 2191 if (key == h->key) { #line 2192 tmp___4 = node_min(h->right); #line 2192 tmp___5 = jit_tree_search(h->right, tmp___4); #line 2192 h->value = tmp___5->value; #line 2193 h->key = node_min(h->right); #line 2194 h->right = delete_min(h->right); #line 2195 if (found) { #line 2195 *found = 1; } } else { #line 2197 h->right = delete_node(h->right, key, found); } } #line 2199 tmp___6 = fixup(h); #line 2199 return (tmp___6); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF delete_node LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_optimize_unused_assignments LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_optimize_unused_assignments(struct jit *jit ) { jit_op *op ; jit_op *tmp ; int tmp___0 ; { #line 3460 tmp = jit_op_first(jit->ops); #line 3460 op = tmp; #line 3460 while ((unsigned long )op != (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 3461 if (((int )op->spec & 0x03) == 0x03) { #line 3462 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 608U) { #line 3463 goto __Cont; } else #line 3462 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 480U) { #line 3463 goto __Cont; } else #line 3462 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 320U) { #line 3463 goto __Cont; } else #line 3462 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 8U) { #line 3463 goto __Cont; } #line 3464 tmp___0 = jit_set_get(op->live_out, (int )op->arg[0]); #line 3464 if (! tmp___0) { #line 3465 op->code = (unsigned short)864; #line 3466 op->spec = (unsigned char)0; } } __Cont: /* CIL Label */ #line 3460 op = op->next; } #line 3470 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_optimize_unused_assignments LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_arg_layout_create LOC=UNKNOWN */ static struct jit_arg_layout *jit_arg_layout_create(struct jit *jit , int arg_cnt ) { struct jit_arg_layout *layout ; void *tmp ; { #line 3147 tmp = malloc((size_t )(sizeof(struct jit_arg_layout ) + sizeof(struct jit_arg_layout_location ) * (unsigned long long )arg_cnt)); #line 3147 layout = (struct jit_arg_layout *)tmp; #line 3148 layout->jit = jit; #line 3149 layout->arg_index = 0; #line 3150 layout->gp_index = 0; #line 3151 layout->fp_index = 0; #line 3152 layout->stack_index = 0; #line 3153 return (layout); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_arg_layout_create LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF is_red LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int is_red(jit_tree *n ) { { #line 2067 if ((unsigned long )n == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 2067 return (0); } #line 2068 return (n->color == 1); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF is_red LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF fac LOC=UNKNOWN */ void fac(int n ) { int s ; int i ; { #line 26 "test-jit.c" s = 1; #line 28 i = 2; #line 28 while (i <= n) { #line 29 s *= i; #line 28 i ++; } #line 31 printf((char const */* __restrict */)"fac(%i)=%i\n", n, s); #line 32 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF fac LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF delete_min LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *delete_min(jit_tree *h ) { int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; jit_tree *tmp___1 ; { #line 2164 if ((unsigned long )h->left == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 2165 "" free((void *)h); #line 2166 return ((jit_tree *)((void *)0)); } #line 2168 tmp = is_red(h->left); #line 2168 if (! tmp) { #line 2168 tmp___0 = is_red((h->left)->left); #line 2168 if (! tmp___0) { #line 2169 h = move_red_left(h); } } #line 2170 h->left = delete_min(h->left); #line 2171 tmp___1 = fixup(h); #line 2171 return (tmp___1); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF delete_min LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_transfer_loop LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_transfer_loop(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) { struct transfer_info *tinf ; jit_value loop ; unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; long tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; int offset ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; int tmp___53 ; int tmp___54 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; long tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; unsigned char *tmp___68 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___70 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; unsigned char *tmp___80 ; unsigned char *tmp___81 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; int tmp___82 ; int tmp___83 ; unsigned char *tmp___84 ; unsigned char *tmp___85 ; unsigned char *tmp___86 ; long tmp___87 ; unsigned char *tmp___88 ; x86_imm_buf imb___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___89 ; unsigned char *tmp___90 ; unsigned char *tmp___91 ; unsigned char *tmp___92 ; unsigned char *tmp___93 ; unsigned char *tmp___94 ; unsigned char *tmp___95 ; unsigned char *tmp___96 ; unsigned char *tmp___97 ; unsigned char *tmp___98 ; x86_imm_buf imb___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___99 ; unsigned char *tmp___100 ; unsigned char *tmp___101 ; unsigned char *tmp___102 ; unsigned char *tmp___103 ; unsigned char *tmp___104 ; unsigned char *tmp___105 ; x86_imm_buf imb___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___106 ; unsigned char *tmp___107 ; unsigned char *tmp___108 ; unsigned char *tmp___109 ; { #line 4477 tinf = (struct transfer_info *)op->addendum; #line 4478 loop = (jit_value )tinf->loop_addr; #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 if (tinf->block_size == 2) { #line 4479 tmp = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp = (unsigned char)102; } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 if (tinf->block_size > 4) { #line 4479 tmp___0 = 8; } else { #line 4479 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 4479 if (tinf->scrapreg > 7) { #line 4479 tmp___1 = 4; } else { #line 4479 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 4479 if (tinf->counterreg > 7) { #line 4479 tmp___2 = 2; } else { #line 4479 tmp___2 = 0; } #line 4479 if (tinf->destreg > 7) { #line 4479 tmp___3 = 1; } else { #line 4479 tmp___3 = 0; } #line 4479 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(((tmp___0 | tmp___1) | tmp___2) | tmp___3); #line 4479 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4479 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } else #line 4479 if (tinf->block_size == 1) { #line 4479 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 switch (tinf->block_size) { case 1: #line 4479 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char)136; #line 4479 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 4479 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___6 = (unsigned char)137; #line 4479 break; default: #line 4479 tmp___7 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4479 if (tmp___7) { #line 4479 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_transfer_loop", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3528, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 if ((tinf->destreg & 0x7) == -1) { #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___8 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___9 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 5); #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 imb.val = - tinf->block_size; #line 4479 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___10 = imb.b[0]; #line 4479 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___11 = imb.b[1]; #line 4479 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___12 = imb.b[2]; #line 4479 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___13 = imb.b[3]; #line 4479 break; } } else #line 4479 if (- tinf->block_size == 0) { #line 4479 if ((tinf->destreg & 0x7) != 5) { #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )(((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | (((tinf->destreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 4479 break; } } else { #line 4479 goto _L___0; } } else _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 4479 if ((jit_value )(- tinf->block_size) >= -128L) { #line 4479 if ((jit_value )(- tinf->block_size) <= 127L) { #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___16 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___17 = (unsigned char )(((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | (((tinf->destreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- tinf->block_size & 0xff); #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 break; } } else { #line 4479 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___18 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char )(((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | (((tinf->destreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 while (1) { #line 4479 imb___0.val = - tinf->block_size; #line 4479 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___20 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4479 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___21 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4479 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___22 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4479 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 4479 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4479 *tmp___23 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4479 break; } } #line 4479 break; } #line 4479 break; } #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 if ((jit_value )tinf->block_size >= -128L) { #line 4480 if ((jit_value )tinf->block_size <= 127L) { #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 if (tinf->counterreg > 7) { #line 4480 tmp___24 = 1; } else { #line 4480 tmp___24 = 0; } #line 4480 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___24); #line 4480 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4480 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___25 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4480 break; } #line 4480 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___26 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___27 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (5 << 3)) | (tinf->counterreg & 0x07)); #line 4480 break; } #line 4480 break; } #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(tinf->block_size & 0xff); #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 break; } } else { #line 4480 goto _L___1; } } else _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 4480 if (tinf->counterreg == 0) { #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4480 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4480 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___28 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4480 break; } #line 4480 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___29 = (unsigned char )((5 << 3) + 5); #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 imb___1.val = tinf->block_size; #line 4480 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___30 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 4480 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___31 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 4480 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___32 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 4480 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___33 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 4480 break; } } else { #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 if (tinf->counterreg > 7) { #line 4480 tmp___34 = 1; } else { #line 4480 tmp___34 = 0; } #line 4480 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___34); #line 4480 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 4480 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___35 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 4480 break; } #line 4480 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___36 = (unsigned char)129; #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (5 << 3)) | (tinf->counterreg & 0x07)); #line 4480 break; } #line 4480 break; } #line 4480 while (1) { #line 4480 imb___2.val = tinf->block_size; #line 4480 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___38 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 4480 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___39 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 4480 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___40 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 4480 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 4480 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4480 *tmp___41 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 4480 break; } } #line 4480 break; } #line 4481 while (1) { #line 4481 while (1) { #line 4481 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4481 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 4481 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 4481 break; } #line 4481 while (1) { #line 4481 offset = (int )((loop - (jit_value )jit->ip) - 2L); #line 4481 if ((jit_value )offset >= -128L) { #line 4481 if ((jit_value )offset <= 127L) { #line 4481 while (1) { #line 4481 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char )x86_cc_unsigned_map[1]; #line 4481 while (1) { #line 4481 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(offset & 0xff); #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 break; } #line 4481 break; } } else { #line 4481 goto _L___2; } } else { _L___2: /* CIL Label */ #line 4481 offset -= 4; #line 4481 while (1) { #line 4481 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 *tmp___45 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4481 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 *tmp___47 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_unsigned_map[1] + 16); #line 4481 while (1) { #line 4481 imb___3.val = offset; #line 4481 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 *tmp___48 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 4481 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 *tmp___49 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 4481 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 *tmp___50 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 4481 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 4481 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4481 *tmp___51 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 4481 break; } #line 4481 break; } } #line 4481 break; } #line 4481 break; } #line 4482 if (tinf->counter_in_use) { #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 2) { #line 4482 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___52 = (unsigned char)102; } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 4482 tmp___53 = 8; } else { #line 4482 tmp___53 = 0; } #line 4482 if (tinf->counterreg > 7) { #line 4482 tmp___54 = 4; } else { #line 4482 tmp___54 = 0; } #line 4482 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char )(tmp___53 | tmp___54); #line 4482 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 4482 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___55 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } else #line 4482 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 4482 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___55 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 switch ((int )sizeof(void *)) { case 1: #line 4482 tmp___56 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___56 = (unsigned char)138; #line 4482 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 4482 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___57 = (unsigned char)139; #line 4482 break; default: #line 4482 tmp___58 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4482 if (tmp___58) { #line 4482 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_transfer_loop", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3532, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 if (- ((int )sizeof(void *)) == 0) { #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___64 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___65 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___65 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4482 break; } } else #line 4482 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *))) >= -128L) { #line 4482 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *))) <= 127L) { #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___66 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___66 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___67 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) & 0xff); #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 break; } } else { #line 4482 goto _L___3; } } else { _L___3: /* CIL Label */ #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___68 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___68 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___69 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___69 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 imb___5.val = - ((int )sizeof(void *)); #line 4482 tmp___70 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___70 = imb___5.b[0]; #line 4482 tmp___71 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___71 = imb___5.b[1]; #line 4482 tmp___72 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___72 = imb___5.b[2]; #line 4482 tmp___73 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___73 = imb___5.b[3]; #line 4482 break; } } #line 4482 break; #line 4482 if (- ((int )sizeof(void *)) == 0) { #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___74 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___74 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *))) >= -128L) { #line 4482 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *))) <= 127L) { #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___75 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___75 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) & 0xff); #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 break; } } else { #line 4482 goto _L___4; } } else { _L___4: /* CIL Label */ #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 tmp___76 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___76 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 while (1) { #line 4482 imb___6.val = - ((int )sizeof(void *)); #line 4482 tmp___77 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___77 = imb___6.b[0]; #line 4482 tmp___78 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___78 = imb___6.b[1]; #line 4482 tmp___79 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___79 = imb___6.b[2]; #line 4482 tmp___80 = jit->ip; #line 4482 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4482 *tmp___80 = imb___6.b[3]; #line 4482 break; } } #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 break; } #line 4482 break; } } #line 4483 if (tinf->scrap_in_use) { #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 2) { #line 4483 tmp___81 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___81 = (unsigned char)102; } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 4483 tmp___82 = 8; } else { #line 4483 tmp___82 = 0; } #line 4483 if (tinf->scrapreg > 7) { #line 4483 tmp___83 = 4; } else { #line 4483 tmp___83 = 0; } #line 4483 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char )(tmp___82 | tmp___83); #line 4483 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 4483 tmp___84 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___84 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } else #line 4483 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 4483 tmp___84 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___84 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 switch ((int )sizeof(void *)) { case 1: #line 4483 tmp___85 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___85 = (unsigned char)138; #line 4483 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 4483 tmp___86 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___86 = (unsigned char)139; #line 4483 break; default: #line 4483 tmp___87 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4483 if (tmp___87) { #line 4483 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_transfer_loop", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3533, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 if (- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2 == 0) { #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___93 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___93 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___94 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___94 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4483 break; } } else #line 4483 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2) >= -128L) { #line 4483 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2) <= 127L) { #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___95 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___95 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___96 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___96 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2 & 0xff); #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 break; } } else { #line 4483 goto _L___5; } } else { _L___5: /* CIL Label */ #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___97 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___97 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___98 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___98 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 imb___8.val = - ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2; #line 4483 tmp___99 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___99 = imb___8.b[0]; #line 4483 tmp___100 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___100 = imb___8.b[1]; #line 4483 tmp___101 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___101 = imb___8.b[2]; #line 4483 tmp___102 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___102 = imb___8.b[3]; #line 4483 break; } } #line 4483 break; #line 4483 if (- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2 == 0) { #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___103 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___103 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2) >= -128L) { #line 4483 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2) <= 127L) { #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___104 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___104 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2 & 0xff); #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 break; } } else { #line 4483 goto _L___6; } } else { _L___6: /* CIL Label */ #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 tmp___105 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___105 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 while (1) { #line 4483 imb___9.val = - ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2; #line 4483 tmp___106 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___106 = imb___9.b[0]; #line 4483 tmp___107 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___107 = imb___9.b[1]; #line 4483 tmp___108 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___108 = imb___9.b[2]; #line 4483 tmp___109 = jit->ip; #line 4483 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4483 *tmp___109 = imb___9.b[3]; #line 4483 break; } } #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 break; } #line 4483 break; } } #line 4484 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_transfer_loop LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_exec_mem_seal LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_exec_mem_seal(struct jit_exec_mem *mem ) { char *code ; { #line 2053 code = (char *)mem->data; #line 2054 __builtin___clear_cache((void *)code, code + mem->size); #line 2055 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_exec_mem_seal LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF _OSSwapInt16 LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static __uint16_t _OSSwapInt16(__uint16_t _data ) { { #line 50 "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/libkern/i386/_OSByteOrder.h" return ((__uint16_t )(((int )_data << 8) | ((int )_data >> 8))); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF _OSSwapInt16 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_correct_long_imms LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void jit_correct_long_imms(struct jit *jit ) { jit_op *op ; jit_op *tmp ; int imm_arg ; int i ; jit_value value ; jit_op *newop ; struct jit_op *tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; { #line 6400 "" tmp = jit_op_first(jit->ops); #line 6400 op = tmp; #line 6400 while ((unsigned long )op != (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 6401 if (! ((int )op->code & 0x02)) { #line 6401 goto __Cont; } #line 6402 if (op->fp) { #line 6402 goto __Cont; } #line 6403 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 624U) { #line 6403 goto __Cont; } #line 6404 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 232U) { #line 6404 goto __Cont; } #line 6405 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 216U) { #line 6405 goto __Cont; } #line 6406 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 120U) { #line 6406 goto __Cont; } #line 6407 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 616U) { #line 6407 goto __Cont; } #line 6408 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 352U) { #line 6408 goto __Cont; } #line 6409 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 192U) { #line 6409 goto __Cont; } #line 6410 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 856U) { #line 6410 goto __Cont; } #line 6411 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 704U) { #line 6411 goto __Cont; } #line 6412 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 832U) { #line 6412 goto __Cont; } #line 6413 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 280U) { #line 6413 goto __Cont; } #line 6414 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 880U) { #line 6414 goto __Cont; } #line 6415 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 264U) { #line 6415 goto __Cont; } #line 6416 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 688U) { #line 6417 goto __Cont; } #line 6420 i = 1; #line 6420 while (i < 4) { #line 6421 if ((((int )op->spec >> (i - 1) * 2) & 0x03) == 0x02) { #line 6421 imm_arg = i - 1; } #line 6420 i ++; } #line 6422 value = op->arg[imm_arg]; #line 6423 tmp___1 = jit_imm_overflow(jit, op, value); #line 6423 if (tmp___1) { #line 6424 tmp___0 = jit_op_new((unsigned short)122, (unsigned char )((0x02 << 2) | 0x03), (jit_value )(1 << 1), value, (jit_value )0, (unsigned char )((int )sizeof(void *))); #line 6424 newop = tmp___0; #line 6425 jit_op_prepend(op, newop); #line 6426 op->code = (unsigned short )((int )op->code & -4); #line 6427 op->code = (unsigned short )((int )op->code | 0x01); #line 6428 op->spec = (unsigned char )((int )op->spec & ~ (0x3 << 2 * imm_arg)); #line 6429 op->spec = (unsigned char )((int )op->spec | (0x01 << 2 * imm_arg)); #line 6430 op->arg[imm_arg] = (jit_value )(1 << 1); } __Cont: /* CIL Label */ #line 6400 op = op->next; } #line 6433 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_correct_long_imms LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF print_str LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void print_str(struct output_buf *buf , char *str ) { int i ; char xbuf[16] ; unsigned long long tmp ; unsigned long long tmp___0 ; unsigned long long tmp___1 ; unsigned long long tmp___2 ; size_t tmp___3 ; { #line 5227 ob_append(buf, " \""); #line 5228 i = 0; #line 5228 while (1) { #line 5228 tmp___3 = strlen((char const *)str); #line 5228 if (! ((size_t )i < tmp___3)) { #line 5228 break; } #line 5229 if ((int )*(str + i) >= 32) { #line 5230 ob_printf(buf, (char const *)"%c", (int )*(str + i)); } else { #line 5233 switch ((int )*(str + i)) { case 9: #line 5234 tmp = __builtin_object_size((void *)(xbuf), 1); #line 5234 __builtin___strcpy_chk(xbuf, (char const *)"\\t", tmp); #line 5234 break; case 10: #line 5235 tmp___0 = __builtin_object_size((void *)(xbuf), 1); #line 5235 __builtin___strcpy_chk(xbuf, (char const *)"\\n", tmp___0); #line 5235 break; case 13: #line 5236 tmp___1 = __builtin_object_size((void *)(xbuf), 1); #line 5236 __builtin___strcpy_chk(xbuf, (char const *)"\\r", tmp___1); #line 5236 break; default: #line 5237 tmp___2 = __builtin_object_size((void *)(xbuf), 1); #line 5237 __builtin___sprintf_chk(xbuf, 0, tmp___2, (char const *)"\\x%02x", (int )*(str + i)); } #line 5239 ob_append(buf, xbuf); } #line 5228 i ++; } #line 5242 ob_append(buf, "\""); #line 5243 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF print_str LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_exec_mem_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ static struct jit_exec_mem *jit_exec_mem_new(size_t size ) { struct jit_exec_mem *mem ; void *tmp ; { #line 2036 tmp = malloc((size_t )sizeof(struct jit_exec_mem )); #line 2036 mem = (struct jit_exec_mem *)tmp; #line 2037 mem->size = size; #line 2038 mem->data = mmap((void *)0, size, 7, 4098, -1, (off_t )0); #line 2039 if ((unsigned long )mem->data == (unsigned long )((void *)-1)) { #line 2039 perror((char const *)"mmap"); } #line 2040 return (mem); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_exec_mem_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_op_is_cflow LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int