The Tigress Test System

To be able to test Tigress thorough across platforms, we have built a testing framework called tigress-test.

The program tigress_test2.exe runs tests of Tigress transformations that are described in a test cases JSON file and outputs results to a results JSON file and brief results to the console.

This page aims to be a comprehensive guide of configuring & running tigress-test on Linux and macOS, and any non platform-specific steps on Windows and Android.

Installing tigress-test

Installing dependencies on Debian-based Linux distributions:

# to install OCaml and dune
sudo apt install -y ocaml ocaml-dune opam

Installing dependencies on MacOS using homebrew:

brew install ocaml dune opam

Note that tigress-test requires ocaml >= 4.14. Before you proceed , make sure to check your OCaml version with

ocaml --version

Once you have the correct OCaml version, you may proceed to initialize the opam package manager. Optionally, add -c <switch-version> to initialize opam with the ocaml version you want. As of the time of writing, the latest OCaml stable version is 5.2.0. Also, install dependencies:

opam init 
opam install -y yojson atdgen re logs sha ppx_deriving ppx_enumerate

Building tigress-test

Change your working directory to $TIGRESS_TEST_HOME/src, and run

dune build


Environment variables: Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file, with the appropriate path to your tigress-test directory:

export TIGRESS_TEST_HOME=/path/to/your/tigress/test/directory

Then, restart your terminal or update your current shell environment with:

source ~/.bashrc

.tigress-test-config. It should look like so:

"tigress_home": "/usr/local/bin/tigresspkg/"

Running tigress-test

Once tigress-test has been built, its executable should be placed under $TIGRESS_TEST_HOME/src/_build/default/tigress_test2/tigress_test2.exe.

We suggest creating a link to the tigress-test executable in your TIGRESS_TEST_HOME directory. Cd to TIGRESS_TEST_HOME, then run the following:

ln -s src/_build/default/tigress_test2/tigress_test2.exe .

Testing modes

tigress-test supports two different testing modes: script mode and ad-hoc mode.

Script mode: Run the Tigress Test program with a command like the following:

./tigress_test2.exe run script_01.json

Replace the script file argument as necessary.

The results are output to a file named: results__.json. It contains the result and a duplicate of the test case information, which would be used in a future version to reproduce the test.

Ad-hoc mode: In this mode, tigress-test receives transformation options directly on the command line, in a somewhat similar fashion to running Tigress manually. Some notable flags include:

Tigress-Test Command Line Options

           run  [options] |
           rerun [results-file] |
           continue [results-file] |
           continue-queue [options] |
           testcases-run  [options] |
           worker-run  [options] |
           adhoc [options] |
           status [options] |
           stop [options] |
           help [topic]

The run Command

--path-to-c-compiler Location of C compiler to use; Either this must be provided or the path must be provided in the configuration file found in a conventional location: ~/.tigress-test/config or ~/.tigress-test-config or .tigress-test-config
--No-Config-File Don't use a config file.
--config-file Name of the configuration file to use, overriding the default
--parallel-processes Number of parallel processes for testing on the local machine; if this is set, the program will also try to run tests in parallel on remote machines if they are configured.
--parallel-run The program will try to run tests in parallel on remote machines if they are configured and on the local machine depending on the setting of "--remote-hosts" and "--remote-only".
--generate-only Generate test cases but do not run the tests.
--remote-only Run test cases only on remote machines, not on the local machine.
--remote-hosts Run test cases for the hosts with the host names/addresses given in a comma separated list.
--verbosity A verbosity level between 0 and 5 for log and console output: 0 - no log or console output; 1 - output in brief; 2 - include error messages as well; 3 - include warning messages as well; 4 - include verbose information; 5 - include verbose debugging information
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options

The rerun Command

--test-numbers A comma separated list of test numbers or test number ranges to rerun; ranges are separated with hyphens, e.g., 0 - 10.
--failed Re-run only all failed tests and any tests specified using the --Test-Numbers option
--enqueue Put test-cases to rerun in the queue, so that they can be monitored with "status" subcommand or restarted with "continue-queue"
--all-remotes Rerun the most recent tests on all remote hosts listed in the remote hosts file configured in the configuration file.
--remote-hosts Rerun the most recent tests on the hosts with the host names/addresses given in a comma separated list.
--verbosity A verbosity level between 0 and 5 for log and console output: 0 - no log or console output; 1 - output in brief; 2 - include error messages as well; 3 - include warning messages as well; 4 - include verbose information; 5 - include verbose debugging information
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options

