
Operations for displaying internal data structures.

--Transform Info Print internal information.
--InfoKind src, cilCfg, tigressCfg, fun, ast, json, linear, linearJson, linearSource, alias, globals, universe, flat_globals, builtins, src2cil Information to print. For cfg, fun, and linear use --Functions, as usual, to specify which functions to print. --Transform=Info --InfoKind=src --Functions=foo is a good way to examine a function after each transformation.
  • src = Print the functions specified by --Functions in source form on standard output.
  • cilCfg = Print CIL's Control Flow Graph for the functions specified by --Functions on standard output.
  • tigressCfg = Output Tigress' Control Flow Graph in graphviz format. If you specify --Functions=foo, the dot file will be named foo.gv. Compile with dot -Tpdf > foo.pdf.
  • fun = Print the functions specified by --Functions in an internal format
  • ast = Output the Abstract Syntax Tree of the functions specified by --Functions. If you specify --Functions=foo, the dot file will be named foo.gv. Compile with dot -Tpdf > foo.pdf.
  • json = Output the Abstract Syntax Tree of the functions specified by --Functions in JSON format on standar output. Set --Verbosity to adjust the amount of information presented.
  • linear = Function in internal linearized block format (used as a starting point for flattening and branch functions)
  • linearJson = As "linear" but in a Json format.
  • linearSource = As "linear" but in a more C-like format.
  • alias = Print the pointer-graphs
  • globals = Print all symbols in the original program in an easy to parse format. This is useful to extract the names of and signatures of functions, local variables and their types, etc from a C program.
  • universe = Print the current universe of symbols.
  • flat_globals = Save the all C objects from the input file into the json file given by . This is a simple flat format useful for reading into other programs that need to know the functions, types, local variables etc defined by a program.
  • builtins = Print all the builtins (and their signatures) that Tigress knows about.
  • src2cil = Print all the globals as OCaml/Cil.
--InfoUniverseFileName string The name of the json file generated for the Tigress universe. From version 3.3 Default=universe.json.
--InfoGlobalsFileName string The name of the json file generated from Tigress global objects. From version 3.3 Default=globals.json.
--InfoCilFileName string The name of the C file generated for --InfoKind=src2cil. From version 4.0.6 Default=src2cil.c.
--InfoCilPrefix string Prefix for symbols generated by --InfoKind=src2cil. From version 4.0.6 Default="".