jit_op_is_cflow(jit_op *op ) { int tmp ; { #line 5183 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 232U) { #line 5183 goto _L; } else #line 5183 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 624U) { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 5183 if ((int )op->code & 0x02) { #line 5183 return (1); } } #line 5184 tmp = jit_op_is_cond_branch(op); #line 5184 if (tmp) { #line 5184 return (1); } #line 5185 return (0); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_op_is_cflow LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_pop_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int emit_pop_reg(struct jit *jit , jit_hw_reg *r , int stack_offset ) { unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; long tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; { #line 3898 if (! r->fp) { #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 2) { #line 3899 tmp = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp = (unsigned char)102; } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 3899 tmp___0 = 8; } else { #line 3899 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 3899 if (r->id > 7) { #line 3899 tmp___1 = 4; } else { #line 3899 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 3899 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(tmp___0 | tmp___1); #line 3899 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3899 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } else #line 3899 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 3899 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 switch ((int )sizeof(void *)) { case 1: #line 3899 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char)138; #line 3899 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 3899 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char)139; #line 3899 break; default: #line 3899 tmp___5 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 3899 if (tmp___5) { #line 3899 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_pop_reg", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 2795, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 if (stack_offset == 0) { #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char )((((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3899 break; } } else #line 3899 if ((jit_value )stack_offset >= -128L) { #line 3899 if ((jit_value )stack_offset <= 127L) { #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_offset & 0xff); #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 break; } } else { #line 3899 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___16 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 imb___0.val = stack_offset; #line 3899 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___17 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 3899 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___18 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 3899 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___19 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 3899 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___20 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 3899 break; } } #line 3899 break; #line 3899 if (stack_offset == 0) { #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )((((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 if ((jit_value )stack_offset >= -128L) { #line 3899 if ((jit_value )stack_offset <= 127L) { #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_offset & 0xff); #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 break; } } else { #line 3899 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___23 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 while (1) { #line 3899 imb___1.val = stack_offset; #line 3899 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___24 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 3899 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___25 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 3899 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___26 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 3899 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 3899 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3899 *tmp___27 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 3899 break; } } #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 break; } #line 3899 break; } #line 3900 return ((int )sizeof(void *)); } else { #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___28 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 if (r->id > 7) { #line 3902 tmp___29 = 4; } else { #line 3902 tmp___29 = 0; } #line 3902 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )tmp___29; #line 3902 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 3902 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___30 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___31 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3902 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___32 = (unsigned char)18; #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 if (stack_offset == 0) { #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___38 = (unsigned char )((((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___39 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3902 break; } } else #line 3902 if ((jit_value )stack_offset >= -128L) { #line 3902 if ((jit_value )stack_offset <= 127L) { #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___40 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___41 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_offset & 0xff); #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 break; } } else { #line 3902 goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___43 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 imb___3.val = stack_offset; #line 3902 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___44 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 3902 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___45 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 3902 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___46 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 3902 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___47 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 3902 break; } } #line 3902 break; #line 3902 if (stack_offset == 0) { #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___48 = (unsigned char )((((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 if ((jit_value )stack_offset >= -128L) { #line 3902 if ((jit_value )stack_offset <= 127L) { #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___49 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_offset & 0xff); #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 break; } } else { #line 3902 goto _L___2; } } else { _L___2: /* CIL Label */ #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___50 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 while (1) { #line 3902 imb___4.val = stack_offset; #line 3902 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___51 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 3902 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___52 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 3902 tmp___53 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___53 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 3902 tmp___54 = jit->ip; #line 3902 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3902 *tmp___54 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 3902 break; } } #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 break; } #line 3902 break; } #line 3903 return ((int )sizeof(double )); } } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_pop_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_ureg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_ureg(struct jit *jit , jit_value vreg , int hreg_id ) { int stack_pos ; int tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___28 ; int tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; long tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; { #line 4073 tmp = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )vreg); #line 4073 stack_pos = tmp; #line 4074 if ((vreg & 1L) == 1L) { #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char)102; #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 if (hreg_id > 7) { #line 4074 tmp___1 = 4; } else { #line 4074 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 4074 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )tmp___1; #line 4074 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4074 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4074 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char)19; #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 if (0) { #line 4074 if (stack_pos == 0) { #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char )((((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4074 break; } } else #line 4074 if ((jit_value )stack_pos >= -128L) { #line 4074 if ((jit_value )stack_pos <= 127L) { #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_pos & 0xff); #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 break; } } else { #line 4074 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 imb___0.val = stack_pos; #line 4074 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___16 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4074 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___17 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4074 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___18 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4074 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___19 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4074 break; } } #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 if (stack_pos == 0) { } #line 4074 if ((jit_value )stack_pos >= -128L) { #line 4074 if ((jit_value )stack_pos <= 127L) { #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_pos & 0xff); #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 break; } } else { #line 4074 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 while (1) { #line 4074 imb___1.val = stack_pos; #line 4074 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___23 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 4074 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___24 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 4074 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___25 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 4074 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 4074 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4074 *tmp___26 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 4074 break; } } #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 break; } #line 4074 break; } } else { #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 2) { #line 4075 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___27 = (unsigned char)102; } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 4075 tmp___28 = 8; } else { #line 4075 tmp___28 = 0; } #line 4075 if (hreg_id > 7) { #line 4075 tmp___29 = 4; } else { #line 4075 tmp___29 = 0; } #line 4075 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(tmp___28 | tmp___29); #line 4075 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4075 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___30 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } else #line 4075 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 4075 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___30 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 switch ((int )sizeof(void *)) { case 1: #line 4075 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___31 = (unsigned char)136; #line 4075 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 4075 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___32 = (unsigned char)137; #line 4075 break; default: #line 4075 tmp___33 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4075 if (tmp___33) { #line 4075 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ureg", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3019, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 if (0) { #line 4075 if (stack_pos == 0) { #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___34 = (unsigned char )((((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___35 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4075 break; } } else #line 4075 if ((jit_value )stack_pos >= -128L) { #line 4075 if ((jit_value )stack_pos <= 127L) { #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___36 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_pos & 0xff); #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 break; } } else { #line 4075 goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___38 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___39 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 imb___2.val = stack_pos; #line 4075 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___40 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 4075 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___41 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 4075 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___42 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 4075 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___43 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 4075 break; } } #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 if (stack_pos == 0) { } #line 4075 if ((jit_value )stack_pos >= -128L) { #line 4075 if ((jit_value )stack_pos <= 127L) { #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___45 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(stack_pos & 0xff); #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 break; } } else { #line 4075 goto _L___2; } } else { _L___2: /* CIL Label */ #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___46 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((hreg_id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 while (1) { #line 4075 imb___3.val = stack_pos; #line 4075 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___47 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 4075 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___48 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 4075 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___49 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 4075 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 4075 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4075 *tmp___50 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 4075 break; } } #line 4075 break; } #line 4075 break; } } #line 4076 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_ureg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_arguments LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static int emit_arguments(struct jit *jit ) { int stack_correction ; struct jit_out_arg *args ; int gp_pushed ; int tmp ; int fp_pushed ; int tmp___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; unsigned char *tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; struct jit_func_info *tmp___33 ; int x ; struct jit_out_arg *arg ; int fp_reg_arg_cnt ; int tmp___34 ; int _amd64_width_temp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; int tmp___35 ; int tmp___36 ; int tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; int tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; amd64_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; int tmp___53 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; { #line 3694 stack_correction = 0; #line 3695 args = jit->prepared_args.args; #line 3696 if (jit->prepared_args.gp_args - (jit->reg_al)->gp_arg_reg_cnt > 0) { #line 3696 tmp = jit->prepared_args.gp_args - (jit->reg_al)->gp_arg_reg_cnt; } else { #line 3696 tmp = 0; } #line 3696 gp_pushed = tmp; #line 3697 if (jit->prepared_args.fp_args - (jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_reg_cnt > 0) { #line 3697 tmp___0 = jit->prepared_args.fp_args - (jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_reg_cnt; } else { #line 3697 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 3697 fp_pushed = tmp___0; #line 3698 tmp___33 = jit_current_func_info(jit); #line 3698 if (tmp___33->has_prolog) { #line 3699 if (((jit->push_count + gp_pushed) + fp_pushed) % 2) { #line 3700 while (1) { #line 3700 while (1) { #line 3700 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char)8; #line 3700 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3700 tmp___1 = jit->ip; #line 3700 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3700 *tmp___1 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3700 break; } #line 3700 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3700 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3700 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char)131; #line 3700 while (1) { #line 3700 while (1) { #line 3700 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3700 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3700 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (5 << 3)) | 4); #line 3700 break; } #line 3700 break; } #line 3700 while (1) { #line 3700 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)8; #line 3700 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3700 break; } #line 3700 break; } #line 3701 stack_correction = 8; } } else #line 3704 if (((jit->push_count + gp_pushed) + fp_pushed) % 2 == 0) { #line 3705 while (1) { #line 3705 while (1) { #line 3705 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char)8; #line 3705 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 3705 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 3705 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3705 *tmp___17 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 3705 break; } #line 3705 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3705 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3705 *tmp___18 = (unsigned char)131; #line 3705 while (1) { #line 3705 while (1) { #line 3705 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 3705 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3705 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (5 << 3)) | 4); #line 3705 break; } #line 3705 break; } #line 3705 while (1) { #line 3705 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)8; #line 3705 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3705 break; } #line 3705 break; } #line 3706 stack_correction = 8; } #line 3709 x = jit->prepared_args.count - 1; #line 3709 while (x >= 0) { #line 3710 arg = args + x; #line 3711 if (! arg->isfp) { #line 3712 if (arg->argpos < (jit->reg_al)->gp_arg_reg_cnt) { #line 3712 emit_set_arg(jit, arg); } else { #line 3713 emit_push_arg(jit, arg); } } else #line 3715 if (arg->argpos < (jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_reg_cnt) { #line 3715 emit_set_fparg(jit, arg); } else { #line 3716 emit_fppush_arg(jit, arg); } #line 3709 x --; } #line 3719 if (jit->prepared_args.fp_args < (jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_reg_cnt) { #line 3719 tmp___34 = jit->prepared_args.fp_args; } else { #line 3719 tmp___34 = (jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_reg_cnt; } #line 3719 fp_reg_arg_cnt = tmp___34; #line 3720 if (fp_reg_arg_cnt != 0) { #line 3720 while (1) { #line 3720 _amd64_width_temp = (size_t )fp_reg_arg_cnt == (size_t )((int )((size_t )fp_reg_arg_cnt)); #line 3720 while (1) { #line 3720 while (1) { #line 3720 if (_amd64_width_temp) { #line 3720 tmp___37 = 4; } else { #line 3720 tmp___37 = 8; } #line 3720 if (tmp___37 > 4) { #line 3720 tmp___36 = 8; } else { #line 3720 tmp___36 = 0; } #line 3720 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char )tmp___36; #line 3720 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 3720 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___38 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } else { #line 3720 if (_amd64_width_temp) { #line 3720 tmp___39 = 4; } else { #line 3720 tmp___39 = 8; } #line 3720 if (tmp___39 == 1) { #line 3720 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___38 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } } #line 3720 break; } #line 3720 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___40 = (unsigned char)184; #line 3720 if (_amd64_width_temp) { #line 3720 tmp___53 = 4; } else { #line 3720 tmp___53 = 8; } #line 3720 if (tmp___53 == 8) { #line 3720 while (1) { #line 3720 imb___3.val = (size_t )fp_reg_arg_cnt; #line 3720 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___41 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 3720 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___42 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 3720 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___43 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 3720 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___44 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 3720 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___45 = imb___3.b[4]; #line 3720 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___46 = imb___3.b[5]; #line 3720 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___47 = imb___3.b[6]; #line 3720 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___48 = imb___3.b[7]; #line 3720 break; } } else { #line 3720 while (1) { #line 3720 imb___4.val = (int )((size_t )fp_reg_arg_cnt); #line 3720 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___49 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 3720 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___50 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 3720 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___51 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 3720 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 3720 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3720 *tmp___52 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 3720 break; } } #line 3720 break; } #line 3720 break; } } else { #line 3721 while (1) { #line 3721 while (1) { #line 3721 _amd64_rex_bits___6 = (unsigned char)0; #line 3721 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___6 != 0) { #line 3721 tmp___54 = jit->ip; #line 3721 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3721 *tmp___54 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___6); } #line 3721 break; } #line 3721 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 3721 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3721 *tmp___55 = (unsigned char )((6 << 3) + 3); #line 3721 while (1) { #line 3721 while (1) { #line 3721 tmp___56 = jit->ip; #line 3721 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3721 *tmp___56 = (unsigned char )(3 << 6); #line 3721 break; } #line 3721 break; } #line 3721 break; } } #line 3722 return (stack_correction); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_arguments LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF print_op_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ int print_op_compilable(struct jit_disasm *disasm , struct jit_op *op , jit_tree *labels ) { struct output_buf *linebuf ; struct output_buf *tmp ; jit_tree *lab ; jit_tree *tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; jit_tree *lab___0 ; jit_tree *tmp___2 ; int i ; char *tmp___3 ; char *tmp___4 ; char *tmp___5 ; long tmp___6 ; int len ; { #line 5404 tmp = ob_new(); #line 5404 linebuf = tmp; #line 5405 tmp___0 = jit_tree_search(labels, (long )op); #line 5405 lab = tmp___0; #line 5406 if (lab) { #line 5406 if ((long )lab->value > 0L) { #line 5407 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"// "); #line 5408 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)disasm->label_template, (long )lab->value); #line 5409 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)":\n"); } } #line 5411 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 192U) { #line 5412 print_comment(linebuf, op); #line 5413 goto direct_print; } #line 5415 ob_append(linebuf, disasm->indent_template); #line 5416 tmp___1 = jit_op_is_cflow(op); #line 5416 if (tmp___1) { #line 5416 if ((unsigned long )((void *)op->arg[0]) == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 5419 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_op * op_%li = ", (unsigned long )op >> 4); } else { #line 5416 goto _L; } } else _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 5416 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 280U) { #line 5419 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_op * op_%li = ", (unsigned long )op >> 4); } else #line 5416 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 832U) { #line 5419 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_op * op_%li = ", (unsigned long )op >> 4); } else #line 5416 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 856U) { #line 5419 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_op * op_%li = ", (unsigned long )op >> 4); } else #line 5416 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 704U) { #line 5419 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_op * op_%li = ", (unsigned long )op >> 4); } #line 5420 switch ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8))) { case 136U: #line 5422 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_label * "); #line 5423 tmp___2 = jit_tree_search(labels, op->arg[0]); #line 5423 lab___0 = tmp___2; #line 5424 if (lab___0) { #line 5424 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)disasm->label_template, (long )lab___0->value); } #line 5425 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)" = jit_get_label(p"); #line 5426 goto print; case 616U: #line 5429 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_patch (p, op_%li", (unsigned long )op->arg[0] >> 4); #line 5430 goto print; case 376U: #line 5432 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_data_byte(p, "); #line 5433 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)disasm->generic_value_template, op->arg[0]); #line 5434 goto print; case 160U: #line 5436 i = 0; #line 5436 while ((jit_value )i < op->arg[0]) { #line 5437 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_data_byte(p, "); #line 5438 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)disasm->generic_value_template, (int )*((unsigned char *)op->addendum + i)); #line 5439 if ((jit_value )i < op->arg[0] - 1L) { #line 5439 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)");\n"); } #line 5436 i ++; } #line 5441 goto print; case 832U: case 280U: #line 5444 tmp___3 = jit_get_op_name(op); #line 5444 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_%s(p, ", tmp___3); #line 5445 print_arg(disasm, linebuf, op, 1); #line 5446 ob_append(linebuf, ", "); #line 5447 print_addr(disasm, linebuf, labels, op, 1); #line 5448 goto print; case 704U: case 856U: #line 5451 tmp___4 = jit_get_op_name(op); #line 5451 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_data_%s(p, ", tmp___4 + 1); #line 5452 print_addr(disasm, linebuf, labels, op, 0); #line 5453 goto print; case 872U: #line 5455 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_code_align (p, "); #line 5456 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)disasm->generic_value_template, op->arg[0]); #line 5457 goto print; case 784U: #line 5459 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_prepare(p"); #line 5460 goto print; case 848U: #line 5462 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"jit_prepare_optional(p"); #line 5463 goto print; default: #line 5465 break; } #line 5467 tmp___5 = jit_get_op_name(op); #line 5467 if ((int )*(tmp___5 + 0) == 46) { #line 5467 goto direct_print; } #line 5468 ob_append(linebuf, "jit_"); #line 5469 print_full_op_name(linebuf, op); #line 5470 ob_pad(linebuf, 15); #line 5471 ob_append(linebuf, "(p,"); #line 5472 switch ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8))) { case 352U: #line 5474 print_str(linebuf, (char *)op->arg[0]); #line 5475 if (! ((int )op->code & 0x02)) { #line 5476 ob_append(linebuf, ", "); #line 5477 print_arg(disasm, linebuf, op, 2); } #line 5479 break; case 520U: #line 5481 switch (op->arg[0]) { case 0L: #line 5482 ob_append(linebuf, "JIT_SIGNED_NUM"); #line 5482 break; case 1L: #line 5483 ob_append(linebuf, "JIT_UNSIGNED_NUM"); #line 5483 break; case 2L: #line 5484 ob_append(linebuf, "JIT_FLOAT_NUM"); #line 5484 break; case 3L: #line 5485 ob_append(linebuf, "JIT_PTR"); #line 5485 break; default: #line 5486 tmp___6 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 5486 if (tmp___6) { #line 5486 __assert_rtn((char const *)"print_op_compilable", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 4745, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 5488 ob_append(linebuf, ", "); #line 5489 print_arg(disasm, linebuf, op, 2); #line 5490 break; default: #line 5492 print_args(disasm, linebuf, op, labels); } #line 5494 if (op->arg_size) { #line 5494 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)", %i", (int )op->arg_size); } print: #line 5496 ob_append(linebuf, ");"); direct_print: #line 5498 printf((char const */* __restrict */)"%s", linebuf->buf); #line 5499 len = (int )linebuf->size; #line 5500 ob_free(linebuf); #line 5501 return (len); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF print_op_compilable LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_patch_external_calls LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_patch_external_calls(struct jit *jit ) { { #line 3836 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_patch_external_calls LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF color_flip LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void color_flip(jit_tree *h ) { { #line 2090 h->color = ! h->color; #line 2091 (h->left)->color = ! (h->left)->color; #line 2092 (h->right)->color = ! (h->right)->color; #line 2093 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF color_flip LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF join_muli_ori LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int join_muli_ori(jit_op *op , jit_op *nextop ) { int tmp ; int max ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; { #line 3535 tmp = is_suitable_mul(op); #line 3535 if (! tmp) { #line 3535 return (0); } #line 3536 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 528U) { #line 3536 max = (int )op->arg[2]; #line 3536 tmp___1 = max; } else { #line 3536 tmp___0 = pow2((int )op->arg[2]); #line 3536 tmp___1 = tmp___0; } #line 3536 max = tmp___1; #line 3537 if (nextop->arg[2] > 0L) { #line 3537 if (nextop->arg[2] < (jit_value )max) { #line 3537 tmp___2 = make_addmuli(op, nextop); #line 3537 return (tmp___2); } else { #line 3538 return (0); } } else { #line 3538 return (0); } } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF join_muli_ori LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF assign_ret_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int assign_ret_reg(jit_op *op , jit_hw_reg *ret_reg ) { { #line 5991 rmap_assoc(op->regmap, op->arg[0], ret_reg); #line 5992 return (1); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF assign_ret_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF make_nop LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void make_nop(jit_op *op ) { { #line 3473 op->code = (unsigned short)864; #line 3474 op->spec = (unsigned char)0; #line 3475 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF make_nop LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF ob_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void ob_free(struct output_buf *ob ) { { #line 4951 free((void *)ob->buf); #line 4952 free((void *)ob); #line 4953 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF ob_free LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_debug_info_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_debug_info *jit_debug_info_new(char const *filename , char const *function , int lineno ) { struct jit_debug_info *r ; void *tmp ; { #line 6346 tmp = malloc((size_t )sizeof(struct jit_debug_info )); #line 6346 r = (struct jit_debug_info *)tmp; #line 6347 r->filename = filename; #line 6348 r->function = function; #line 6349 r->lineno = lineno; #line 6350 r->warnings = 0; #line 6351 return (r); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_debug_info_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_cond_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_cond_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int amd64_cond , int imm , int sign ) { unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___17 ; int tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; int tmp___22 ; int tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; amd64_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; int tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; long tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; int tmp___45 ; int tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; int tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___6 ; int tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; amd64_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; long tmp___68 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; unsigned char *tmp___70 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___8 ; int tmp___73 ; int tmp___74 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; int tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; { #line 4335 if (imm) { #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 if (op->r_arg[2] >= -128L) { #line 4335 if (op->r_arg[2] <= 127L) { #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4335 tmp = 1; } else { #line 4335 tmp = 0; } #line 4335 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp); #line 4335 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4335 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4335 break; } #line 4335 tmp___1 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___1 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | (7 << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4335 break; } #line 4335 break; } #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(op->r_arg[2] & 255L); #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 break; } } else { #line 4335 goto _L; } } else _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4335 if (op->r_arg[1] == 0L) { #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4335 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4335 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4335 break; } #line 4335 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )((7 << 3) + 5); #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 imb.val = (int )op->r_arg[2]; #line 4335 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___5 = imb.b[0]; #line 4335 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___6 = imb.b[1]; #line 4335 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___7 = imb.b[2]; #line 4335 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___8 = imb.b[3]; #line 4335 break; } } else { #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4335 tmp___9 = 1; } else { #line 4335 tmp___9 = 0; } #line 4335 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___9); #line 4335 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4335 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4335 break; } #line 4335 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char)129; #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | (7 << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4335 break; } #line 4335 break; } #line 4335 while (1) { #line 4335 imb___0.val = (int )op->r_arg[2]; #line 4335 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___13 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4335 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___14 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4335 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___15 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4335 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4335 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4335 *tmp___16 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4335 break; } } #line 4335 break; } } else { #line 4336 while (1) { #line 4336 while (1) { #line 4336 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4336 tmp___17 = 4; } else { #line 4336 tmp___17 = 0; } #line 4336 if (op->r_arg[2] > 7L) { #line 4336 tmp___18 = 1; } else { #line 4336 tmp___18 = 0; } #line 4336 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___17) | tmp___18); #line 4336 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 4336 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4336 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4336 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 4336 break; } #line 4336 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 4336 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4336 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char )((7 << 3) + 3); #line 4336 while (1) { #line 4336 while (1) { #line 4336 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4336 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4336 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[1] & 7L) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[2] & 7L)); #line 4336 break; } #line 4336 break; } #line 4336 break; } } #line 4337 if (op->r_arg[0] != 6L) { #line 4337 if (op->r_arg[0] != 7L) { #line 4338 while (1) { #line 4338 while (1) { #line 4338 if (sizeof(void *) > 4ULL) { #line 4338 tmp___22 = 8; } else { #line 4338 tmp___22 = 0; } #line 4338 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4338 tmp___23 = 1; } else { #line 4338 tmp___23 = 0; } #line 4338 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char )(tmp___22 | tmp___23); #line 4338 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 4338 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } else #line 4338 if (sizeof(void *) == 1ULL) { #line 4338 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 4338 break; } #line 4338 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___25 = (unsigned char )(184L + (op->r_arg[0] & 7L)); #line 4338 if (sizeof(void *) == 8ULL) { #line 4338 while (1) { #line 4338 imb___1.val = (size_t )0; #line 4338 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___26 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 4338 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___27 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 4338 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___28 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 4338 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___29 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 4338 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___30 = imb___1.b[4]; #line 4338 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___31 = imb___1.b[5]; #line 4338 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___32 = imb___1.b[6]; #line 4338 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___33 = imb___1.b[7]; #line 4338 break; } } else { #line 4338 while (1) { #line 4338 imb___2.val = (int )((size_t )0); #line 4338 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___34 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 4338 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___35 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 4338 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___36 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 4338 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 4338 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4338 *tmp___37 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 4338 break; } } #line 4338 break; } #line 4339 while (1) { #line 4339 while (1) { #line 4339 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4339 tmp___38 = 1; } else { #line 4339 tmp___38 = 0; } #line 4339 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char )tmp___38; #line 4339 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 4339 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 4339 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4339 *tmp___39 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } else { #line 4339 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 4339 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4339 *tmp___39 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 4339 break; } #line 4339 while (1) { #line 4339 tmp___40 = __builtin_expect(0L, 0L); #line 4339 if (tmp___40) { #line 4339 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_cond_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3348, (char const *)"1"); } #line 4339 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 4339 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4339 *tmp___41 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4339 if (sign) { #line 4339 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 4339 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4339 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_signed_map[amd64_cond] + 32); } else { #line 4339 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 4339 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4339 *tmp___43 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_unsigned_map[amd64_cond] + 32); } #line 4339 while (1) { #line 4339 while (1) { #line 4339 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 4339 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4339 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char )((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[0] & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4339 break; } #line 4339 break; } #line 4339 break; } #line 4339 break; } } else { #line 4337 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 4341 while (1) { #line 4341 while (1) { #line 4341 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 4341 tmp___45 = 8; } else { #line 4341 tmp___45 = 0; } #line 4341 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4341 tmp___46 = 1; } else { #line 4341 tmp___46 = 0; } #line 4341 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char )(tmp___45 | tmp___46); #line 4341 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 4341 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 4341 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4341 *tmp___47 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } else #line 4341 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 4341 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 4341 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4341 *tmp___47 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } #line 4341 break; } #line 4341 while (1) { #line 4341 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 8) { #line 4341 tmp___50 = 4; } else { #line 4341 tmp___50 = (int )sizeof(void *); } #line 4341 if (tmp___50 == 1) { #line 4341 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 4341 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4341 *tmp___48 = (unsigned char)134; } else { #line 4341 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 4341 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4341 *tmp___49 = (unsigned char)135; } #line 4341 while (1) { #line 4341 while (1) { #line 4341 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 4341 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4341 *tmp___51 = (unsigned char )((long )(3 << 6) | (((op->r_arg[0] & 7L) & 7L) << 3)); #line 4341 break; } #line 4341 break; } #line 4341 break; } #line 4341 break; } #line 4342 while (1) { #line 4342 while (1) { #line 4342 if (sizeof(void *) > 4ULL) { #line 4342 tmp___52 = 8; } else { #line 4342 tmp___52 = 0; } #line 4342 _amd64_rex_bits___6 = (unsigned char )tmp___52; #line 4342 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___6 != 0) { #line 4342 tmp___53 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___53 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___6); } else #line 4342 if (sizeof(void *) == 1ULL) { #line 4342 tmp___53 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___53 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___6); } #line 4342 break; } #line 4342 tmp___54 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___54 = (unsigned char)184; #line 4342 if (sizeof(void *) == 8ULL) { #line 4342 while (1) { #line 4342 imb___3.val = (size_t )0; #line 4342 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___55 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 4342 tmp___56 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___56 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 4342 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___57 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 4342 tmp___58 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___58 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 4342 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___59 = imb___3.b[4]; #line 4342 tmp___60 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___60 = imb___3.b[5]; #line 4342 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___61 = imb___3.b[6]; #line 4342 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___62 = imb___3.b[7]; #line 4342 break; } } else { #line 4342 while (1) { #line 4342 imb___4.val = (int )((size_t )0); #line 4342 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___63 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 4342 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___64 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 4342 tmp___65 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___65 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 4342 tmp___66 = jit->ip; #line 4342 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4342 *tmp___66 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 4342 break; } } #line 4342 break; } #line 4343 while (1) { #line 4343 while (1) { #line 4343 _amd64_rex_bits___7 = (unsigned char)0; #line 4343 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___7 != 0) { #line 4343 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 4343 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4343 *tmp___67 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___7); } else { #line 4343 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 4343 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4343 *tmp___67 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___7); } #line 4343 break; } #line 4343 while (1) { #line 4343 tmp___68 = __builtin_expect(0L, 0L); #line 4343 if (tmp___68) { #line 4343 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_cond_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3352, (char const *)"1"); } #line 4343 tmp___69 = jit->ip; #line 4343 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4343 *tmp___69 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4343 if (sign) { #line 4343 tmp___70 = jit->ip; #line 4343 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4343 *tmp___70 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_signed_map[amd64_cond] + 32); } else { #line 4343 tmp___71 = jit->ip; #line 4343 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4343 *tmp___71 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_unsigned_map[amd64_cond] + 32); } #line 4343 while (1) { #line 4343 while (1) { #line 4343 tmp___72 = jit->ip; #line 4343 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4343 *tmp___72 = (unsigned char )(3 << 6); #line 4343 break; } #line 4343 break; } #line 4343 break; } #line 4343 break; } #line 4344 while (1) { #line 4344 while (1) { #line 4344 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 4344 tmp___73 = 8; } else { #line 4344 tmp___73 = 0; } #line 4344 if (op->r_arg[0] > 7L) { #line 4344 tmp___74 = 1; } else { #line 4344 tmp___74 = 0; } #line 4344 _amd64_rex_bits___8 = (unsigned char )(tmp___73 | tmp___74); #line 4344 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___8 != 0) { #line 4344 tmp___75 = jit->ip; #line 4344 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4344 *tmp___75 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___8); } else #line 4344 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 4344 tmp___75 = jit->ip; #line 4344 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4344 *tmp___75 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___8); } #line 4344 break; } #line 4344 while (1) { #line 4344 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 8) { #line 4344 tmp___78 = 4; } else { #line 4344 tmp___78 = (int )sizeof(void *); } #line 4344 if (tmp___78 == 1) { #line 4344 tmp___76 = jit->ip; #line 4344 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4344 *tmp___76 = (unsigned char)134; } else { #line 4344 tmp___77 = jit->ip; #line 4344 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4344 *tmp___77 = (unsigned char)135; } #line 4344 while (1) { #line 4344 while (1) { #line 4344 tmp___79 = jit->ip; #line 4344 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4344 *tmp___79 = (unsigned char )((long )(3 << 6) | (((op->r_arg[0] & 7L) & 7L) << 3)); #line 4344 break; } #line 4344 break; } #line 4344 break; } #line 4344 break; } } #line 4346 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_cond_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_trace_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_trace_callback(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int verbosity , int trace ) { { #line 5649 if (trace & 1) { #line 5649 jit_trace_op(jit, op->prev, verbosity); } #line 5650 if (trace & 2) { #line 5650 jit_trace_op(jit, op->next, verbosity); } #line 5651 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_trace_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_push_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void emit_push_arg(struct jit *jit , struct jit_out_arg *arg ) { int sreg ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; int tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; int tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; int tmp___13 ; int tmp___14 ; int tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; int tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; int tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; int tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; int tmp___26 ; int tmp___27 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; int tmp___31 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; amd64_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; { #line 3646 if (arg->isreg) { #line 3647 tmp___31 = is_spilled(arg->value.generic, jit->prepared_args.op, & sreg); #line 3647 if (tmp___31) { #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char)0; #line 3648 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3648 tmp = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char)255; #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 if (0) { #line 3648 tmp___15 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 if (tmp___15 == 0) { #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___1 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___1 = (unsigned char )((6 << 3) | 4); #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3648 break; } } else { #line 3648 tmp___13 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 if ((jit_value )tmp___13 >= -128L) { #line 3648 tmp___14 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 if ((jit_value )tmp___14 <= 127L) { #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (6 << 3)) | 4); #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___5 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(tmp___5 & 0xff); #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 break; } } else { #line 3648 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___6 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (6 << 3)) | 4); #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___7 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___8 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 imb.val = tmp___8; #line 3648 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___9 = imb.b[0]; #line 3648 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___10 = imb.b[1]; #line 3648 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___11 = imb.b[2]; #line 3648 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___12 = imb.b[3]; #line 3648 break; } } } #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 tmp___17 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 if (tmp___17 == 0) { } #line 3648 tmp___26 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 if ((jit_value )tmp___26 >= -128L) { #line 3648 tmp___27 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 if ((jit_value )tmp___27 <= 127L) { #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___18 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (6 << 3)) | 5); #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___19 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(tmp___19 & 0xff); #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 break; } } else { #line 3648 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (6 << 3)) | 5); #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 while (1) { #line 3648 tmp___21 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )arg->value.generic); #line 3648 imb___0.val = tmp___21; #line 3648 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___22 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 3648 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___23 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 3648 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___24 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 3648 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 3648 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3648 *tmp___25 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 3648 break; } } #line 3648 break; } #line 3648 break; } } else { #line 3649 while (1) { #line 3649 while (1) { #line 3649 if (sreg > 7) { #line 3649 tmp___28 = 1; } else { #line 3649 tmp___28 = 0; } #line 3649 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )tmp___28; #line 3649 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 3649 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 3649 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3649 *tmp___29 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 3649 break; } #line 3649 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 3649 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3649 *tmp___30 = (unsigned char )(80 + (sreg & 0x7)); #line 3649 break; } } } else { #line 3651 while (1) { #line 3651 while (1) { #line 3651 if ((int )sizeof(void *) > 4) { #line 3651 tmp___32 = 8; } else { #line 3651 tmp___32 = 0; } #line 3651 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )tmp___32; #line 3651 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 3651 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } else #line 3651 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 1) { #line 3651 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 3651 break; } #line 3651 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___34 = (unsigned char)184; #line 3651 if ((int )sizeof(void *) == 8) { #line 3651 while (1) { #line 3651 imb___1.val = (size_t )arg->value.generic; #line 3651 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___35 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 3651 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___36 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 3651 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___37 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 3651 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___38 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 3651 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___39 = imb___1.b[4]; #line 3651 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___40 = imb___1.b[5]; #line 3651 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___41 = imb___1.b[6]; #line 3651 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___42 = imb___1.b[7]; #line 3651 break; } } else { #line 3651 while (1) { #line 3651 imb___2.val = (int )((size_t )arg->value.generic); #line 3651 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___43 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 3651 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___44 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 3651 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___45 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 3651 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 3651 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3651 *tmp___46 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 3651 break; } } #line 3651 break; } #line 3652 while (1) { #line 3652 while (1) { #line 3652 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char)0; #line 3652 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 3652 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 3652 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3652 *tmp___47 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 3652 break; } #line 3652 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 3652 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3652 *tmp___48 = (unsigned char)80; #line 3652 break; } } #line 3654 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_push_arg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF platform_id LOC=UNKNOWN */ static char *platform_id(void) { { #line 5532 return ("amd64"); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF platform_id LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF required_stack_space_for_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int required_stack_space_for_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) { struct jit_reg_allocator *al ; int space ; struct jit_func_info *tmp ; int i ; jit_hw_reg *reg ; int tmp___0 ; int i___0 ; jit_hw_reg *reg___0 ; int tmp___1 ; { #line 4016 al = jit->reg_al; #line 4017 space = (int )sizeof(void *); #line 4018 tmp = jit_current_func_info(jit); #line 4018 if (! tmp->has_prolog) { #line 4018 space += (int )sizeof(void *); } #line 4019 i = 0; #line 4019 while (i < al->gp_reg_cnt) { #line 4020 reg = al->gp_regs + i; #line 4021 if (! reg->callee_saved) { #line 4021 tmp___0 = is_active_register(al, reg, op); #line 4021 if (tmp___0) { #line 4022 space += (int )sizeof(void *); } } #line 4019 i ++; } #line 4024 i___0 = 0; #line 4024 while (i___0 < al->fp_reg_cnt) { #line 4025 reg___0 = al->fp_regs + i___0; #line 4026 if (! reg___0->callee_saved) { #line 4026 tmp___1 = is_active_register(al, reg___0, op); #line 4026 if (tmp___1) { #line 4027 space = (int )((unsigned long long )space + sizeof(double ) * 2ULL); } } #line 4024 i___0 ++; } #line 4029 return (space); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF required_stack_space_for_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jump_adjustment LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jump_adjustment(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) { jit_rmap *cur_regmap ; jit_rmap *tgt_regmap ; { #line 6228 if ((int )op->code == 626) { #line 6229 cur_regmap = op->regmap; #line 6230 tgt_regmap = (op->jmp_addr)->regmap; #line 6231 rmap_sync(op, cur_regmap, tgt_regmap, 1); #line 6232 rmap_sync(op, tgt_regmap, cur_regmap, 2); } #line 6234 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jump_adjustment LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_ldx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_ldx_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) { unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; long tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___29 ; int tmp___30 ; int tmp___31 ; int tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; int tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; long tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___55 ; int tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; unsigned char *tmp___68 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; unsigned char *tmp___70 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___76 ; int tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; unsigned char *tmp___80 ; unsigned char *tmp___81 ; long tmp___82 ; unsigned char *tmp___83 ; unsigned char *tmp___84 ; unsigned char *tmp___85 ; unsigned char *tmp___86 ; unsigned char *tmp___87 ; unsigned char *tmp___88 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___89 ; unsigned char *tmp___90 ; unsigned char *tmp___91 ; unsigned char *tmp___92 ; unsigned char *tmp___93 ; unsigned char *tmp___94 ; unsigned char *tmp___95 ; x86_imm_buf imb___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___96 ; unsigned char *tmp___97 ; unsigned char *tmp___98 ; unsigned char *tmp___99 ; unsigned char *tmp___100 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; int tmp___101 ; int tmp___102 ; int tmp___103 ; unsigned char *tmp___104 ; unsigned char *tmp___105 ; unsigned char *tmp___106 ; long tmp___107 ; unsigned char *tmp___108 ; x86_imm_buf imb___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___109 ; unsigned char *tmp___110 ; unsigned char *tmp___111 ; unsigned char *tmp___112 ; unsigned char *tmp___113 ; unsigned char *tmp___114 ; unsigned char *tmp___115 ; unsigned char *tmp___116 ; unsigned char *tmp___117 ; unsigned char *tmp___118 ; x86_imm_buf imb___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___119 ; unsigned char *tmp___120 ; unsigned char *tmp___121 ; unsigned char *tmp___122 ; unsigned char *tmp___123 ; unsigned char *tmp___124 ; unsigned char *tmp___125 ; x86_imm_buf imb___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___126 ; unsigned char *tmp___127 ; unsigned char *tmp___128 ; unsigned char *tmp___129 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; int tmp___130 ; int tmp___131 ; unsigned char *tmp___132 ; unsigned char *tmp___133 ; unsigned char *tmp___134 ; unsigned char *tmp___135 ; long tmp___136 ; unsigned char *tmp___137 ; unsigned char *tmp___138 ; unsigned char *tmp___139 ; unsigned char *tmp___140 ; unsigned char *tmp___141 ; unsigned char *tmp___142 ; x86_imm_buf imb___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___143 ; unsigned char *tmp___144 ; unsigned char *tmp___145 ; unsigned char *tmp___146 ; unsigned char *tmp___147 ; unsigned char *tmp___148 ; unsigned char *tmp___149 ; x86_imm_buf imb___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___150 ; unsigned char *tmp___151 ; unsigned char *tmp___152 ; unsigned char *tmp___153 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; int tmp___154 ; int tmp___155 ; int tmp___156 ; unsigned char *tmp___157 ; unsigned char *tmp___158 ; unsigned char *tmp___159 ; unsigned char *tmp___160 ; x86_imm_buf imb___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___161 ; unsigned char *tmp___162 ; unsigned char *tmp___163 ; unsigned char *tmp___164 ; unsigned char *tmp___165 ; unsigned char *tmp___166 ; unsigned char *tmp___167 ; unsigned char *tmp___168 ; unsigned char *tmp___169 ; unsigned char *tmp___170 ; x86_imm_buf imb___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___171 ; unsigned char *tmp___172 ; unsigned char *tmp___173 ; unsigned char *tmp___174 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___6 ; int tmp___175 ; int tmp___176 ; int tmp___177 ; unsigned char *tmp___178 ; unsigned char *tmp___179 ; unsigned char *tmp___180 ; unsigned char *tmp___181 ; long tmp___182 ; unsigned char *tmp___183 ; unsigned char *tmp___184 ; x86_imm_buf imb___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___185 ; unsigned char *tmp___186 ; unsigned char *tmp___187 ; unsigned char *tmp___188 ; unsigned char *tmp___189 ; unsigned char *tmp___190 ; unsigned char *tmp___191 ; unsigned char *tmp___192 ; unsigned char *tmp___193 ; unsigned char *tmp___194 ; x86_imm_buf imb___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___195 ; unsigned char *tmp___196 ; unsigned char *tmp___197 ; unsigned char *tmp___198 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___7 ; int tmp___199 ; int tmp___200 ; int tmp___201 ; int tmp___202 ; unsigned char *tmp___203 ; int tmp___204 ; unsigned char *tmp___205 ; unsigned char *tmp___206 ; unsigned char *tmp___207 ; long tmp___208 ; unsigned char *tmp___209 ; unsigned char *tmp___210 ; x86_imm_buf imb___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___211 ; unsigned char *tmp___212 ; unsigned char *tmp___213 ; unsigned char *tmp___214 ; unsigned char *tmp___215 ; unsigned char *tmp___216 ; unsigned char *tmp___217 ; unsigned char *tmp___218 ; unsigned char *tmp___219 ; unsigned char *tmp___220 ; x86_imm_buf imb___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___221 ; unsigned char *tmp___222 ; unsigned char *tmp___223 ; unsigned char *tmp___224 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___8 ; int tmp___225 ; int tmp___226 ; int tmp___227 ; unsigned char *tmp___228 ; unsigned char *tmp___229 ; unsigned char *tmp___230 ; unsigned char *tmp___231 ; long tmp___232 ; unsigned char *tmp___233 ; unsigned char *tmp___234 ; x86_imm_buf imb___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___235 ; unsigned char *tmp___236 ; unsigned char *tmp___237 ; unsigned char *tmp___238 ; unsigned char *tmp___239 ; unsigned char *tmp___240 ; unsigned char *tmp___241 ; unsigned char *tmp___242 ; unsigned char *tmp___243 ; unsigned char *tmp___244 ; x86_imm_buf imb___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___245 ; unsigned char *tmp___246 ; unsigned char *tmp___247 ; unsigned char *tmp___248 ; long tmp___249 ; { #line 4394 if ((int )op->arg_size == (int )sizeof(void *)) { #line 4395 if ((int )op->code & 0x02) { #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 if ((int )op->arg_size == 2) { #line 4395 tmp = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp = (unsigned char)102; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 if ((int )op->arg_size > 4) { #line 4395 tmp___0 = 8; } else { #line 4395 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 4395 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4395 tmp___1 = 4; } else { #line 4395 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 4395 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4395 tmp___2 = 1; } else { #line 4395 tmp___2 = 0; } #line 4395 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )((tmp___0 | tmp___1) | tmp___2); #line 4395 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4395 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } else #line 4395 if ((int )op->arg_size == 1) { #line 4395 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 switch ((int )op->arg_size) { case 1: #line 4395 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char)138; #line 4395 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 4395 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char)139; #line 4395 break; default: #line 4395 tmp___6 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4395 if (tmp___6) { #line 4395 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3429, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___7 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 imb.val = (int )a3; #line 4395 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___8 = imb.b[0]; #line 4395 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___9 = imb.b[1]; #line 4395 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___10 = imb.b[2]; #line 4395 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___11 = imb.b[3]; #line 4395 break; } } else { #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 4395 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4395 break; } } else #line 4395 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4395 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 break; } } else { #line 4395 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___16 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___17 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 imb___0.val = (int )a3; #line 4395 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___18 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4395 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___19 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4395 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___20 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4395 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___21 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4395 break; } } #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4395 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 break; } } #line 4395 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4395 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___23 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 break; } } else { #line 4395 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 while (1) { #line 4395 imb___1.val = (int )a3; #line 4395 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___25 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 4395 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___26 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 4395 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___27 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 4395 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 4395 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4395 *tmp___28 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 4395 break; } } #line 4395 break; } } #line 4395 break; } #line 4395 break; } } else { #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 if ((int )op->arg_size > 4) { #line 4396 tmp___29 = 8; } else { #line 4396 tmp___29 = 0; } #line 4396 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4396 tmp___30 = 4; } else { #line 4396 tmp___30 = 0; } #line 4396 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 4396 tmp___31 = 2; } else { #line 4396 tmp___31 = 0; } #line 4396 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4396 tmp___32 = 1; } else { #line 4396 tmp___32 = 0; } #line 4396 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(((tmp___29 | tmp___30) | tmp___31) | tmp___32); #line 4396 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4396 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } else #line 4396 if ((int )op->arg_size == 1) { #line 4396 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4396 break; } #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 if ((int )op->arg_size == 8) { #line 4396 tmp___34 = 4; } else { #line 4396 tmp___34 = (int )op->arg_size; } #line 4396 switch (tmp___34) { case 1: #line 4396 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___35 = (unsigned char)138; #line 4396 break; case 2: #line 4396 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___36 = (unsigned char)102; case 4: #line 4396 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char)139; #line 4396 break; default: #line 4396 tmp___38 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4396 if (tmp___38) { #line 4396 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3430, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 if ((a2 & 7L) == -1L) { #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___39 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4396 break; } #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___40 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 4396 break; } #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 imb___2.val = 0; #line 4396 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___41 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 4396 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___42 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 4396 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___43 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 4396 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___44 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 4396 break; } } else #line 4396 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___45 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4396 break; } #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___46 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4396 break; } } else { #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___47 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4396 break; } #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 *tmp___48 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4396 break; } #line 4396 while (1) { #line 4396 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 4396 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4396 break; } } #line 4396 break; } #line 4396 break; } #line 4396 break; } } #line 4397 return; } #line 4399 switch ((int )op->code) { case 746: #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 if ((int )op->arg_size == 4) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4400 tmp___55 = 4; } else { #line 4400 tmp___55 = 0; } #line 4400 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4400 tmp___56 = 1; } else { #line 4400 tmp___56 = 0; } #line 4400 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___55) | tmp___56); #line 4400 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4400 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___57 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 tmp___58 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___58 = (unsigned char)99; #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 4400 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___59 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___60 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___60 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4400 break; } } else #line 4400 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4400 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___61 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___62 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 break; } } else { #line 4400 goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___63 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___64 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 imb___4.val = (int )a3; #line 4400 tmp___65 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___65 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 4400 tmp___66 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___66 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 4400 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___67 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 4400 tmp___68 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___68 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 4400 break; } } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4400 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___69 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___69 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 break; } } #line 4400 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4400 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___70 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___70 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 break; } } else { #line 4400 goto _L___2; } } else { _L___2: /* CIL Label */ #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___71 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___71 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 imb___5.val = (int )a3; #line 4400 tmp___72 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___72 = imb___5.b[0]; #line 4400 tmp___73 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___73 = imb___5.b[1]; #line 4400 tmp___74 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___74 = imb___5.b[2]; #line 4400 tmp___75 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___75 = imb___5.b[3]; #line 4400 break; } } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4400 tmp___76 = 4; } else { #line 4400 tmp___76 = 0; } #line 4400 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4400 tmp___77 = 1; } else { #line 4400 tmp___77 = 0; } #line 4400 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___76) | tmp___77); #line 4400 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 4400 tmp___78 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___78 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 tmp___79 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___79 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4400 switch ((int )op->arg_size) { case 1: #line 4400 tmp___80 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___80 = (unsigned char)190; #line 4400 break; case 2: #line 4400 tmp___81 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___81 = (unsigned char)191; #line 4400 break; default: #line 4400 tmp___82 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4400 if (tmp___82) { #line 4400 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3435, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 4400 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___83 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___83 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___84 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___84 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4400 break; } } else #line 4400 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4400 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___85 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___85 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___86 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___86 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 break; } } else { #line 4400 goto _L___3; } } else { _L___3: /* CIL Label */ #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___87 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___87 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___88 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___88 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 imb___6.val = (int )a3; #line 4400 tmp___89 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___89 = imb___6.b[0]; #line 4400 tmp___90 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___90 = imb___6.b[1]; #line 4400 tmp___91 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___91 = imb___6.b[2]; #line 4400 tmp___92 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___92 = imb___6.b[3]; #line 4400 break; } } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4400 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___93 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___93 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 break; } } #line 4400 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4400 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___94 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___94 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 break; } } else { #line 4400 goto _L___4; } } else { _L___4: /* CIL Label */ #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 tmp___95 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___95 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 while (1) { #line 4400 imb___7.val = (int )a3; #line 4400 tmp___96 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___96 = imb___7.b[0]; #line 4400 tmp___97 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___97 = imb___7.b[1]; #line 4400 tmp___98 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___98 = imb___7.b[2]; #line 4400 tmp___99 = jit->ip; #line 4400 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4400 *tmp___99 = imb___7.b[3]; #line 4400 break; } } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 break; } #line 4400 break; case 750: #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 if ((int )op->arg_size == 8) { #line 4401 goto _L___7; } else #line 4401 if ((int )op->arg_size == 4) { _L___7: /* CIL Label */ #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 if ((int )op->arg_size == 2) { #line 4401 tmp___100 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___100 = (unsigned char)102; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 if ((int )op->arg_size > 4) { #line 4401 tmp___101 = 8; } else { #line 4401 tmp___101 = 0; } #line 4401 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4401 tmp___102 = 4; } else { #line 4401 tmp___102 = 0; } #line 4401 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4401 tmp___103 = 1; } else { #line 4401 tmp___103 = 0; } #line 4401 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char )((tmp___101 | tmp___102) | tmp___103); #line 4401 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 4401 tmp___104 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___104 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } else #line 4401 if ((int )op->arg_size == 1) { #line 4401 tmp___104 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___104 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 switch ((int )op->arg_size) { case 1: #line 4401 tmp___105 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___105 = (unsigned char)138; #line 4401 break; case 8: case 4: case 2: #line 4401 tmp___106 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___106 = (unsigned char)139; #line 4401 break; default: #line 4401 tmp___107 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4401 if (tmp___107) { #line 4401 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3436, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___108 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___108 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 imb___8.val = (int )a3; #line 4401 tmp___109 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___109 = imb___8.b[0]; #line 4401 tmp___110 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___110 = imb___8.b[1]; #line 4401 tmp___111 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___111 = imb___8.b[2]; #line 4401 tmp___112 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___112 = imb___8.b[3]; #line 4401 break; } } else { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 4401 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___113 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___113 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___114 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___114 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4401 break; } } else #line 4401 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4401 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___115 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___115 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___116 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___116 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 break; } } else { #line 4401 goto _L___5; } } else { _L___5: /* CIL Label */ #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___117 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___117 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___118 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___118 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 imb___9.val = (int )a3; #line 4401 tmp___119 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___119 = imb___9.b[0]; #line 4401 tmp___120 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___120 = imb___9.b[1]; #line 4401 tmp___121 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___121 = imb___9.b[2]; #line 4401 tmp___122 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___122 = imb___9.b[3]; #line 4401 break; } } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4401 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___123 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___123 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 break; } } #line 4401 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4401 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___124 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___124 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 break; } } else { #line 4401 goto _L___6; } } else { _L___6: /* CIL Label */ #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___125 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___125 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 imb___10.val = (int )a3; #line 4401 tmp___126 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___126 = imb___10.b[0]; #line 4401 tmp___127 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___127 = imb___10.b[1]; #line 4401 tmp___128 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___128 = imb___10.b[2]; #line 4401 tmp___129 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___129 = imb___10.b[3]; #line 4401 break; } } #line 4401 break; } } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4401 tmp___130 = 4; } else { #line 4401 tmp___130 = 0; } #line 4401 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4401 tmp___131 = 1; } else { #line 4401 tmp___131 = 0; } #line 4401 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___130) | tmp___131); #line 4401 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 4401 tmp___132 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___132 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 tmp___133 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___133 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4401 switch ((int )op->arg_size) { case 1: #line 4401 tmp___134 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___134 = (unsigned char)182; #line 4401 break; case 2: #line 4401 tmp___135 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___135 = (unsigned char)183; #line 4401 break; default: #line 4401 tmp___136 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4401 if (tmp___136) { #line 4401 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3436, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 4401 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___137 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___137 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___138 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___138 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4401 break; } } else #line 4401 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4401 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___139 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___139 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___140 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___140 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 break; } } else { #line 4401 goto _L___8; } } else { _L___8: /* CIL Label */ #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___141 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___141 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___142 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___142 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 imb___11.val = (int )a3; #line 4401 tmp___143 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___143 = imb___11.b[0]; #line 4401 tmp___144 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___144 = imb___11.b[1]; #line 4401 tmp___145 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___145 = imb___11.b[2]; #line 4401 tmp___146 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___146 = imb___11.b[3]; #line 4401 break; } } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 if (a3 == 0L) { #line 4401 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___147 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___147 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 break; } } #line 4401 if (a3 >= -128L) { #line 4401 if (a3 <= 127L) { #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___148 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___148 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a3 & 255L); #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 break; } } else { #line 4401 goto _L___9; } } else { _L___9: /* CIL Label */ #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 tmp___149 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___149 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 while (1) { #line 4401 imb___12.val = (int )a3; #line 4401 tmp___150 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___150 = imb___12.b[0]; #line 4401 tmp___151 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___151 = imb___12.b[1]; #line 4401 tmp___152 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___152 = imb___12.b[2]; #line 4401 tmp___153 = jit->ip; #line 4401 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4401 *tmp___153 = imb___12.b[3]; #line 4401 break; } } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 