The continue Command

--verbosity A verbosity level between 0 and 5 for log and console output: 0 - no log or console output; 1 - output in brief; 2 - include error messages as well; 3 - include warning messages as well; 4 - include verbose information; 5 - include verbose debugging information
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options

The addhoc Command

--path-to-c-compiler Location of C compiler to use; Either this must be provided or the path must be provided in the configuration file found in a conventional location: ~/.tigress-test/config or ~/.tigress-test-config or .tigress-test-config
--no-config-file Don't use a config file.
--config-file Name of the configuration file to use, overriding the default
--transform Name of a transformation to be performed in the transformation pipeline. This option may be provided more than once, and the transformations will be performed in the order in which they are provided.
--transform-option =<name,value> An option to the last transformation that was specified with a --Transform option. This may appear multiple times.
--source-file Path to a file to transform. Wildcards may be included to specify that multiple files should be transformed.
--seeds A comma separated list of seeds to pass to Tigress.
--input Input to pass to the C program.
-- Arguments to pass to the C program.
--save Filename to use to save the test_cases as a script to run again later.
--verbosity A verbosity level between 0 and 5 for log and console output: 0 - no log or console output; 1 - output in brief; 2 - include error messages as well; 3 - include warning messages as well; 4 - include verbose information; 5 - include verbose debugging information
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options

The testcases-run Command

--path-to-c-compiler Location of C compiler to use; Either this must be provided or the path must be provided in the configuration file found in a conventional location: ~/.tigress-test/config or ~/.tigress-test-config or .tigress-test-config
--No-Config-File Don't use a config file.
--config-file Name of the configuration file to use, overriding the default
--parallel-processes Number of parallel processes for testing on the local machine; if this is set, the program will also try to run tests in parallel on remote machines if they are configured.
--parallel-run The program will try to run tests in parallel on remote machines if they are configured and on the local machine depending on the setting of "--remote-hosts" and "--remote-only".
--generate-only Generate test cases but do not run the tests.
--remote-only Run test cases only on remote machines, not on the local machine.
--remote-hosts Run test cases for the hosts with the host names/addresses given in a comma separated list.
--verbosity A verbosity level between 0 and 5 for log and console output: 0 - no log or console output; 1 - output in brief; 2 - include error messages as well; 3 - include warning messages as well; 4 - include verbose information; 5 - include verbose debugging information
--test-number-start Test number to start running tests from.
--gen-spec-index Index of transformations generator specification within test_cases (generator) file to use (for running parallel test from a single test cases generator file).
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options

The worker-run Command

--test-number-start Test number to start running tests from.
--path-to-c-compiler Location of C compiler to use; Either this must be provided or the path must be provided in the configuration file found in a conventional location: ~/.tigress-test/config or ~/.tigress-test-config or .tigress-test-config
--No-Config-File Don't use a config file.
--continue-queue Interpret any filenames given as files to continue from, and also continue running files found in the queue directory.
--gen-spec-index Index of transformations generator specification within test_cases (generator) file to use (for running parallel test from a single test cases generator file).
--verbosity A verbosity level between 0 and 5 for log and console output: 0 - no log or console output; 1 - output in brief; 2 - include error messages as well; 3 - include warning messages as well; 4 - include verbose information; 5 - include verbose debugging information
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options

