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Operations for displaying internal data structures.

--Transform Info Print internal information.
--InfoKind cilCfg, tigressCfg, fun, ast, json, src, linear, linearJson, linearSource, alias, globals, universe Information to print. For cfg, fun, and linear use --Functions, as usual, to specify which functions to print. --Transform=Info --InfoKind=src --Functions=foo is a good way to examine a function after each transformation.
  • cilCfg = CIL's control Flow Graph
  • tigressCfg = Tigress' control Flow Graph in graphviz format. Compile with dot -Tpdf > funname.pdf.
  • fun = Function in internal format
  • ast = Function in graphviz format. Compile with dot -Tpdf > funname.pdf.
  • json = Function in JSON format. Set --Verbosity to adjust the amount of information presented.
  • src = Function in source form
  • linear = Function in internal linearized block format (used as a starting point for flattening and branch functions)
  • linearJson = As "linear" but in a Json format.
  • linearSource = As "linear" but in a more C-like format.
  • alias = Print the pointer-graphs
  • globals = List of global symbols in the original program.
  • universe = Print the current universe of symbols.
--InfoUniverseFileName string The name of the json file generated for the Tigress universe. From version 3.3 Default=universe.json.
--InfoGlobalsFileName string The name of the json file generated from Tigress global objects. From version 3.3 Default=globals.json.