break; } #line 4401 break; case 745: #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 if ((int )op->arg_size == 4) { #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4402 tmp___154 = 4; } else { #line 4402 tmp___154 = 0; } #line 4402 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 4402 tmp___155 = 2; } else { #line 4402 tmp___155 = 0; } #line 4402 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4402 tmp___156 = 1; } else { #line 4402 tmp___156 = 0; } #line 4402 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char )(((8 | tmp___154) | tmp___155) | tmp___156); #line 4402 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 4402 tmp___157 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___157 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 tmp___158 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___158 = (unsigned char)99; #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 if ((a2 & 7L) == -1L) { #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___159 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___159 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___160 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___160 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 imb___13.val = 0; #line 4402 tmp___161 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___161 = imb___13.b[0]; #line 4402 tmp___162 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___162 = imb___13.b[1]; #line 4402 tmp___163 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___163 = imb___13.b[2]; #line 4402 tmp___164 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___164 = imb___13.b[3]; #line 4402 break; } } else #line 4402 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___165 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___165 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___166 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___166 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4402 break; } } else { #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___167 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___167 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___168 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___168 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 break; } } #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4402 tmp___175 = 4; } else { #line 4402 tmp___175 = 0; } #line 4402 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 4402 tmp___176 = 2; } else { #line 4402 tmp___176 = 0; } #line 4402 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4402 tmp___177 = 1; } else { #line 4402 tmp___177 = 0; } #line 4402 _amd64_rex_bits___6 = (unsigned char )(((8 | tmp___175) | tmp___176) | tmp___177); #line 4402 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___6 != 0) { #line 4402 tmp___178 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___178 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___6); } #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 tmp___179 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___179 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4402 switch ((int )op->arg_size) { case 1: #line 4402 tmp___180 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___180 = (unsigned char)190; #line 4402 break; case 2: #line 4402 tmp___181 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___181 = (unsigned char)191; #line 4402 break; default: #line 4402 tmp___182 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4402 if (tmp___182) { #line 4402 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3437, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 if ((a2 & 7L) == -1L) { #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___183 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___183 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___184 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___184 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 imb___15.val = 0; #line 4402 tmp___185 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___185 = imb___15.b[0]; #line 4402 tmp___186 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___186 = imb___15.b[1]; #line 4402 tmp___187 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___187 = imb___15.b[2]; #line 4402 tmp___188 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___188 = imb___15.b[3]; #line 4402 break; } } else #line 4402 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___189 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___189 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___190 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___190 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4402 break; } } else { #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___191 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___191 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 tmp___192 = jit->ip; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 *tmp___192 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 while (1) { #line 4402 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 4402 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4402 break; } } #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 break; } #line 4402 break; case 749: #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 if ((int )op->arg_size == 8) { #line 4403 goto _L___10; } else #line 4403 if ((int )op->arg_size == 4) { _L___10: /* CIL Label */ #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 if ((int )op->arg_size > 4) { #line 4403 tmp___199 = 8; } else { #line 4403 tmp___199 = 0; } #line 4403 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4403 tmp___200 = 4; } else { #line 4403 tmp___200 = 0; } #line 4403 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 4403 tmp___201 = 2; } else { #line 4403 tmp___201 = 0; } #line 4403 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4403 tmp___202 = 1; } else { #line 4403 tmp___202 = 0; } #line 4403 _amd64_rex_bits___7 = (unsigned char )(((tmp___199 | tmp___200) | tmp___201) | tmp___202); #line 4403 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___7 != 0) { #line 4403 tmp___203 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___203 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___7); } else #line 4403 if ((int )op->arg_size == 1) { #line 4403 tmp___203 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___203 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___7); } #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 if ((int )op->arg_size == 8) { #line 4403 tmp___204 = 4; } else { #line 4403 tmp___204 = (int )op->arg_size; } #line 4403 switch (tmp___204) { case 1: #line 4403 tmp___205 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___205 = (unsigned char)138; #line 4403 break; case 2: #line 4403 tmp___206 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___206 = (unsigned char)102; case 4: #line 4403 tmp___207 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___207 = (unsigned char)139; #line 4403 break; default: #line 4403 tmp___208 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4403 if (tmp___208) { #line 4403 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3438, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 if ((a2 & 7L) == -1L) { #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___209 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___209 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___210 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___210 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 imb___17.val = 0; #line 4403 tmp___211 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___211 = imb___17.b[0]; #line 4403 tmp___212 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___212 = imb___17.b[1]; #line 4403 tmp___213 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___213 = imb___17.b[2]; #line 4403 tmp___214 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___214 = imb___17.b[3]; #line 4403 break; } } else #line 4403 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___215 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___215 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___216 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___216 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4403 break; } } else { #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___217 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___217 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___218 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___218 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 break; } } #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 4403 tmp___225 = 4; } else { #line 4403 tmp___225 = 0; } #line 4403 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 4403 tmp___226 = 2; } else { #line 4403 tmp___226 = 0; } #line 4403 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 4403 tmp___227 = 1; } else { #line 4403 tmp___227 = 0; } #line 4403 _amd64_rex_bits___8 = (unsigned char )(((8 | tmp___225) | tmp___226) | tmp___227); #line 4403 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___8 != 0) { #line 4403 tmp___228 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___228 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___8); } #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 tmp___229 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___229 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4403 switch ((int )op->arg_size) { case 1: #line 4403 tmp___230 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___230 = (unsigned char)182; #line 4403 break; case 2: #line 4403 tmp___231 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___231 = (unsigned char)183; #line 4403 break; default: #line 4403 tmp___232 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4403 if (tmp___232) { #line 4403 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3438, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 if ((a2 & 7L) == -1L) { #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___233 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___233 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___234 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___234 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 imb___19.val = 0; #line 4403 tmp___235 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___235 = imb___19.b[0]; #line 4403 tmp___236 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___236 = imb___19.b[1]; #line 4403 tmp___237 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___237 = imb___19.b[2]; #line 4403 tmp___238 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___238 = imb___19.b[3]; #line 4403 break; } } else #line 4403 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___239 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___239 = (unsigned char )((((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___240 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___240 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4403 break; } } else { #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___241 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___241 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a1 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 tmp___242 = jit->ip; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 *tmp___242 = (unsigned char )(((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | (((a2 & 7L) & 7L) & 7L)); #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 while (1) { #line 4403 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 4403 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4403 break; } } #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 break; } #line 4403 break; default: #line 4404 tmp___249 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 4404 if (tmp___249) { #line 4404 __assert_rtn((char const *)"emit_ldx_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 3439, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 4406 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_ldx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_fstx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_fstx_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 , jit_value a3 ) { int live ; int tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___8 ; int tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___15 ; int tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___38 ; int tmp___39 ; int tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; int tmp___61 ; int tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; int tmp___68 ; jit_value tmp___69 ; int tmp___70 ; jit_value tmp___71 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; unsigned char *tmp___80 ; unsigned char *tmp___81 ; unsigned char *tmp___82 ; unsigned char *tmp___83 ; unsigned char *tmp___84 ; unsigned char *tmp___85 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___86 ; unsigned char *tmp___87 ; unsigned char *tmp___88 ; unsigned char *tmp___89 ; unsigned char *tmp___90 ; unsigned char *tmp___91 ; unsigned char *tmp___92 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___93 ; unsigned char *tmp___94 ; unsigned char *tmp___95 ; unsigned char *tmp___96 ; unsigned char *tmp___97 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; int tmp___98 ; int tmp___99 ; int tmp___100 ; unsigned char *tmp___101 ; unsigned char *tmp___102 ; unsigned char *tmp___103 ; unsigned char *tmp___104 ; unsigned char *tmp___105 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___106 ; unsigned char *tmp___107 ; unsigned char *tmp___108 ; unsigned char *tmp___109 ; unsigned char *tmp___110 ; unsigned char *tmp___111 ; unsigned char *tmp___112 ; unsigned char *tmp___113 ; unsigned char *tmp___114 ; unsigned char *tmp___115 ; x86_imm_buf imb___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___116 ; unsigned char *tmp___117 ; unsigned char *tmp___118 ; unsigned char *tmp___119 ; { #line 3116 if ((unsigned long long )op->arg_size == sizeof(float )) { #line 3117 tmp = jit_set_get(op->live_out, (int )op->arg[2]); #line 3117 live = tmp; #line 3118 if (live) { #line 3118 while (1) { #line 3118 while (1) { #line 3118 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 3118 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3118 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3118 while (1) { #line 3118 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3118 tmp___1 = 4; } else { #line 3118 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 3118 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3118 tmp___2 = 1; } else { #line 3118 tmp___2 = 0; } #line 3118 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(tmp___1 | tmp___2); #line 3118 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3118 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3118 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3118 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3118 break; } #line 3118 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3118 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3118 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3118 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 3118 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3118 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char)198; #line 3118 while (1) { #line 3118 while (1) { #line 3118 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 3118 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3118 *tmp___6 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((a3 & 7L) << 3)) | (a3 & 7L)); #line 3118 break; } #line 3118 break; } #line 3118 break; } #line 3118 while (1) { #line 3118 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3118 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3118 break; } #line 3118 break; } } #line 3119 while (1) { #line 3119 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 3119 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3119 *tmp___7 = (unsigned char)242; #line 3119 while (1) { #line 3119 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3119 tmp___8 = 4; } else { #line 3119 tmp___8 = 0; } #line 3119 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3119 tmp___9 = 1; } else { #line 3119 tmp___9 = 0; } #line 3119 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(tmp___8 | tmp___9); #line 3119 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 3119 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 3119 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3119 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 3119 break; } #line 3119 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 3119 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3119 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3119 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 3119 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3119 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char)90; #line 3119 while (1) { #line 3119 while (1) { #line 3119 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 3119 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3119 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((a3 & 7L) << 3)) | (a3 & 7L)); #line 3119 break; } #line 3119 break; } #line 3119 break; } #line 3120 if ((int )op->code & 0x02) { #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char)243; #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3120 tmp___15 = 4; } else { #line 3120 tmp___15 = 0; } #line 3120 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3120 tmp___16 = 1; } else { #line 3120 tmp___16 = 0; } #line 3120 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )(tmp___15 | tmp___16); #line 3120 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 3120 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___17 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___18 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3120 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char)17; #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 3120 if (a1 == 0L) { #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3120 break; } } else #line 3120 if (a1 >= -128L) { #line 3120 if (a1 <= 127L) { #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___23 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a1 & 255L); #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 break; } } else { #line 3120 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___25 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 imb.val = (int )a1; #line 3120 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___26 = imb.b[0]; #line 3120 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___27 = imb.b[1]; #line 3120 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___28 = imb.b[2]; #line 3120 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___29 = imb.b[3]; #line 3120 break; } } #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 if (a1 == 0L) { #line 3120 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___30 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 break; } } #line 3120 if (a1 >= -128L) { #line 3120 if (a1 <= 127L) { #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___31 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a1 & 255L); #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 break; } } else { #line 3120 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___32 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 while (1) { #line 3120 imb___0.val = (int )a1; #line 3120 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___33 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 3120 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___34 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 3120 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___35 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 3120 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 3120 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3120 *tmp___36 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 3120 break; } } #line 3120 break; } #line 3120 break; } } else { #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char)243; #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3121 tmp___38 = 4; } else { #line 3121 tmp___38 = 0; } #line 3121 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3121 tmp___39 = 2; } else { #line 3121 tmp___39 = 0; } #line 3121 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3121 tmp___40 = 1; } else { #line 3121 tmp___40 = 0; } #line 3121 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )(((8 | tmp___38) | tmp___39) | tmp___40); #line 3121 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 3121 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___41 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 3121 break; } #line 3121 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3121 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___43 = (unsigned char)17; #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 if (a1 == -1L) { #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char )(((a3 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3121 break; } #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___45 = (unsigned char )(((a2 & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3121 break; } #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 imb___1.val = 0; #line 3121 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___46 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 3121 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___47 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 3121 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___48 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 3121 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___49 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 3121 break; } } else #line 3121 if (a1 != 5L) { #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___50 = (unsigned char )(((a3 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3121 break; } #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___51 = (unsigned char )((((a2 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a1 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3121 break; } } else { #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___52 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | ((a3 & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3121 break; } #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 tmp___53 = jit->ip; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 *tmp___53 = (unsigned char )((((a2 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a1 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3121 break; } #line 3121 while (1) { #line 3121 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3121 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3121 break; } } #line 3121 break; } #line 3121 break; } } #line 3122 if (live) { #line 3122 while (1) { #line 3122 while (1) { #line 3122 tmp___60 = jit->ip; #line 3122 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3122 *tmp___60 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3122 while (1) { #line 3122 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3122 tmp___61 = 4; } else { #line 3122 tmp___61 = 0; } #line 3122 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3122 tmp___62 = 1; } else { #line 3122 tmp___62 = 0; } #line 3122 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char )(tmp___61 | tmp___62); #line 3122 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 3122 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 3122 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3122 *tmp___63 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 3122 break; } #line 3122 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 3122 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3122 *tmp___64 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3122 tmp___65 = jit->ip; #line 3122 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3122 *tmp___65 = (unsigned char)198; #line 3122 while (1) { #line 3122 while (1) { #line 3122 tmp___66 = jit->ip; #line 3122 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3122 *tmp___66 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((a3 & 7L) << 3)) | (a3 & 7L)); #line 3122 break; } #line 3122 break; } #line 3122 break; } #line 3122 while (1) { #line 3122 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)1; #line 3122 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3122 break; } #line 3122 break; } } } else #line 3124 if ((int )op->code & 0x02) { #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___67 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3124 tmp___68 = 4; } else { #line 3124 tmp___68 = 0; } #line 3124 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 3124 tmp___71 = (jit_value )0; } else { #line 3124 tmp___71 = a2; } #line 3124 if (tmp___71 > 7L) { #line 3124 tmp___70 = 1; } else { #line 3124 tmp___70 = 0; } #line 3124 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char )(tmp___68 | tmp___70); #line 3124 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 3124 tmp___72 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___72 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 tmp___73 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___73 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3124 tmp___74 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___74 = (unsigned char)19; #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 if (a2 == 16L) { #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___75 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___75 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 imb___3.val = (int )a1; #line 3124 tmp___76 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___76 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 3124 tmp___77 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___77 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 3124 tmp___78 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___78 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 3124 tmp___79 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___79 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 3124 break; } } else { #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 if ((a2 & 7L) == 4L) { #line 3124 if (a1 == 0L) { #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___80 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___80 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___81 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___81 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3124 break; } } else #line 3124 if (a1 >= -128L) { #line 3124 if (a1 <= 127L) { #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___82 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___82 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___83 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___83 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a1 & 255L); #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 break; } } else { #line 3124 goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___84 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___84 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___85 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___85 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 imb___4.val = (int )a1; #line 3124 tmp___86 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___86 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 3124 tmp___87 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___87 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 3124 tmp___88 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___88 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 3124 tmp___89 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___89 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 3124 break; } } #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 if (a1 == 0L) { #line 3124 if ((a2 & 7L) != 5L) { #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___90 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___90 = (unsigned char )((((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 break; } } #line 3124 if (a1 >= -128L) { #line 3124 if (a1 <= 127L) { #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___91 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___91 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | (((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(a1 & 255L); #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 break; } } else { #line 3124 goto _L___2; } } else { _L___2: /* CIL Label */ #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 tmp___92 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___92 = (unsigned char )(((long )(2 << 6) | (((a3 & 7L) & 7L) << 3)) | ((a2 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 while (1) { #line 3124 imb___5.val = (int )a1; #line 3124 tmp___93 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___93 = imb___5.b[0]; #line 3124 tmp___94 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___94 = imb___5.b[1]; #line 3124 tmp___95 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___95 = imb___5.b[2]; #line 3124 tmp___96 = jit->ip; #line 3124 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3124 *tmp___96 = imb___5.b[3]; #line 3124 break; } } #line 3124 break; } } #line 3124 break; } #line 3124 break; } } else { #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 tmp___97 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___97 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 if (a3 > 7L) { #line 3125 tmp___98 = 4; } else { #line 3125 tmp___98 = 0; } #line 3125 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3125 tmp___99 = 2; } else { #line 3125 tmp___99 = 0; } #line 3125 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3125 tmp___100 = 1; } else { #line 3125 tmp___100 = 0; } #line 3125 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char )(((8 | tmp___98) | tmp___99) | tmp___100); #line 3125 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 3125 tmp___101 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___101 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } #line 3125 break; } #line 3125 tmp___102 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___102 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3125 tmp___103 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___103 = (unsigned char)19; #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 if (a1 == -1L) { #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 tmp___104 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___104 = (unsigned char )(((a3 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3125 break; } #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 tmp___105 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___105 = (unsigned char )(((a2 & 7L) << 3) | 5L); #line 3125 break; } #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 imb___6.val = 0; #line 3125 tmp___106 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___106 = imb___6.b[0]; #line 3125 tmp___107 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___107 = imb___6.b[1]; #line 3125 tmp___108 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___108 = imb___6.b[2]; #line 3125 tmp___109 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___109 = imb___6.b[3]; #line 3125 break; } } else #line 3125 if (a1 != 5L) { #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 tmp___110 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___110 = (unsigned char )(((a3 & 7L) << 3) | 4L); #line 3125 break; } #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 tmp___111 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___111 = (unsigned char )((((a2 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a1 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3125 break; } } else { #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 tmp___112 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___112 = (unsigned char )(((long )(1 << 6) | ((a3 & 7L) << 3)) | 4L); #line 3125 break; } #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 tmp___113 = jit->ip; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 *tmp___113 = (unsigned char )((((a2 & 7L) & 7L) << 3) | ((a1 & 7L) & 7L)); #line 3125 break; } #line 3125 while (1) { #line 3125 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 3125 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3125 break; } } #line 3125 break; } #line 3125 break; } } #line 3127 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_fstx_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF print_rmap_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void print_rmap_callback(jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value , void *disasm ) { char buf[256] ; { #line 5172 jit_get_reg_name((struct jit_disasm *)disasm, buf, (int )key); #line 5173 printf((char const */* __restrict */)"%s=%s ", buf, ((jit_hw_reg *)value)->name); #line 5174 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF print_rmap_callback LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_flw_analysis LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_flw_analysis(struct jit *jit ) { jit_op *op ; jit_op *tmp ; jit_op *first ; jit_op *second ; { #line 4853 jit_flw_initialize(jit); #line 4854 tmp = jit_op_first(jit->ops); #line 4854 op = tmp; #line 4855 while (op) { #line 4856 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 688U) { #line 4857 first = op; #line 4858 while (1) { #line 4859 if ((unsigned long )op->next == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 4860 second = op; #line 4861 analyze_function(jit, first, second); #line 4862 break; } else #line 4859 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )(op->next)->code & 0xfff8)) == 688U) { #line 4860 second = op; #line 4861 analyze_function(jit, first, second); #line 4862 break; } #line 4864 op = op->next; } } #line 4867 op = op->next; } #line 4869 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_flw_analysis LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF _cipher$_xtea_decipher LOC=UNKNOWN */ void _cipher$_xtea_decipher(unsigned int block_no , unsigned int num_rounds , unsigned int *v , unsigned int *key , unsigned int size ) { unsigned int i ; { i = 0; while (i < size / 8) { _cipher$_xtea_decipherBlock(num_rounds, v, key); v += 2; i ++; } } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF _cipher$_xtea_decipher LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF open_disasm LOC=UNKNOWN */ static FILE *open_disasm(void) { int fds[2] ; pid_t child ; pid_t tmp ; char *path ; FILE *f ; FILE *tmp___0 ; { #line 5542 pipe((int *)(fds)); #line 5543 tmp = fork(); #line 5543 child = tmp; #line 5544 if (child == 0) { #line 5545 close(fds[1]); #line 5546 dup2(fds[0], 0); #line 5548 path = "./myjit-disasm"; #line 5549 execlp((char const *)path, (char const *)path, (void *)0); #line 5550 path = "myjit-disasm"; #line 5551 execlp((char const *)path, (char const *)path, (void *)0); #line 5552 path = getenv((char const *)"MYJIT_DISASM"); #line 5553 if (path) { #line 5553 execlp((char const *)path, (char const *)path, (void *)0); } #line 5554 printf((char const */* __restrict */)"myjit-disasm not found\n\n"); #line 5555 printf((char const */* __restrict */)"In order to list myjit operations along with the machine code, the MyJIT disassembler has to be present in the current directory or its path has to be specified in the MYJIT_DISASM environment variable.\nThe disassembler\'s source code can be found in the \"disasm/\" directory.\n\n"); #line 5556 exit(1); } #line 5558 close(fds[0]); #line 5559 tmp___0 = fdopen(fds[1], (char const *)"w"); #line 5559 f = tmp___0; #line 5560 return (f); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF open_disasm LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF rename_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void rename_reg(jit_op *op , int r1 , int r2 ) { { #line 5917 insert_reg_op(432, op, (jit_value )r1, (jit_value )r2); #line 5918 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF rename_reg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF get_frame_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int get_frame_size(struct jit *jit , struct jit_func_info *info ) { int stack_mem ; int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; jit_value tmp___1 ; { #line 3184 stack_mem = 0; #line 3185 stack_mem = (int )((long )stack_mem + info->allocai_mem); #line 3186 stack_mem += info->gp_reg_count * (int )sizeof(void *); #line 3187 stack_mem = (int )((unsigned long long )stack_mem + (unsigned long long )info->fp_reg_count * sizeof(double )); #line 3188 if ((jit->reg_al)->gp_arg_reg_cnt < info->general_arg_cnt) { #line 3188 tmp = (jit->reg_al)->gp_arg_reg_cnt; } else { #line 3188 tmp = info->general_arg_cnt; } #line 3188 stack_mem += tmp * (int )sizeof(void *); #line 3189 if ((jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_reg_cnt < info->float_arg_cnt) { #line 3189 tmp___0 = (jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_reg_cnt; } else { #line 3189 tmp___0 = info->float_arg_cnt; } #line 3189 stack_mem += tmp___0 * (int )sizeof(void *); #line 3190 tmp___1 = jit_value_align((jit_value )stack_mem, (jit_value )16); #line 3190 return ((int )tmp___1); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF get_frame_size LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF print_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ int print_op(FILE *f , struct jit_disasm *disasm , struct jit_op *op , jit_tree *labels , int verbosity ) { struct output_buf *linebuf ; struct output_buf *tmp ; jit_tree *lab ; jit_tree *tmp___0 ; long tmp___1 ; char *op_name ; char *tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; int i ; long tmp___4 ; int len ; size_t tmp___5 ; { #line 5311 tmp = ob_new(); #line 5311 linebuf = tmp; #line 5312 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 136U) { #line 5312 goto _L; } else #line 5312 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 616U) { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 5313 tmp___0 = jit_tree_search(labels, op->arg[0]); #line 5313 lab = tmp___0; #line 5314 if (lab) { #line 5315 if ((long )lab->value < 0L) { #line 5315 tmp___1 = - ((long )lab->value); } else { #line 5315 tmp___1 = (long )lab->value; } #line 5315 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)disasm->label_template, tmp___1); #line 5316 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)":"); } #line 5318 goto print; } #line 5320 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 192U) { #line 5321 print_comment(linebuf, op); #line 5322 goto print; } #line 5324 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 264U) { #line 5325 ob_append(linebuf, disasm->indent_template); #line 5326 ob_append(linebuf, ".trace"); #line 5327 goto print; } #line 5329 tmp___2 = jit_get_op_name(op); #line 5329 op_name = tmp___2; #line 5330 if ((int )*(op_name + 0) == 46) { #line 5330 if (verbosity & 0x100) { #line 5331 tmp___3 = print_load_op(disasm, linebuf, op); #line 5331 if (tmp___3) { #line 5331 goto print; } } } #line 5333 ob_append(linebuf, disasm->indent_template); #line 5334 if ((int )*(op_name + 0) == 46) { #line 5335 switch ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8))) { case 872U: case 376U: #line 5338 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"%s ", op_name); #line 5339 ob_pad(linebuf, 13); #line 5340 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)disasm->generic_value_template, op->arg[0]); #line 5341 goto print; case 160U: #line 5343 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"%s ", op_name); #line 5344 ob_pad(linebuf, 13); #line 5345 i = 0; #line 5345 while ((jit_value )i < op->arg[0]) { #line 5346 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)disasm->generic_value_template, (int )*((unsigned char *)op->addendum + i)); #line 5347 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)" "); #line 5345 i ++; } #line 5349 goto print; case 704U: case 856U: #line 5352 ob_printf(linebuf, (char const *)"%s ", op_name); #line 5353 ob_pad(linebuf, 13); #line 5354 print_addr(disasm, linebuf, labels, op, 0); #line 5355 goto print; default: #line 5357 goto print; } } #line 5360 print_full_op_name(linebuf, op); #line 5361 ob_pad(linebuf, 12); #line 5362 if ((int )op->arg_size == 1) { #line 5362 ob_append(linebuf, " (byte)"); } #line 5363 if ((int )op->arg_size == 2) { #line 5363 ob_append(linebuf, " (word)"); } #line 5364 if ((int )op->arg_size == 4) { #line 5364 ob_append(linebuf, " (dword)"); } #line 5365 if ((int )op->arg_size == 8) { #line 5365 ob_append(linebuf, " (qword)"); } #line 5366 switch ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8))) { case 784U: #line 5367 break; case 352U: #line 5369 print_str(linebuf, (char *)op->arg[0]); #line 5370 if (! ((int )op->code & 0x02)) { #line 5371 ob_append(linebuf, ", "); #line 5372 print_arg(disasm, linebuf, op, 2); } #line 5374 break; case 832U: case 280U: #line 5377 ob_append(linebuf, " "); #line 5378 print_arg(disasm, linebuf, op, 1); #line 5379 ob_append(linebuf, ", "); #line 5380 print_addr(disasm, linebuf, labels, op, 1); #line 5381 break; case 520U: #line 5383 switch (op->arg[0]) { case 0L: #line 5384 ob_append(linebuf, " integer"); #line 5384 break; case 1L: #line 5385 ob_append(linebuf, " uns. integer"); #line 5385 break; case 2L: #line 5386 ob_append(linebuf, " float"); #line 5386 break; case 3L: #line 5387 ob_append(linebuf, " ptr"); #line 5387 break; default: #line 5388 tmp___4 = __builtin_expect(1L, 0L); #line 5388 if (tmp___4) { #line 5388 __assert_rtn((char const *)"print_op", (char const *)"tmp/src.c", 4630, (char const *)"0"); } } #line 5390 ob_append(linebuf, ", "); #line 5391 print_arg(disasm, linebuf, op, 2); #line 5392 break; default: #line 5394 print_args(disasm, linebuf, op, labels); } print: #line 5397 fprintf((FILE */* __restrict */)f, (char const */* __restrict */)"%s", linebuf->buf); #line 5398 tmp___5 = strlen((char const *)linebuf->buf); #line 5398 len = (int )tmp___5; #line 5399 ob_free(linebuf); #line 5400 return (len); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF print_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_set_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_set *jit_set_new(void) { jit_set *s ; void *tmp ; { #line 2261 tmp = malloc((size_t )sizeof(jit_set )); #line 2261 s = (jit_set *)tmp; #line 2262 s->root = (jit_tree *)((void *)0); #line 2263 return (s); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_set_new LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_flw_initialize LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_flw_initialize(struct jit *jit ) { struct jit_func_info *func_info ; jit_op *op ; jit_op *tmp ; int i ; int arg_id ; { #line 4748 func_info = (struct jit_func_info *)((void *)0); #line 4749 tmp = jit_op_first(jit->ops); #line 4749 op = tmp; #line 4750 while (op) { #line 4751 op->live_in = jit_set_new(); #line 4752 op->live_out = jit_set_new(); #line 4753 i = 0; #line 4753 while (i < 3) { #line 4754 if ((((int )op->spec >> ((i + 1) - 1) * 2) & 0x03) == 0x01) { #line 4755 jit_set_add(op->live_in, (int )op->arg[i]); } #line 4753 i ++; } #line 4756 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 688U) { #line 4757 func_info = (struct jit_func_info *)op->arg[1]; } #line 4759 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 224U) { #line 4760 arg_id = (int )op->arg[1]; #line 4761 if ((unsigned int )(func_info->args + arg_id)->type != 2U) { #line 4762 jit_set_add(op->live_in, (3 << 1) | ((arg_id & 0xfffffff) << 4)); } else { #line 4764 jit_set_add(op->live_in, (1 | (3 << 1)) | ((arg_id & 0xfffffff) << 4)); #line 4765 if ((func_info->args + arg_id)->overflow) { #line 4766 jit_set_add(op->live_in, ((1 | (3 << 1)) | (1 << 3)) | ((arg_id & 0xfffffff) << 4)); } } } #line 4769 op = op->next; } #line 4771 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_flw_initialize LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_change_sign LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_change_sign(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int reg ) { unsigned char *tmp ; { #line 3007 tmp = emit_sse_get_sign_mask(); #line 3007 sse_alu_pd_reg_safeimm(jit, op, 87, reg, (double *)tmp); #line 3008 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_change_sign LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF node_insert LOC=UNKNOWN */ static jit_tree *node_insert(jit_tree *h , jit_tree_key key , jit_tree_value value , int *found ) { jit_tree *tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; jit_tree *tmp___2 ; { #line 2116 if ((unsigned long )h == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 2116 tmp = node_new(key, value); #line 2116 return (tmp); } #line 2117 tmp___0 = is_red(h->left); #line 2117 if (tmp___0) { #line 2117 tmp___1 = is_red(h->right); #line 2117 if (tmp___1) { #line 2117 color_flip(h); } } #line 2118 if (h->key == key) { #line 2119 h->value = value; #line 2120 if (found) { #line 2120 *found = 1; } } else #line 2121 if (h->key > key) { #line 2121 h->left = node_insert(h->left, key, value, found); } else { #line 2122 h->right = node_insert(h->right, key, value, found); } #line 2123 tmp___2 = fixup(h); #line 2123 return (tmp___2); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF node_insert LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_add_fop LOC=UNKNOWN */ struct jit_op *jit_add_fop(struct jit *jit , unsigned short code , unsigned char spec , jit_value arg1 , jit_value arg2 , jit_value arg3 , double flt_imm , unsigned char arg_size , struct jit_debug_info *debug_info ) { struct jit_op *r ; struct jit_op *tmp ; { #line 6339 tmp = jit_add_op(jit, code, spec, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg_size, debug_info); #line 6339 r = tmp; #line 6340 r->fp = (unsigned char)1; #line 6341 r->flt_imm = flt_imm; #line 6342 return (r); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_add_fop LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_set_clone LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_set *jit_set_clone(jit_set *s ) { jit_set *clone ; jit_set *tmp ; { #line 2267 tmp = jit_set_new(); #line 2267 clone = tmp; #line 2268 clone->root = jit_tree_clone(s->root); #line 2269 return (clone); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_set_clone LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF is_active_register LOC=UNKNOWN */ static int is_active_register(struct jit_reg_allocator *al , jit_hw_reg *reg , jit_op *op ) { jit_value vreg ; jit_hw_reg *hw ; jit_hw_reg *tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; { #line 4000 if ((unsigned long )op->next == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 4000 return (0); } #line 4001 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )(op->next)->code & 0xfff8)) == 216U) { #line 4001 return (1); } else #line 4001 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )(op->next)->code & 0xfff8)) == 200U) { #line 4001 return (1); } else #line 4001 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )(op->next)->code & 0xfff8)) == 232U) { #line 4001 return (1); } #line 4002 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )(op->next)->code & 0xfff8)) == 472U) { #line 4002 if ((unsigned long )reg == (unsigned long )al->ret_reg) { #line 4002 return (1); } } #line 4003 if ((unsigned long )(op->next)->regmap == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 4003 return (1); } #line 4004 if ((unsigned long )(op->prev)->regmap == (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 4004 return (1); } #line 4006 tmp = rmap_is_associated(op->regmap, reg->id, (int )reg->fp, & vreg); #line 4006 hw = tmp; #line 4007 if (hw) { #line 4008 if (op->prev) { #line 4008 if ((op->prev)->live_in) { #line 4008 tmp___0 = jit_set_get((op->prev)->live_in, (int )vreg); #line 4008 if (tmp___0) { #line 4008 return (1); } else { #line 4008 goto _L; } } else _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4008 if ((op->prev)->live_out) { #line 4008 tmp___1 = jit_set_get((op->prev)->live_out, (int )vreg); #line 4008 if (tmp___1) { #line 4008 return (1); } } } #line 4009 if (op->next) { #line 4009 if ((op->next)->live_in) { #line 4009 tmp___2 = jit_set_get((op->next)->live_in, (int )vreg); #line 4009 if (tmp___2) { #line 4009 return (1); } else { #line 4009 goto _L___0; } } else _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 4009 if ((op->next)->live_out) { #line 4009 tmp___3 = jit_set_get((op->next)->live_out, (int )vreg); #line 4009 if (tmp___3) { #line 4009 return (1); } } } #line 4010 return (0); } #line 4012 return (0); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF is_active_register LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_set_fparg LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void emit_set_fparg(struct jit *jit , struct jit_out_arg *arg ) { int sreg ; int reg ; jit_value value ; int pos ; int tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___55 ; int tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___62 ; int tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; int tmp___68 ; float val ; unsigned int tmp___69 ; unsigned long long tmp___70 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; unsigned char *tmp___72 ; amd64_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; unsigned char *tmp___80 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___81 ; unsigned char *tmp___82 ; unsigned char *tmp___83 ; unsigned char *tmp___84 ; unsigned char *tmp___85 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; int tmp___86 ; unsigned char *tmp___87 ; unsigned char *tmp___88 ; unsigned char *tmp___89 ; unsigned char *tmp___90 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___91 ; unsigned char *tmp___92 ; amd64_imm_buf imb___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___93 ; unsigned char *tmp___94 ; unsigned char *tmp___95 ; unsigned char *tmp___96 ; unsigned char *tmp___97 ; unsigned char *tmp___98 ; unsigned char *tmp___99 ; unsigned char *tmp___100 ; x86_imm_buf imb___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___101 ; unsigned char *tmp___102 ; unsigned char *tmp___103 ; unsigned char *tmp___104 ; unsigned char *tmp___105 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___6 ; int tmp___106 ; unsigned char *tmp___107 ; unsigned char *tmp___108 ; unsigned char *tmp___109 ; unsigned char *tmp___110 ; { #line 3617 reg = (*((jit->reg_al)->fp_arg_regs + arg->argpos))->id; #line 3618 value = arg->value.generic; #line 3619 if (arg->isreg) { #line 3620 tmp___68 = is_spilled(value, jit->prepared_args.op, & sreg); #line 3620 if (tmp___68) { #line 3621 tmp = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )value); #line 3621 pos = tmp; #line 3622 if ((unsigned long long )arg->size == sizeof(float )) { #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char)242; #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 if (reg > 7) { #line 3623 tmp___1 = 4; } else { #line 3623 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 3623 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )tmp___1; #line 3623 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3623 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3623 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char)90; #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 if (0) { #line 3623 if (pos == 0) { #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char )((((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3623 break; } } else #line 3623 if ((jit_value )pos >= -128L) { #line 3623 if ((jit_value )pos <= 127L) { #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(pos & 0xff); #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 break; } } else { #line 3623 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 imb___0.val = pos; #line 3623 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___16 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 3623 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___17 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 3623 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___18 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 3623 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___19 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 3623 break; } } #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 if (pos == 0) { } #line 3623 if ((jit_value )pos >= -128L) { #line 3623 if ((jit_value )pos <= 127L) { #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(pos & 0xff); #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 break; } } else { #line 3623 goto _L___0; } } else { _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 while (1) { #line 3623 imb___1.val = pos; #line 3623 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___23 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 3623 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___24 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 3623 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___25 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 3623 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 3623 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3623 *tmp___26 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 3623 break; } } #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 break; } #line 3623 break; } } else { #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___27 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 if (reg > 7) { #line 3624 tmp___28 = 4; } else { #line 3624 tmp___28 = 0; } #line 3624 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )tmp___28; #line 3624 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 3624 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___29 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___30 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3624 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___31 = (unsigned char)18; #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 if (0) { #line 3624 if (pos == 0) { #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___37 = (unsigned char )((((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___38 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3624 break; } } else #line 3624 if ((jit_value )pos >= -128L) { #line 3624 if ((jit_value )pos <= 127L) { #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___39 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___40 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___40 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(pos & 0xff); #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 break; } } else { #line 3624 goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___41 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 imb___3.val = pos; #line 3624 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___43 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 3624 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___44 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 3624 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___45 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 3624 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___46 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 3624 break; } } #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 if (pos == 0) { } #line 3624 if ((jit_value )pos >= -128L) { #line 3624 if ((jit_value )pos <= 127L) { #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___48 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(pos & 0xff); #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 break; } } else { #line 3624 goto _L___2; } } else { _L___2: /* CIL Label */ #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___49 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 while (1) { #line 3624 imb___4.val = pos; #line 3624 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___50 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 3624 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___51 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 3624 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___52 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 3624 tmp___53 = jit->ip; #line 3624 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3624 *tmp___53 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 3624 break; } } #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 break; } #line 3624 break; } } } else #line 3626 if ((unsigned long long )arg->size == sizeof(float )) { #line 3627 while (1) { #line 3627 tmp___54 = jit->ip; #line 3627 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3627 *tmp___54 = (unsigned char)242; #line 3627 while (1) { #line 3627 if (reg > 7) { #line 3627 tmp___55 = 4; } else { #line 3627 tmp___55 = 0; } #line 3627 if (sreg > 7) { #line 3627 tmp___56 = 1; } else { #line 3627 tmp___56 = 0; } #line 3627 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )(tmp___55 | tmp___56); #line 3627 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 3627 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 3627 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3627 *tmp___57 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 3627 break; } #line 3627 tmp___58 = jit->ip; #line 3627 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3627 *tmp___58 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3627 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 3627 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3627 *tmp___59 = (unsigned char)90; #line 3627 while (1) { #line 3627 while (1) { #line 3627 tmp___60 = jit->ip; #line 3627 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3627 *tmp___60 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | ((reg & 0x07) << 3)) | (sreg & 0x07)); #line 3627 break; } #line 3627 break; } #line 3627 break; } } else #line 3628 if (reg != sreg) { #line 3628 while (1) { #line 3628 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 3628 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3628 *tmp___61 = (unsigned char)242; #line 3628 while (1) { #line 3628 if (reg > 7) { #line 3628 tmp___62 = 4; } else { #line 3628 tmp___62 = 0; } #line 3628 if (sreg > 7) { #line 3628 tmp___63 = 1; } else { #line 3628 tmp___63 = 0; } #line 3628 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )(tmp___62 | tmp___63); #line 3628 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 3628 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 3628 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3628 *tmp___64 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 3628 break; } #line 3628 tmp___65 = jit->ip; #line 3628 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3628 *tmp___65 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3628 tmp___66 = jit->ip; #line 3628 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3628 *tmp___66 = (unsigned char)16; #line 3628 while (1) { #line 3628 while (1) { #line 3628 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 3628 