The status Command

Coming Soon

The stop Command

Coming Soon

The script-file

Coming Soon

The results-file

Title: test results file
Type: object
Description: file containing information about each test run, especially the result of testing each test case
  file_type (required): 
    Title: file type
    Type: string
    Description: string naming the type of file to distinguish it from other JSON files used by the program; this field always has the value "results"
  file_format_version (required): 
    Title: file format version
    Type: array
    Purpose: distinguish formats of the same file type that may be incompatible
    Description: version for this file, as a list of numbers; version 1.0.1 would be [ 1, 0, 1 ]; the first number is interpretted as "major" version and the last number as "revision"
    Usage: increment one of the numbers in the list to indicate a non-trivial change to the file format
      Type: int
  framework_build_identifier (required): 
    Title: framework build identifier
    Type: string
    Purpose: information and debugging
    Description: identifies the build of the framework that produced this file, which is an automatically generated value; if I forget to update the version number, I can still determine which source version produced the executable that produced this results file
  creation_time (required): 
    Title: creation time
    Type: float
    Purpose: enables searching for results by time, so as to find previous results for the same test cases
    Description: time since the epoch when file was created
    Usage: field may be set using "Unix.time ()"
  test_cases_file (required): 
    Title: test cases file
    Type: object
    Description: information uniquely describing the test cases file containing the test cases used in the test run that produced the results in this file
      filename (required): 
        Title: filename
        Type: string
        Description: full (absolute) path to the test cases file
      modified_time (required): 
        Title: modified time
        Type: float
        Description: the modification time of the file, recorded when the file was used by the test program for producing the current results
      checksum (required): 
        Title: checksum
        Type: string
        Purpose: uniquely identify the test cases file
        Description: SHA-256 hash of the file
      gen_spec_index (optional): 
        Title: gen_spec_index
        Type: int
        Purpose: identify which element of the list of transformation specifications was used to generate the set of test cases from which these results were produced
        Description: Index into the list of generator specifications for transformations to use in creating test cases that were run to produce the results file output
  results (required): 
    Title: results
    Type: array
    Description: list of results of running test cases
    Usage: One result object is added to this list after each test case has been run.  Before running any test case, a "null" is written into this list as a placeholder when the file is initialized.
      Type: object
        status (required): 
          Title: status
          Type: string
          Description: whether the test was completed (an incomplete test implies a result of "FAIL", but a completed test may be either a "PASS" or a "FAIL"
        result (required): 
          Title: result
          Type: string
          Description: whether the test passed or failed
        start_time (optional): 
          Title: start time
          Type: float
          Purpose: keep tract of how long a test program takes to execute
          Description: time since the epoch when the obfuscated program was invoked to execute
        end_time (optional): 
          Title: end time
          Type: float
          Description: time since the epoch when the obfuscated program exited or was terminated and that state was registered by the calling process
        elapsed_time (optional): 
          Title: elapsed time for obfuscated program
          Type: float
          Description: time elapsed while the calling process was waiting on the obfuscated program to produce output
        elapsed_time_orig (optional): 
          Title: elapsed time for original program
          Type: float
          Description: time elapsed while the calling process was waiting on the original program to produce output
        elapsed_time_delta_percent (optional): 
          Title: elapsed time delta from previous result (percent)
          Type: variant
          Description: difference between the elapsed time for running the obfuscated program and that same measure made in the most recent previous run, as a percent (i.e., (new - old)/old * 100.0)
            DELTA_PERCENT of:
              Type: float
        test_case (required): 
          Title: test case
          Type: object
          Description: all of the information needed to run one test case
            compiler (optional): 
              Title: compiler
              Type: object
              Description: full path to the compiler to use to compiler the source code
                filename (required): 
                  Title: filename
                  Type: string
                  Description: path to the program
                version (optional): 
                  Title: version
                  Type: string
                  Description: version of the program
                version_command (optional): 
                  Title: version command
                  Type: string
                  Description: a commmand to run to cause the program to output its version string, which could be compared with the contents of the "version" field
            compiler_options (optional): 
              Title: compiler options
              Type: string
              Description: command line options that should alwasy be passed to the compiler
            tigress (optional): 
              Title: Tigress executable
              Type: object
              Description: full path to the Tigress executable to use
                filename (required): 
                  Title: filename
                  Type: string
                  Description: path to the program
                version (optional): 
                  Title: version
                  Type: string
                  Description: version of the program
                version_command (optional): 
                  Title: version command
                  Type: string
                  Description: a commmand to run to cause the program to output its version string, which could be compared with the contents of the "version" field