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3628 *tmp___67 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | ((reg & 0x07) << 3)) | (sreg & 0x07)); #line 3628 break; } #line 3628 break; } #line 3628 break; } } } else #line 3631 if ((unsigned long long )arg->size == sizeof(float )) { #line 3632 val = (float )arg->value.fp; #line 3634 tmp___70 = __builtin_object_size((void *)(& tmp___69), 0); #line 3634 __builtin___memcpy_chk((void *)(& tmp___69), (void const *)(& val), sizeof(float ), tmp___70); #line 3635 while (1) { #line 3635 while (1) { #line 3635 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char)0; #line 3635 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 3635 tmp___71 = jit->ip; #line 3635 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3635 *tmp___71 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 3635 break; } #line 3635 tmp___72 = jit->ip; #line 3635 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3635 *tmp___72 = (unsigned char)184; #line 3635 while (1) { #line 3635 imb___6.val = (int )((size_t )tmp___69); #line 3635 tmp___81 = jit->ip; #line 3635 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3635 *tmp___81 = imb___6.b[0]; #line 3635 tmp___82 = jit->ip; #line 3635 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3635 *tmp___82 = imb___6.b[1]; #line 3635 tmp___83 = jit->ip; #line 3635 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3635 *tmp___83 = imb___6.b[2]; #line 3635 tmp___84 = jit->ip; #line 3635 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3635 *tmp___84 = imb___6.b[3]; #line 3635 break; } #line 3635 break; } #line 3636 while (1) { #line 3636 tmp___85 = jit->ip; #line 3636 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3636 *tmp___85 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3636 while (1) { #line 3636 if (reg > 7) { #line 3636 tmp___86 = 4; } else { #line 3636 tmp___86 = 0; } #line 3636 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char )tmp___86; #line 3636 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 3636 tmp___87 = jit->ip; #line 3636 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3636 *tmp___87 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 3636 break; } #line 3636 tmp___88 = jit->ip; #line 3636 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3636 *tmp___88 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3636 tmp___89 = jit->ip; #line 3636 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3636 *tmp___89 = (unsigned char)110; #line 3636 while (1) { #line 3636 while (1) { #line 3636 tmp___90 = jit->ip; #line 3636 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3636 *tmp___90 = (unsigned char )((3 << 6) | ((reg & 0x07) << 3)); #line 3636 break; } #line 3636 break; } #line 3636 break; } } else { #line 3638 while (1) { #line 3638 while (1) { #line 3638 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char)8; #line 3638 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 3638 tmp___91 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___91 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } #line 3638 break; } #line 3638 tmp___92 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___92 = (unsigned char)184; #line 3638 while (1) { #line 3638 imb___7.val = (size_t )value; #line 3638 tmp___93 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___93 = imb___7.b[0]; #line 3638 tmp___94 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___94 = imb___7.b[1]; #line 3638 tmp___95 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___95 = imb___7.b[2]; #line 3638 tmp___96 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___96 = imb___7.b[3]; #line 3638 tmp___97 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___97 = imb___7.b[4]; #line 3638 tmp___98 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___98 = imb___7.b[5]; #line 3638 tmp___99 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___99 = imb___7.b[6]; #line 3638 tmp___100 = jit->ip; #line 3638 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3638 *tmp___100 = imb___7.b[7]; #line 3638 break; } #line 3638 break; } #line 3639 while (1) { #line 3639 tmp___105 = jit->ip; #line 3639 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3639 *tmp___105 = (unsigned char)102; #line 3639 while (1) { #line 3639 if (reg > 7) { #line 3639 tmp___106 = 4; } else { #line 3639 tmp___106 = 0; } #line 3639 _amd64_rex_bits___6 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___106); #line 3639 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___6 != 0) { #line 3639 tmp___107 = jit->ip; #line 3639 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3639 *tmp___107 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___6); } #line 3639 break; } #line 3639 tmp___108 = jit->ip; #line 3639 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3639 *tmp___108 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3639 tmp___109 = jit->ip; #line 3639 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3639 *tmp___109 = (unsigned char)110; #line 3639 while (1) { #line 3639 while (1) { #line 3639 tmp___110 = jit->ip; #line 3639 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3639 *tmp___110 = (unsigned char )((3 << 6) | ((reg & 0x07) << 3)); #line 3639 break; } #line 3639 break; } #line 3639 break; } } #line 3642 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_set_fparg LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF ob_pad LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void ob_pad(struct output_buf *ob , int size ) { size_t tmp ; { #line 4982 while (1) { #line 4982 tmp = strlen((char const *)ob->buf); #line 4982 if (! (tmp < (size_t )size)) { #line 4982 break; } #line 4983 ob_append(ob, " "); } #line 4984 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF ob_pad LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_transfer_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_transfer_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int alu_op ) { jit_op *init_op ; struct transfer_info *tinf ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___60 ; int tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; int tmp___65 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; unsigned char *tmp___68 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; unsigned char *tmp___70 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; int tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; int tmp___75 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; int tmp___80 ; int tmp___81 ; int tmp___82 ; unsigned char *tmp___83 ; int tmp___84 ; unsigned char *tmp___85 ; int tmp___86 ; unsigned char *tmp___87 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; int tmp___88 ; unsigned char *tmp___89 ; unsigned char *tmp___90 ; unsigned char *tmp___91 ; unsigned char *tmp___92 ; int tmp___93 ; int tmp___94 ; { #line 4487 init_op = op->prev; #line 4488 while ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )init_op->code & 0xfff8)) != 184U) { #line 4489 init_op = init_op->prev; } #line 4490 tinf = (struct transfer_info *)init_op->addendum; #line 4491 if (op->arg[1] == (jit_value )((2 << 1) | (1 << 4))) { #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 if (tinf->scrapreg > 7) { #line 4492 tmp = 4; } else { #line 4492 tmp = 0; } #line 4492 if (tinf->counterreg > 7) { #line 4492 tmp___0 = 2; } else { #line 4492 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 4492 if (tinf->destreg > 7) { #line 4492 tmp___1 = 1; } else { #line 4492 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 4492 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(((8 | tmp) | tmp___0) | tmp___1); #line 4492 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4492 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )alu_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 if ((tinf->destreg & 0x7) == -1) { #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 5); #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 imb.val = - tinf->block_size; #line 4492 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___6 = imb.b[0]; #line 4492 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___7 = imb.b[1]; #line 4492 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___8 = imb.b[2]; #line 4492 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___9 = imb.b[3]; #line 4492 break; } } else #line 4492 if (- tinf->block_size == 0) { #line 4492 if ((tinf->destreg & 0x7) != 5) { #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char )(((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | (((tinf->destreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 4492 break; } } else { #line 4492 goto _L___0; } } else _L___0: /* CIL Label */ #line 4492 if ((jit_value )(- tinf->block_size) >= -128L) { #line 4492 if ((jit_value )(- tinf->block_size) <= 127L) { #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___13 = (unsigned char )(((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | (((tinf->destreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- tinf->block_size & 0xff); #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 break; } } else { #line 4492 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___14 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___15 = (unsigned char )(((((tinf->counterreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | (((tinf->destreg & 0x7) & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 while (1) { #line 4492 imb___0.val = - tinf->block_size; #line 4492 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___16 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4492 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___17 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4492 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___18 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4492 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4492 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4492 *tmp___19 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4492 break; } } #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 break; } #line 4492 break; } } else #line 4493 if (op->r_arg[1] != -1L) { #line 4494 if (op->r_arg[1] == (jit_value )tinf->counterreg) { #line 4494 if (tinf->counter_in_use) { #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 if (tinf->scrapreg > 7) { #line 4495 tmp___20 = 4; } else { #line 4495 tmp___20 = 0; } #line 4495 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___20); #line 4495 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4495 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )alu_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 if (- ((int )sizeof(void *)) == 0) { #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___23 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4495 break; } } else #line 4495 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *))) >= -128L) { #line 4495 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *))) <= 127L) { #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___25 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___26 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) & 0xff); #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 break; } } else { #line 4495 goto _L___1; } } else { _L___1: /* CIL Label */ #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___27 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___28 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 imb___1.val = - ((int )sizeof(void *)); #line 4495 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___29 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 4495 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___30 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 4495 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___31 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 4495 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___32 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 4495 break; } } #line 4495 break; #line 4495 if (- ((int )sizeof(void *)) == 0) { #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *))) >= -128L) { #line 4495 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *))) <= 127L) { #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___34 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) & 0xff); #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 break; } } else { #line 4495 goto _L___2; } } else { _L___2: /* CIL Label */ #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 tmp___35 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___35 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 while (1) { #line 4495 imb___2.val = - ((int )sizeof(void *)); #line 4495 tmp___36 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___36 = imb___2.b[0]; #line 4495 tmp___37 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___37 = imb___2.b[1]; #line 4495 tmp___38 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___38 = imb___2.b[2]; #line 4495 tmp___39 = jit->ip; #line 4495 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4495 *tmp___39 = imb___2.b[3]; #line 4495 break; } } #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 break; } #line 4495 break; } } else { #line 4494 goto _L___6; } } else _L___6: /* CIL Label */ #line 4496 if (op->r_arg[1] == (jit_value )tinf->scrapreg) { #line 4496 if (tinf->scrap_in_use) { #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 if (tinf->scrapreg > 7) { #line 4497 tmp___40 = 4; } else { #line 4497 tmp___40 = 0; } #line 4497 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___40); #line 4497 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4497 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___41 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )alu_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 if (- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2 == 0) { #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___43 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4497 break; } } else #line 4497 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2) >= -128L) { #line 4497 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2) <= 127L) { #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___45 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___45 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___46 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___46 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2 & 0xff); #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 break; } } else { #line 4497 goto _L___3; } } else { _L___3: /* CIL Label */ #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___47 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___47 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___48 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___48 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 imb___3.val = - ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2; #line 4497 tmp___49 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___49 = imb___3.b[0]; #line 4497 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___50 = imb___3.b[1]; #line 4497 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___51 = imb___3.b[2]; #line 4497 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___52 = imb___3.b[3]; #line 4497 break; } } #line 4497 break; #line 4497 if (- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2 == 0) { #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___53 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___53 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2) >= -128L) { #line 4497 if ((jit_value )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2) <= 127L) { #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___54 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___54 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(- ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2 & 0xff); #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 break; } } else { #line 4497 goto _L___4; } } else { _L___4: /* CIL Label */ #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___55 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 while (1) { #line 4497 imb___4.val = - ((int )sizeof(void *)) * 2; #line 4497 tmp___56 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___56 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 4497 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___57 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 4497 tmp___58 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___58 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 4497 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 4497 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4497 *tmp___59 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 4497 break; } } #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 break; } #line 4497 break; } } else { #line 4496 goto _L___5; } } else { _L___5: /* CIL Label */ #line 4498 while (1) { #line 4498 while (1) { #line 4498 if (tinf->scrapreg > 7) { #line 4498 tmp___60 = 4; } else { #line 4498 tmp___60 = 0; } #line 4498 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4498 tmp___61 = 1; } else { #line 4498 tmp___61 = 0; } #line 4498 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___60) | tmp___61); #line 4498 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 4498 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 4498 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4498 *tmp___62 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 4498 break; } #line 4498 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 4498 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4498 *tmp___63 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )alu_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4498 while (1) { #line 4498 while (1) { #line 4498 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 4498 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4498 *tmp___64 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | ((tinf->scrapreg & 0x07) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4498 break; } #line 4498 break; } #line 4498 break; } } } else { #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 if (tinf->scrapreg > 7) { #line 4500 tmp___65 = 4; } else { #line 4500 tmp___65 = 0; } #line 4500 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___65); #line 4500 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 4500 tmp___66 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___66 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___67 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___67 = (unsigned char )(((int )((unsigned char )alu_op) << 3) + 3); #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 if (0) { #line 4500 tmp___82 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 if (tmp___82 == 0) { #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___68 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___68 = (unsigned char )((((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___69 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___69 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4500 break; } } else { #line 4500 tmp___80 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 if ((jit_value )tmp___80 >= -128L) { #line 4500 tmp___81 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 if ((jit_value )tmp___81 <= 127L) { #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___70 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___70 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___71 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___71 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___72 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(tmp___72 & 0xff); #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 break; } } else { #line 4500 goto _L___7; } } else { _L___7: /* CIL Label */ #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___73 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___73 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___74 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___74 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___75 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 imb___5.val = tmp___75; #line 4500 tmp___76 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___76 = imb___5.b[0]; #line 4500 tmp___77 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___77 = imb___5.b[1]; #line 4500 tmp___78 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___78 = imb___5.b[2]; #line 4500 tmp___79 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___79 = imb___5.b[3]; #line 4500 break; } } } #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 tmp___84 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 if (tmp___84 == 0) { } #line 4500 tmp___93 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 if ((jit_value )tmp___93 >= -128L) { #line 4500 tmp___94 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 if ((jit_value )tmp___94 <= 127L) { #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___85 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___85 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___86 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(tmp___86 & 0xff); #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 break; } } else { #line 4500 goto _L___8; } } else { _L___8: /* CIL Label */ #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___87 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___87 = (unsigned char )(((2 << 6) | (((tinf->scrapreg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 5); #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 while (1) { #line 4500 tmp___88 = stack_reg_pos(jit, (int )op->arg[1]); #line 4500 imb___6.val = tmp___88; #line 4500 tmp___89 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___89 = imb___6.b[0]; #line 4500 tmp___90 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___90 = imb___6.b[1]; #line 4500 tmp___91 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___91 = imb___6.b[2]; #line 4500 tmp___92 = jit->ip; #line 4500 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4500 *tmp___92 = imb___6.b[3]; #line 4500 break; } } #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 break; } #line 4500 break; } } #line 4501 if (op->arg[0]) { #line 4501 emit_transfer_loop(jit, (jit_op *)op->arg[0]); } #line 4502 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_transfer_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_set_to_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_set_to_array(jit_set *s , jit_value *dest ) { struct copy_target t ; { #line 2313 t.target = dest; #line 2314 t.index = 0; #line 2315 jit_tree_walk(s->root, & copy_reg_to_array, (void *)(& t)); #line 2316 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_set_to_array LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_expand_patches_and_labels LOC=UNKNOWN */ void jit_expand_patches_and_labels(struct jit *jit ) { jit_op *op ; jit_op *tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; { #line 6464 tmp = jit_op_first(jit->ops); #line 6464 op = tmp; #line 6464 while ((unsigned long )op != (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { #line 6465 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 616U) { #line 6466 ((jit_op *)op->arg[0])->jmp_addr = op; } #line 6468 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) == 136U) { #line 6469 ((jit_label *)op->arg[0])->op = op; } #line 6471 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) != 136U) { #line 6471 tmp___0 = jit_is_label(jit, (void *)op->arg[0]); #line 6471 if (tmp___0) { #line 6472 op->jmp_addr = ((jit_label *)op->arg[0])->op; } } #line 6474 if ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8)) != 136U) { #line 6474 tmp___1 = jit_is_label(jit, (void *)op->arg[1]); #line 6474 if (tmp___1) { #line 6475 op->jmp_addr = ((jit_label *)op->arg[1])->op; } } #line 6464 op = op->next; } #line 6478 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_expand_patches_and_labels LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_op_delete LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void jit_op_delete(jit_op *op ) { { #line 2508 (op->prev)->next = op->next; #line 2509 if (op->next) { #line 2509 (op->next)->prev = op->prev; } #line 2510 jit_free_op(op); #line 2511 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_op_delete LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF branch_adjustment LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static void branch_adjustment(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) { int tmp ; jit_rmap *cur_regmap ; jit_rmap *tgt_regmap ; jit_op *o ; struct jit_op *tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; jit_op *o2 ; struct jit_op *tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; { #line 6237 tmp = jit_op_is_cond_branch(op); #line 6237 if (! tmp) { #line 6237 return; } #line 6238 cur_regmap = op->regmap; #line 6239 tgt_regmap = (op->jmp_addr)->regmap; #line 6240 tmp___3 = rmap_equal(op, cur_regmap, tgt_regmap); #line 6240 if (! tmp___3) { #line 6241 switch ((unsigned int )((jit_opcode )((int )op->code & 0xfff8))) { case 496U: #line 6242 op->code = (unsigned short )(336 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6242 break; case 448U: #line 6243 op->code = (unsigned short )(288 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6243 break; case 96U: #line 6244 op->code = (unsigned short )(760 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6244 break; case 336U: #line 6245 op->code = (unsigned short )(496 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6245 break; case 760U: #line 6246 op->code = (unsigned short )(96 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6246 break; case 288U: #line 6247 op->code = (unsigned short )(448 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6247 break; case 384U: #line 6248 op->code = (unsigned short )(304 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6248 break; case 272U: #line 6249 op->code = (unsigned short )(600 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6249 break; case 304U: #line 6250 op->code = (unsigned short )(384 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6250 break; case 600U: #line 6251 op->code = (unsigned short )(272 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6251 break; case 632U: #line 6252 op->code = (unsigned short )(792 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6252 break; case 696U: #line 6253 op->code = (unsigned short )(504 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6253 break; case 648U: #line 6254 op->code = (unsigned short )(896 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6254 break; case 792U: #line 6255 op->code = (unsigned short )(632 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6255 break; case 896U: #line 6256 op->code = (unsigned short )(648 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6256 break; case 504U: #line 6257 op->code = (unsigned short )(696 | ((int )op->code & 0x7)); #line 6257 break; default: #line 6258 break; } #line 6260 tmp___0 = jit_op_new((unsigned short)626, (unsigned char)2, op->arg[0], (jit_value )0, (jit_value )0, (unsigned char)0); #line 6260 o = tmp___0; #line 6261 o->r_arg[0] = op->r_arg[0]; #line 6262 o->regmap = rmap_clone(op->regmap); #line 6263 o->live_in = jit_set_clone(op->live_in); #line 6264 o->live_out = jit_set_clone(op->live_out); #line 6265 o->jmp_addr = op->jmp_addr; #line 6266 tmp___1 = jit_is_label(jit, (void *)op->r_arg[0]); #line 6266 if (! tmp___1) { #line 6267 (op->jmp_addr)->arg[0] = (jit_value )o; #line 6268 (op->jmp_addr)->r_arg[0] = (jit_value )o; } #line 6270 jit_op_append(op, o); #line 6271 tmp___2 = jit_op_new((unsigned short)616, (unsigned char)2, (jit_value )op, (jit_value )0, (jit_value )0, (unsigned char)0); #line 6271 o2 = tmp___2; #line 6272 o2->r_arg[0] = o2->arg[0]; #line 6273 jit_op_append(o, o2); #line 6274 op->arg[0] = (jit_value )o2; #line 6275 op->r_arg[0] = (jit_value )o2; #line 6276 op->jmp_addr = o2; } #line 6278 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF branch_adjustment LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_value_align LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_value jit_value_align(jit_value value , jit_value alignment ) { { #line 2586 return ((value + (alignment - 1L)) & - alignment); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_value_align LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF jit_allocai LOC=UNKNOWN */ int jit_allocai(struct jit *jit , int size ) { jit_value real_size ; jit_value tmp ; struct jit_func_info *tmp___0 ; struct jit_func_info *tmp___1 ; { #line 4539 tmp = jit_value_align((jit_value )size, (jit_value )16); #line 4539 real_size = tmp; #line 4540 jit_add_op(jit, (unsigned short)442, (unsigned char)2, real_size, (jit_value )0, (jit_value )0, (unsigned char)0, (struct jit_debug_info *)((void *)0)); #line 4541 tmp___0 = jit_current_func_info(jit); #line 4541 tmp___0->allocai_mem += real_size; #line 4542 tmp___1 = jit_current_func_info(jit); #line 4542 return ((int )(- tmp___1->allocai_mem)); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF jit_allocai LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_neg_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_sse_neg_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , jit_value a1 , jit_value a2 ) { unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; { #line 3037 if (a1 != a2) { #line 3037 while (1) { #line 3037 tmp = jit->ip; #line 3037 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3037 *tmp = (unsigned char)242; #line 3037 while (1) { #line 3037 if (a1 > 7L) { #line 3037 tmp___0 = 4; } else { #line 3037 tmp___0 = 0; } #line 3037 if (a2 > 7L) { #line 3037 tmp___1 = 1; } else { #line 3037 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 3037 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(tmp___0 | tmp___1); #line 3037 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3037 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3037 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3037 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3037 break; } #line 3037 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3037 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3037 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3037 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 3037 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3037 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char)16; #line 3037 while (1) { #line 3037 while (1) { #line 3037 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 3037 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3037 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((a1 & 7L) << 3)) | (a2 & 7L)); #line 3037 break; } #line 3037 break; } #line 3037 break; } } #line 3038 emit_sse_change_sign(jit, op, (int )a1); #line 3039 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_sse_neg_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_fretval_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_fretval_op(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) { unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; { #line 3832 if ((unsigned long long )op->arg_size == sizeof(float )) { #line 3832 while (1) { #line 3832 tmp = jit->ip; #line 3832 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3832 *tmp = (unsigned char)243; #line 3832 while (1) { #line 3832 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char)0; #line 3832 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 3832 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 3832 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3832 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 3832 break; } #line 3832 tmp___1 = jit->ip; #line 3832 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3832 *tmp___1 = (unsigned char)15; #line 3832 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 3832 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3832 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char)90; #line 3832 while (1) { #line 3832 while (1) { #line 3832 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 3832 (jit->ip) ++; #line 3832 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(3 << 6); #line 3832 break; } #line 3832 break; } #line 3832 break; } } #line 3833 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_fretval_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_save_all_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_save_all_regs(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op ) { struct jit_reg_allocator *al ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; unsigned char *tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; int i ; jit_hw_reg *reg ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; int tmp___4 ; int i___0 ; jit_hw_reg *reg___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; int tmp___22 ; unsigned char *tmp___23 ; unsigned char *tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; int tmp___48 ; int alignment ; int tmp___49 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; unsigned char *tmp___52 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___53 ; unsigned char *tmp___54 ; x86_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; unsigned char *tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; { #line 4033 al = jit->reg_al; #line 4034 while (1) { #line 4034 while (1) { #line 4034 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char)8; #line 4034 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4034 tmp = jit->ip; #line 4034 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4034 *tmp = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4034 break; } #line 4034 while (1) { #line 4034 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 4034 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4034 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char)156; #line 4034 break; } #line 4034 break; } #line 4035 i = 0; #line 4035 while (i < al->gp_reg_cnt) { #line 4036 reg = al->gp_regs + i; #line 4037 if (! reg->callee_saved) { #line 4037 tmp___4 = is_active_register(al, reg, op); #line 4037 if (tmp___4) { #line 4038 while (1) { #line 4038 while (1) { #line 4038 if (reg->id > 7) { #line 4038 tmp___1 = 1; } else { #line 4038 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 4038 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )tmp___1; #line 4038 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4038 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 4038 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4038 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4038 break; } #line 4038 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4038 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4038 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(80 + (reg->id & 0x7)); #line 4038 break; } } } #line 4035 i ++; } #line 4040 i___0 = 0; #line 4040 while (i___0 < al->fp_reg_cnt) { #line 4041 reg___0 = al->fp_regs + i___0; #line 4042 if (! reg___0->callee_saved) { #line 4042 tmp___48 = is_active_register(al, reg___0, op); #line 4042 if (tmp___48) { #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4043 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4043 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___5 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___6 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___7 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (5 << 3)) | 4); #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)8; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char)102; #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 if (reg___0->id > 7) { #line 4043 tmp___22 = 4; } else { #line 4043 tmp___22 = 0; } #line 4043 _amd64_rex_bits___4 = (unsigned char )tmp___22; #line 4043 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___4 != 0) { #line 4043 tmp___23 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___23 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___4); } #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 tmp___24 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___24 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4043 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___25 = (unsigned char)19; #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___31 = (unsigned char )((((reg___0->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___32 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 break; #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 tmp___41 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___41 = (unsigned char )((((reg___0->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 break; #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 tmp___42 = jit->ip; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 *tmp___42 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((reg___0->id & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | 4); #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 4043 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 break; } #line 4043 break; } } } #line 4043 while (1) { #line 4043 break; } #line 4040 i___0 ++; } #line 4045 tmp___49 = required_stack_space_for_regs(jit, op); #line 4045 alignment = tmp___49 % 16; #line 4046 if (alignment != 0) { #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 if ((jit_value )(16 - alignment) >= -128L) { #line 4046 if ((jit_value )(16 - alignment) <= 127L) { #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 _amd64_rex_bits___5 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4046 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___5 != 0) { #line 4046 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___50 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___5); } #line 4046 break; } #line 4046 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___51 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 tmp___52 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___52 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (5 << 3)) | 4); #line 4046 break; } #line 4046 break; } #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )((16 - alignment) & 0xff); #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 break; } } else { #line 4046 goto _L; } } else { _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 _amd64_rex_bits___7 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4046 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___7 != 0) { #line 4046 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___59 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___7); } #line 4046 break; } #line 4046 tmp___60 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___60 = (unsigned char)129; #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___61 = (unsigned char )(((3 << 6) | (5 << 3)) | 4); #line 4046 break; } #line 4046 break; } #line 4046 while (1) { #line 4046 imb___5.val = 16 - alignment; #line 4046 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___62 = imb___5.b[0]; #line 4046 tmp___63 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___63 = imb___5.b[1]; #line 4046 tmp___64 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___64 = imb___5.b[2]; #line 4046 tmp___65 = jit->ip; #line 4046 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4046 *tmp___65 = imb___5.b[3]; #line 4046 break; } } #line 4046 break; } } #line 4047 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_save_all_regs LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF move_red_right LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static jit_tree *move_red_right(jit_tree *h ) { int tmp ; { #line 2150 color_flip(h); #line 2151 tmp = is_red((h->left)->left); #line 2151 if (tmp) { #line 2152 h = rotate_right(h); #line 2153 color_flip(h); } #line 2155 return (h); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF move_red_right LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF emit_branch_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void emit_branch_op(struct jit *jit , struct jit_op *op , int cond , int imm , int sign ) { unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp ; unsigned char *tmp___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___2 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; x86_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; int tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___17 ; int tmp___18 ; unsigned char *tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char *tmp___21 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___22 ; int offset ; int tmp___23 ; size_t tmp___24 ; int tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; { #line 4349 if (imm) { #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 if (op->r_arg[2] >= -128L) { #line 4349 if (op->r_arg[2] <= 127L) { #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4349 tmp = 1; } else { #line 4349 tmp = 0; } #line 4349 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp); #line 4349 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 4349 tmp___0 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___0 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } #line 4349 break; } #line 4349 tmp___1 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___1 = (unsigned char)131; #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 tmp___2 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___2 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | (7 << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4349 break; } #line 4349 break; } #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char )(op->r_arg[2] & 255L); #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 break; } } else { #line 4349 goto _L; } } else _L: /* CIL Label */ #line 4349 if (op->r_arg[1] == 0L) { #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4349 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 4349 tmp___3 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___3 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 4349 break; } #line 4349 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )((7 << 3) + 5); #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 imb.val = (int )op->r_arg[2]; #line 4349 tmp___5 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___5 = imb.b[0]; #line 4349 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___6 = imb.b[1]; #line 4349 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___7 = imb.b[2]; #line 4349 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___8 = imb.b[3]; #line 4349 break; } } else { #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4349 tmp___9 = 1; } else { #line 4349 tmp___9 = 0; } #line 4349 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char )(8 | tmp___9); #line 4349 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 4349 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___10 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 4349 break; } #line 4349 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___11 = (unsigned char)129; #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___12 = (unsigned char )((long )((3 << 6) | (7 << 3)) | (op->r_arg[1] & 7L)); #line 4349 break; } #line 4349 break; } #line 4349 while (1) { #line 4349 imb___0.val = (int )op->r_arg[2]; #line 4349 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___13 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 4349 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___14 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 4349 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___15 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 4349 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 4349 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4349 *tmp___16 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 4349 break; } } #line 4349 break; } } else { #line 4350 while (1) { #line 4350 while (1) { #line 4350 if (op->r_arg[1] > 7L) { #line 4350 tmp___17 = 4; } else { #line 4350 tmp___17 = 0; } #line 4350 if (op->r_arg[2] > 7L) { #line 4350 tmp___18 = 1; } else { #line 4350 tmp___18 = 0; } #line 4350 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )((8 | tmp___17) | tmp___18); #line 4350 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 4350 tmp___19 = jit->ip; #line 4350 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4350 *tmp___19 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } #line 4350 break; } #line 4350 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 4350 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4350 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char )((7 << 3) + 3); #line 4350 while (1) { #line 4350 while (1) { #line 4350 tmp___21 = jit->ip; #line 4350 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4350 *tmp___21 = (unsigned char )(((long )(3 << 6) | ((op->r_arg[1] & 7L) << 3)) | (op->r_arg[2] & 7L)); #line 4350 break; } #line 4350 break; } #line 4350 break; } } #line 4351 op->patch_addr = (jit_value )jit->ip - (jit_value )jit->buf; #line 4352 while (1) { #line 4352 while (1) { #line 4352 _amd64_rex_bits___3 = (unsigned char)8; #line 4352 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___3 != 0) { #line 4352 tmp___22 = jit->ip; #line 4352 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4352 *tmp___22 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___3); } #line 4352 break; } #line 4352 while (1) { #line 4352 tmp___25 = jit_is_label(jit, (void *)op->r_arg[0]); #line 4352 if (tmp___25) { #line 4352 tmp___24 = ((size_t )((jit_value )jit->buf) + ((jit_label *)op->r_arg[0])->pos) - (size_t )((jit_value )jit->ip); } else { #line 4352 tmp___24 = (size_t )op->r_arg[0]; } #line 4352 offset = (int )(tmp___24 - 6UL); #line 4352 while (1) { #line 4352 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 4352 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4352 *tmp___26 = (unsigned char)15; #line 4352 if (sign) { #line 4352 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 4352 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4352 *tmp___27 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_signed_map[cond] + 16); } else { #line 4352 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 4352 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4352 *tmp___28 = (unsigned char )((int const )x86_cc_unsigned_map[cond] + 16); } #line 4352 while (1) { #line 4352 imb___1.val = offset; #line 4352 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 4352 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4352 *tmp___29 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 4352 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 4352 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4352 *tmp___30 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 4352 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 4352 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4352 *tmp___31 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 4352 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 4352 (jit->ip) ++; #line 4352 *tmp___32 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 4352 break; } #line 4352 break; } #line 4352 break; } #line 4352 break; } #line 4353 return; } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF emit_branch_op LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF _OSSwapInt32 LOC=UNKNOWN */ __inline static __uint32_t _OSSwapInt32(__uint32_t _data ) { int tmp ; { #line 60 "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/libkern/i386/_OSByteOrder.h" tmp = __builtin_bswap32((int )_data); #line 60 return ((__uint32_t )tmp); } } /* END FUNCTION-DEF _OSSwapInt32 LOC=UNKNOWN */ /* BEGIN FUNCTION-DEF sse_alu_pd_reg_safeimm LOC=UNKNOWN */ static void sse_alu_pd_reg_safeimm(struct jit *jit , jit_op *op , int op_id , int reg , double *imm ) { jit_hw_reg *r ; jit_hw_reg *tmp ; int _amd64_width_temp ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; int tmp___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___4 ; int tmp___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___6 ; amd64_imm_buf imb ; unsigned char *tmp___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___10 ; unsigned char *tmp___11 ; unsigned char *tmp___12 ; unsigned char *tmp___13 ; unsigned char *tmp___14 ; x86_imm_buf imb___0 ; unsigned char *tmp___15 ; unsigned char *tmp___16 ; unsigned char *tmp___17 ; unsigned char *tmp___18 ; int tmp___19 ; unsigned char *tmp___20 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___0 ; int tmp___21 ; int tmp___22 ; int tmp___23 ; int tmp___24 ; unsigned char *tmp___25 ; unsigned char *tmp___26 ; unsigned char *tmp___27 ; unsigned char *tmp___28 ; x86_imm_buf imb___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___29 ; unsigned char *tmp___30 ; unsigned char *tmp___31 ; unsigned char *tmp___32 ; unsigned char *tmp___33 ; unsigned char *tmp___34 ; unsigned char *tmp___35 ; unsigned char *tmp___36 ; unsigned char *tmp___37 ; unsigned char *tmp___38 ; x86_imm_buf imb___2 ; unsigned char *tmp___39 ; unsigned char *tmp___40 ; unsigned char *tmp___41 ; unsigned char *tmp___42 ; unsigned char *tmp___43 ; unsigned char *tmp___44 ; unsigned char *tmp___45 ; x86_imm_buf imb___3 ; unsigned char *tmp___46 ; unsigned char *tmp___47 ; unsigned char *tmp___48 ; unsigned char *tmp___49 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___1 ; unsigned char *tmp___50 ; unsigned char *tmp___51 ; int _amd64_width_temp___0 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___2 ; int tmp___52 ; int tmp___53 ; int tmp___54 ; unsigned char *tmp___55 ; int tmp___56 ; unsigned char *tmp___57 ; amd64_imm_buf imb___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___58 ; unsigned char *tmp___59 ; unsigned char *tmp___60 ; unsigned char *tmp___61 ; unsigned char *tmp___62 ; unsigned char *tmp___63 ; unsigned char *tmp___64 ; unsigned char *tmp___65 ; x86_imm_buf imb___5 ; unsigned char *tmp___66 ; unsigned char *tmp___67 ; unsigned char *tmp___68 ; unsigned char *tmp___69 ; int tmp___70 ; unsigned char *tmp___71 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___3 ; int tmp___72 ; unsigned char *tmp___73 ; unsigned char *tmp___74 ; unsigned char *tmp___75 ; unsigned char *tmp___76 ; x86_imm_buf imb___6 ; unsigned char *tmp___77 ; unsigned char *tmp___78 ; unsigned char *tmp___79 ; unsigned char *tmp___80 ; unsigned char *tmp___81 ; unsigned char *tmp___82 ; unsigned char *tmp___83 ; unsigned char *tmp___84 ; unsigned char *tmp___85 ; unsigned char *tmp___86 ; x86_imm_buf imb___7 ; unsigned char *tmp___87 ; unsigned char *tmp___88 ; unsigned char *tmp___89 ; unsigned char *tmp___90 ; unsigned char *tmp___91 ; unsigned char *tmp___92 ; unsigned char *tmp___93 ; x86_imm_buf imb___8 ; unsigned char *tmp___94 ; unsigned char *tmp___95 ; unsigned char *tmp___96 ; unsigned char *tmp___97 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___4 ; unsigned char *tmp___98 ; unsigned char *tmp___99 ; unsigned char *tmp___100 ; unsigned char _amd64_rex_bits___5 ; int tmp___101 ; unsigned char *tmp___102 ; unsigned char *tmp___103 ; unsigned char *tmp___104 ; unsigned char *tmp___105 ; unsigned char *tmp___106 ; x86_imm_buf imb___9 ; unsigned char *tmp___107 ; unsigned char *tmp___108 ; unsigned char *tmp___109 ; unsigned char *tmp___110 ; { #line 2953 if ((jit_unsigned_value )imm > 0xffffffffUL) { #line 2954 tmp = jit_get_unused_reg(jit->reg_al, op, 0); #line 2954 r = tmp; #line 2955 if (r) { #line 2956 while (1) { #line 2956 _amd64_width_temp = (size_t )((jit_value )imm) == (size_t )((int )((size_t )((jit_value )imm))); #line 2956 while (1) { #line 2956 while (1) { #line 2956 if (_amd64_width_temp) { #line 2956 tmp___2 = 4; } else { #line 2956 tmp___2 = 8; } #line 2956 if (tmp___2 > 4) { #line 2956 tmp___1 = 8; } else { #line 2956 tmp___1 = 0; } #line 2956 if (r->id > 7) { #line 2956 tmp___3 = 1; } else { #line 2956 tmp___3 = 0; } #line 2956 _amd64_rex_bits = (unsigned char )(tmp___1 | tmp___3); #line 2956 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits != 0) { #line 2956 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } else { #line 2956 if (_amd64_width_temp) { #line 2956 tmp___5 = 4; } else { #line 2956 tmp___5 = 8; } #line 2956 if (tmp___5 == 1) { #line 2956 tmp___4 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___4 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits); } } #line 2956 break; } #line 2956 tmp___6 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___6 = (unsigned char )(184 + (r->id & 0x7)); #line 2956 if (_amd64_width_temp) { #line 2956 tmp___19 = 4; } else { #line 2956 tmp___19 = 8; } #line 2956 if (tmp___19 == 8) { #line 2956 while (1) { #line 2956 imb.val = (size_t )((jit_value )imm); #line 2956 tmp___7 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___7 = imb.b[0]; #line 2956 tmp___8 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___8 = imb.b[1]; #line 2956 tmp___9 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___9 = imb.b[2]; #line 2956 tmp___10 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___10 = imb.b[3]; #line 2956 tmp___11 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___11 = imb.b[4]; #line 2956 tmp___12 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___12 = imb.b[5]; #line 2956 tmp___13 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___13 = imb.b[6]; #line 2956 tmp___14 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___14 = imb.b[7]; #line 2956 break; } } else { #line 2956 while (1) { #line 2956 imb___0.val = (int )((size_t )((jit_value )imm)); #line 2956 tmp___15 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___15 = imb___0.b[0]; #line 2956 tmp___16 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___16 = imb___0.b[1]; #line 2956 tmp___17 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___17 = imb___0.b[2]; #line 2956 tmp___18 = jit->ip; #line 2956 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2956 *tmp___18 = imb___0.b[3]; #line 2956 break; } } #line 2956 break; } #line 2956 break; } #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 tmp___20 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___20 = (unsigned char)102; #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 if (reg > 7) { #line 2957 tmp___21 = 4; } else { #line 2957 tmp___21 = 0; } #line 2957 if (r->id == 16) { #line 2957 tmp___24 = 0; } else { #line 2957 tmp___24 = r->id; } #line 2957 if (tmp___24 > 7) { #line 2957 tmp___23 = 1; } else { #line 2957 tmp___23 = 0; } #line 2957 _amd64_rex_bits___0 = (unsigned char )(tmp___21 | tmp___23); #line 2957 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___0 != 0) { #line 2957 tmp___25 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___25 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___0); } #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 tmp___26 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___26 = (unsigned char)15; #line 2957 tmp___27 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___27 = (unsigned char )op_id; #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 if (r->id == 16) { #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 tmp___28 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___28 = (unsigned char )((((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 5); #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 imb___1.val = 0; #line 2957 tmp___29 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___29 = imb___1.b[0]; #line 2957 tmp___30 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___30 = imb___1.b[1]; #line 2957 tmp___31 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___31 = imb___1.b[2]; #line 2957 tmp___32 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___32 = imb___1.b[3]; #line 2957 break; } } else { #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 if ((r->id & 0x7) == 4) { #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 tmp___33 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___33 = (unsigned char )((((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | 4); #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 tmp___34 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___34 = (unsigned char )((4 << 3) | 4); #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 if ((r->id & 0x7) != 5) { #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 tmp___43 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___43 = (unsigned char )((((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3) | ((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 tmp___44 = jit->ip; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 *tmp___44 = (unsigned char )(((1 << 6) | (((reg & 0x7) & 0x07) << 3)) | ((r->id & 0x7) & 0x07)); #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 while (1) { #line 2957 *(jit->ip) = (unsigned char)0; #line 2957 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 break; } } #line 2957 break; } #line 2957 break; } } else { #line 2959 while (1) { #line 2959 while (1) { #line 2959 _amd64_rex_bits___1 = (unsigned char)0; #line 2959 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___1 != 0) { #line 2959 tmp___50 = jit->ip; #line 2959 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2959 *tmp___50 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___1); } #line 2959 break; } #line 2959 tmp___51 = jit->ip; #line 2959 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2959 *tmp___51 = (unsigned char)80; #line 2959 break; } #line 2960 while (1) { #line 2960 _amd64_width_temp___0 = (size_t )((jit_value )imm) == (size_t )((int )((size_t )((jit_value )imm))); #line 2960 while (1) { #line 2960 while (1) { #line 2960 if (_amd64_width_temp___0) { #line 2960 tmp___54 = 4; } else { #line 2960 tmp___54 = 8; } #line 2960 if (tmp___54 > 4) { #line 2960 tmp___53 = 8; } else { #line 2960 tmp___53 = 0; } #line 2960 _amd64_rex_bits___2 = (unsigned char )tmp___53; #line 2960 if ((int )_amd64_rex_bits___2 != 0) { #line 2960 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 2960 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2960 *tmp___55 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } else { #line 2960 if (_amd64_width_temp___0) { #line 2960 tmp___56 = 4; } else { #line 2960 tmp___56 = 8; } #line 2960 if (tmp___56 == 1) { #line 2960 tmp___55 = jit->ip; #line 2960 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2960 *tmp___55 = (unsigned char )(0x40 | (int )_amd64_rex_bits___2); } } #line 2960 break; } #line 2960 tmp___57 = jit->ip; #line 2960 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2960 *tmp___57 = (unsigned char)184; #line 2960 if (_amd64_width_temp___0) { #line 2960 tmp___70 = 4; } else { #line 2960 tmp___70 = 8; } #line 2960 if (tmp___70 == 8) { #line 2960 while (1) { #line 2960 imb___4.val = (size_t )((jit_value )imm); #line 2960 tmp___58 = jit->ip; #line 2960 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2960 *tmp___58 = imb___4.b[0]; #line 2960 tmp___59 = jit->ip; #line 2960 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2960 *tmp___59 = imb___4.b[1]; #line 2960 tmp___60 = jit->ip; #line 2960 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2960 *tmp___60 = imb___4.b[2]; #line 2960 tmp___61 = jit->ip; #line 2960 (jit->ip) ++; #line 2960 *tmp___61 = imb___4.b[3]; #line 2960 tmp___62 = jit->ip; #line 296