            tigress_options (optional): 
              Title: Tigress options
              Type: string
              Description: command line options that should always be passed to Tigrees (in addition to options for the transformations)
            max_run_seconds (required): 
              Title: max run seconds
              Type: int
              Description: number of seconds after which to time out and terminate the process running the test for any given test case
            test_number (optional): 
              Title: test number
              Type: int
              Description: a unique number (within this test run) identifying the test case; generally it will start from one and increment by one
            seed (optional): 
              Title: seed for random number generator
              Type: int
              Description: seed to pass to Tigress
            transformations (optional): 
              Type: array
                Title: transformations
                Type: object
                  transform_name (required): 
                    Title: transformation name
                    Type: string
                    Description: name of a transformation (which gets passed to Tigress in a --Transform= option)
                  transform_options (required): 
                    Title: transformation options
                    Type: array
                      Type: object
                        option_name (required): 
                          Title: option name
                          Type: string
                          Description: name of the option; appears before the equals sign in a name/value pair on the Tigress command line
                        option_value (optional): 
                          Title: option value
                          Type: string
                          Description: value for the option; appears after the equals sign in a name/value pair on the Tigress command line
            source_file (optional): 
              Title: source file
              Type: object
              Description: description of the source file containing the code to transform for this test case
                filename (required): 
                  Title: filename
                  Type: string
                  Description: path to the source code file
                checksum (optional): 
                  Title: checksum
                  Type: string
                  Purpose: uniquely identify the source code
                  Description: SHA-256 hash of the file
                args (optional): 
                  Title: args
                  Type: array
                  Description: arguments to pass to the program when executed
                    Type: string
                input (optional): 
                  Title: input
                  Type: string
                  Description: data to pass to the program through its standard input when it is executed
                functions (optional): 
                  Title: functions
                  Type: array
                  Description: list of all of the function in the source code or of all of the function which should be considered for transformation
                    Type: string
        tigress_output (optional): 
          Title: standard output from Tigress
          Type: string
          Description: complete contents of the standard output from running Tigress for the test case that produced this result
        tigress_error (optional): 
          Title: standard error from Tigress
          Type: string
          Description: complete contents of the standard error from running Tigress for the test case that produced this result
        compiler_output (optional): 
          Title: standard output from compiler, compiling obfuscated program
          Type: string
          Description: complete contents of the standard output from running the compiler to compile the obfuscated program
        compiler_error (optional): 
          Title: standard error from compiler, compiling obfuscated program
          Type: string
          Description: complete contents of the standard error from running the compiler to compile the obfuscated program
        compiler_output_orig (optional): 
          Title: standard output from compiler, compiling original program
          Type: string
          Description: complete contents of the standard output from running the compiler to compile the original program
        compiler_error_orig (optional): 
          Title: standard error from compiler, compiling original program
          Type: string
          Description: complete contents of the standard error from running the compiler to compile the original program
        halstead_before (optional): 
          Title: Halstead metric before obfuscation
          Type: string
          Description: the output of the SoftwareMetric transformation's Halstead metric for the functions which will be obfuscated
        halstead_after (optional): 
          Title: Halstead metric after obfuscation
          Type: string
          Description: the output of the SoftwareMetric transformation's Halstead metric for the functions which were obfuscated
        halstead_function_length_greatest_difference (optional): 
          Title: greatest difference between before and after Halstead function lengths
          Type: int
          Purpose: detect change produced by the obfuscating transformations (e.g., make sure the transformation had an effect)
          Description: for each function that was obfuscated, there is an (absolute value of the) difference between the length given by the Halstead metric before the transformation and that given after the transformation for that function; one function (or possibly more that one, if there is a tie) has the largest value for absolute value of difference in length; that value is this "greatest difference".
        halstead_difference_delta_percent (optional): 
          Title: Halstead function length delta from previous result (percent)
          Type: variant
          Description: difference between the greatest difference in the Halstead function lengths and that same measure made in the most recent previous run, as a percent (i.e., (new - old)/old * 100.0)
            DELTA_PERCENT of:
              Type: float
        previous_result (optional): 
          Title: previous result
          Type: object
          Description: all of the same result fields containing the data from one (most recent) previous run

The test-cases-file

Coming Soon